Quote:This thing had all of the basic earmarks and ingredients of a pit bull attack
Which of Zimmerman's relatively minor injuries supports that statement? The two
very small one inch and 1/4 inch cuts on the back of his head?

? Have you even seen medical evidence that supports the claim his nose was fractured? Where are the bruises to support his claims of being pounded by Martin's fists?
Quote:A rational person who was pissed off enough would have decked Zimmerman and walked away
Except Zimmerman shot and killed the kid before he could walk away.
This is about equality and about whether or not there are now supposed to be special/protected groups of people who we're not even allowed to defend ourselves against when one of them goes crazy and tries to kill us.
Right, George Zimmerman should not be part of a "special/protected" group--Trayvon Martin, an unarmed minor, just returning from from a trip to the store, had a right to try to defend himself from this man who stalked, confronted, and then
did kill him--and that's why Zimmerman will now be held accountable for his actions in a court of law.
Quote:We now know that Trayvon Martin had marijuana in his system, so George Zimmerman was correct when he suggested that Martin was high.
Autopsy results found only
traces of marijuana in Martin's system--which suggest some use within the past 30 days--he was not "high" at the time of his death.
On the other hand, Zimmerman had been prescribed an amphetamine drug--speed--at the time of the shooting, and Zimmerman was the one with a history of poor control of aggressive impulses--he had been court-ordered to take anger management classes.
Try looking at the actual evidence in this case.
Reading your posts I now have a better, first-hand, understanding of what is meant by the "lunatic fringe".