Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Mon 14 May, 2012 09:50 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:

David is not a racist. No matter who you are, if I shoot you and I claim self-defense, David will stand by me, black, white, chicano, whatever.

Joe(even if I shot the nun in the back)Nation

You know him well, do ya?
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 02:00 am
@Joe Nation,
Hehehehe . . .

That falls into the "ugly truth" category . . .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:01 pm
ABC News, Zimmerman medical report consistent with the notion of a struggle for survival:


Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:27 pm
That would be accurate if you left off the last two words.
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:41 pm
ABC News, Zimmerman medical report consistent with the notion of a struggle for survival

It may be consistent with a fight, but not necessarily "a struggle for survival".

Two very small lacerations (one almost an inch long, and the other a quarter-inch long) on the back of his head do not lend much support, at all, to a claim that his head was repeatedly pounded into the pavement. He had no swelling or bruising of the back of his head, and he was not referred for a neurological consult or sent for skull x-rays or a CAT-scan, as would be done with a head trauma. He also did not report problems with his cervical spine, which might be expected if his head was moved back and forth in a pounding motion.

He may have been punched in the nose, even knocked down, but his injuries don't support much beyond that. And they don't tell you who provoked or started the fight. If Zimmerman started the fight, he cannot claim he shot Martin in self defense--and Dan Abrams, a lawyer, just said that on CNN.

But it's interesting to note that Zimmerman was on a psychiatric medication for treatment of ADD/hyperactivity/impulsivity, Adderall, which is an amphetamine product. In other words, he was on "speed".

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:45 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
That would be accurate if you left off the last two words.
What is the source of your information on this point ????
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:48 pm
ABC News, Zimmerman medical report consistent with the notion of a struggle for survival
firefly wrote:
It may be consistent with a fight, but not necessarily "a struggle for survival".
HOW cud u, or Zimmy,
know whether the next impact 'd have severe, maybe fatal results ????????
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:58 pm
Zimmerman have a duty to allow Trayvon to pound away on him by the logic of the Fireflies of the world.

As in the news story I posted here a train cop in the same position shot and kill his "unarmed" attacker trying to pound his head into the sidewalk and was found fully innocent and justify.

The only difference is that the cop follow the training that in a self defense shooting you placed two not one round into your attacker.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 08:01 pm
HOW cud u, or Zimmy,
know whether the next impact 'd have severe, maybe fatal results ????????

So, in your trigger-happy mind, any fist fight justifies the use of deadly force--since you don't know the possible results the next blow might have?

You and BillRM are convincing me that we need stricter gun control and self-defense laws.

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 08:10 pm
I'd vote for stricter computer access FIRST!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 08:41 pm
You and BillRM are convincing me that we need stricter gun control and self-defense laws.

Sure it would had been far better to had a dead Zimmerman and a Trayvon who would had been locked away for the rest of his life for murder.

With any "luck" he could had live behind bars in a small cell for 53 years or so and cost the taxpayers in today money roughly two millions dollars.

I can see your point Firefly that the above outcome would had been far better then what did occur.

I will give you this if Zimmerman had been kill that night by Trayvon it would had barely been a local news story less alone a international one it is now.

What the old saying dog bit man is not news man bit dog is news however and that is not even taking into account the phony racial elements that had been placed into this story.

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 08:58 pm
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 09:15 pm
By the way Firefly in your desire to change the self defense laws I assume you are for also for changing the laws in Florida that it is legal to used deadly force to stop a rape if need be? Rolling Eyes

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 09:24 pm
Oh Firefly in the state of Florida you have roughly 14 times the numbers of legally arm citizens then police officers.

Very very unfair to the Trayvons of the world in never knowing when you assault someone whether you are assaulting an arm citizen or not.

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 09:29 pm
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 09:39 pm
Cute cartoon but you did not answer my question are you for doing away with the citizen right in Florida to used deadly force to stop a forcible felony such as a rape in progress?

Seems that if you do not wish citizens to have the right to defend their lives by the use of deadly force you must also be against using deadly force to stop a rape if need be.

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 09:51 pm
Seems that if you do not wish citizens to have the right to defend their lives by the use of deadly force you must also be against using deadly force to stop a rape if need be.

Was Martin trying to rape Zimmerman?

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 10:34 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
David: I defy you to find any report where Zimmerman is QUOTED
as saying that Martin was pounding his head on a side walk
or anything like that. You've just made all this crap up
based on how you think the events went down.

You are just imagining things and reporting them as fact

Joe(that's my job)Nation
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Your defiance to the contrary notwithstanding,
I don't get paid enuf for that work,
but I 've encountered it, in passing, numerous times.
If I chance upon it again, I 'll let u know.

OK, Joe. Here is an excerpt taken from Gunga's Post: # 4,983,898
of an ABC-TV News story, upon which I chanced, as per my assurance to u.
(I will not charge u for my efforts to accomodate your requirements in this matter):


ABC-TV News wrote:
Moments after the shooting Zimmerman told eyewitnesses he shot Martin in self defense.
He later told officers his head was being pounded into the pavement and that
he feared for his life, but that it was only when Martin seemed to reach for the gun
wedges in his waistband that Zimmerman drew his weapon and fired directly into Martin's chest -- killing him.
[All emfasis has been added by David.] CREDIT and THANX TO GUNGA!!!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 10:51 pm
If you don't have anything intelligent to say there's always the option of keeping your mouth shut...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 10:58 pm
Since the whack jobs are freely spouting their "view" of what happened, I'll throw mine in...
I think while acting in his self-appointed guardian of the neighborhood role, GZ spotted someone walking home, minding his own business, and decided in his pea brain that this was just another one of those "assholes" who "always get away with it".

So he pursued TM with it in mind to confront him, because he had decided that TM had no business there. To cover his own ass he called the police - fully intent on confronting TM no matter what the police said. I think GZ caught up to TM and challenged him as to what he was doing in 'his' neighborhood.

I think much to GZ's chagrin however, TM was not reticent - I think TM was plain old not going to be messed with by some overweight guy he didn't know, who wasn't a cop and who had no business demanding to know why TM was there. I think TM's refusal to be cowed and intimidated sent GZ into another level of trying to bully TM, and I think TM was determined he wasn't going to get questioned by this nobody when he was just going back home to finish watching the All Star Game. I think blows were thrown, TM started getting the better of GZ, and GZ did what cowards do - pulled a gun and killed an innocent teenager.

I think GZ had enough dealings with local law enforcement that he thought he could get away with shooting someone - especially since he had already set up the scenario by calling TM in as a "suspicious" character. I think he might still get away with it, but that he definitely would have except for it not passing the sniff test for a whole lot of people's noses who shined the national spotlight on it.

I don't think GZ will get what is coming to him from the justice system. But even if he gets a couple of years, maybe that's better than nothing. Maybe he can be put in the general population of a prison; maybe with someone who thinks he doesn't look like he belongs there, and decides to put him in his place.

I can always hope....

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