Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Joe Nation
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 12:54 pm
Georgeob1: pay attention. How many times do I have to say I find Sharpton abhorrent for any number of reasons including those twenty-five year old ones which you and Bill(every liberal is a Nazi)rm seem to hold so fresh in your minds?

Joe(Are any of the Nazis on A2k, neo-Nazis, Bill?)Nation

0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 12:56 pm
If I was Zimmerman, I'd insist on being arrested. What better arena to show the truth and value of my ideals than before a jury?

Joe(It was a dark and stormy night, your Honor)Nation
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 01:20 pm
@Joe Nation,
But aren't they Nazis too?

What kicked off BillRM's Nazi lunacy was my saying I didn't think Sharpton was anti-Semitic. His response to me was...
Once more do you have German blood in your veins?

He''s quick on the draw with the slurs.

BillRM isn't exactly connected to present reality.

I hate to disappoint BillRM, but even the Anti-Defamation League (the major organization dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism) doesn't regard Sharpton as an anti-Semite, and, in fact, he sometimes works with them.

Foxman and Sharpton Issue Joint Statement on Symbols of Hate

New York, NY, November 1, 2007….Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network, today issued the following statement regarding the series of recent displays of nooses and swastikas in our community:

The recent epidemic of nooses and swastikas appearing in various places in our communities are acts of hate and are intended to intimidate and instill fear. Such acts are despicable, and we call upon all people of good will – of all races, religions and ethnicities – to stand up and say such acts will not be tolerated.

Together we call for swift passage of proposed legislation to modify the existing New York state law which prohibits the depiction of a swastika on someone's property, to similarly prohibit the public display of a noose with the intent to threaten or harrass. Nooses, like swastikas, are remnants from a tragic period of history, and the impact of their display still resonates deeply in our souls and in our communities. They cry to their intended targets, "You still do not belong!"

We must encourage an open and honest examination of the underlying hatred and potential for violence that these recent rash of incidents represent. They are attacks against not just a person or a group but against democracy and pluralism. We must use these incidents to educate people—especially our youth—about the consequences of racism, anti-Semitism, and all forms of bigotry and prejudice.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

If Sharpton was, in fact, an anti-Semite, the ADL, in particular, would have no association with him of any kind.

I wonder if that will affect anyone's Nazi status in BillRM's mind?

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 01:40 pm
No chance; BillRM's brain is already calcified with his racial bigotry.
Joe Nation
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 01:54 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'm sure he sees it as being steadfast.

Joe(poor sap)Nation
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 02:05 pm
@Joe Nation,
Being steadfast and ignorant are dangerous characteristics.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 03:09 pm
@Joe Nation,
I'd like to revise and extend my remarks (I learned to say that on Cspan).

If I was Zimmerman and I thought I was innocent, I would insist on being arrested, charged, held over for a bond hearing and then I'd insist on the JURY trial being televised.

Hell, it worked for OJ,

Joe(and he was guilty)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 03:19 pm
@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
If I was Zimmerman, I'd insist on being arrested.
What better arena to show the truth and value of my ideals than before a jury?

Joe(It was a dark and stormy night, your Honor)Nation
If the police were un-cooperative,
woud u perform a citizen's arrest upon yourself?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 03:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
No chance; BillRM's brain is already calcified with his racial bigotry.
If I remember, Bill's posts in earlier months and years
have shown him to be pro-black, in his sympathies.

Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 03:34 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:
No chance; BillRM's brain is already calcified with his racial bigotry.
If I remember, Bill's posts in earlier months and years
have shown him to be pro-black, in his sympathies.


Not only that.....but Bill seems to be 90% pure liberal. There is no rational way to confuse him with a right winger.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 03:45 pm

cicerone imposter wrote:
No chance; BillRM's brain is already calcified with his racial bigotry.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
If I remember, Bill's posts in earlier months and years
have shown him to be pro-black, in his sympathies.

hawkeye10 wrote:
Not only that.....but Bill seems to be 90% pure liberal.
There is no rational way to confuse him with a right winger.
Yes; that 's how I remember most of the history of his posts.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 04:13 pm
History means nothing if his current stance on issues about blacks/minorities have changed. It's how he "feels/thinks" today that counts.

Back in the old days, I was an angel. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 05:36 pm
David I am an arm liberal that believe in the right of self defense and that along with my strong dislike of black con-men like Sharpton and Jackson might be confusing to some of the posters here.

Hate the idea of such men for their own benefits stirring racial hate and pointing the members of the black community in the wrong direction as far as the sources of the problems that need to be address in that community.

White racists and the police are not killing black young men in thousands in any given year but sadly other black young men are doing so.

To bad you never seems to see either one of those gentlemen on the scene where there was a gang drive by killing of innocent black bystanders.

We have an out of control war on drugs that had never stop or slow down anyone finding any drug they might wish to buy but had result in the pouring of untold billions into financing the criminal elements worldwide including black drug gangs.

Then we had a criminal justice system that wink at large amount of cocaine but send blacks to prison for decades over must smaller crack cocaine and so on.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 05:46 pm
shown him to be pro-black, in his sympathies

I like to see myself as pro people with special note of the average citizens that tend to get it in the neck no matter what their skin color happen to be.

As far as being anti black I think that my two half black step daughters and my 1/4 black three step grandsons and my one step grand daughter would be surprise to hear that I am a racist.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 05:46 pm
Your idea of "self defense" is much different than most level-headed folks, and most are liberals. FACT: Most NRA members are conservatives. Your position on the Zimmer "case" tells us all we need to know about you.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 06:11 pm
I hate to disappoint BillRM, but even the Anti-Defamation League (the major organization dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism) doesn't regard Sharpton as an anti-Semite, and, in fact, he sometimes works with them.

Sorry dear but his words and his actions are a matter of public record no matter what his relationship is with the ADL might be or not be.

One of the clear outrage in the Crown Heights attack by blacks on this small Jewish community and Sharpton and Jackson anti-Jewish comments, was that of all non-black groups in the 50s and 60s the US Jewish community have an outstanding record of not only supporting the black civil right movement with fundings but with the blood of their young people in the South in many cases during the freedoms rides and the black voting drives.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 06:18 pm
Here's an interesting report on Romney from members of the NRA.

What NRA Members Think Of Romney: ‘Grabbing At Straws To Get Popularity,’ ‘Panders To Whoever He’s Talking To’
By Ben Armbruster on Apr 15, 2012 at 8:00 am
ST. LOUIS, MO — GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney tried to win over National Rifle Association members on Friday, delivering a speech at the NRA’s annual meeting in St. Louis. Romney — who has in the past supported numerous gun control measures — assured NRA members that he is one of them. “We need a President who will stand up for [gun rights],” Romney said . “President Obama has not; I will.” Also on Friday, Newt Gingrich, Romney’s remaining challenger for the Republican nomination for president, went all in, saying everyone in the world should own a gun.
ThinkProgress asked a number of NRA members attending the meetings in St. Louis about the candidates and it doesn’t appear that they’re buying Romney’s pitch. Moreover, not only did many say they preferred Gingrich over the former Massachusetts governor on gun issues, but most believed Romney either isn’t pro-gun or is pandering on gun issues to get their vote:
– “I just feel like [Gingrich is] more into the gun sporting and those aspects of — and also he’s a strong backer of the Second Amendment.
– “Well so far [Romney] hasn’t demonstrated himself as being, you know, highly pro-gun but you know there’s always hope.”
– “I would trust Newt more than I would Mitt on the guns. … I just think he’s more conservative.”
– “I’d rather have Newt Gingrich. … I think he’s more pro-gun.”
– “It seems like [Romney is] just kind of grabbing at straws to get popularity at this point so the gun issue was just yet another thing.”
– “I think maybe Gingrich [will support gun rights] more so than Romney.”
– “I heard Romney’s [speech]. I think he’s an idiot. And I’m a Republican. … I believe that people should stand up for their principles and I think that he panders to whoever he’s talking to.

I'll admit, I'm not sure about the ratio of republicans vs democrats in the NRA.

Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 06:22 pm


by Bill Levinson

The Anti-Defamation League has done many questionable things in the past, such as whitewashing MoveOn.org’s propagation of anti-Semitic and other forms of hate speech. There is no conceivable excuse for its recent legitimization and empowerment of one of the United States’ most vicious racists and anti-Semites: Al Sharpton of the National Action Network

Foxman and Sharpton Issue Joint Statement on Symbols of Hate

New York, NY, November 1, 2007….Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network, today issued the following statement regarding the series of recent displays of nooses and swastikas in our community:

The problem is not, of course, Foxman’s or Sharpton’s condemnation of nooses and swastikas. The problem is that Foxman’s enhancement of Al Sharpton’s credibility by joining him in making any kind of statement empowers and enables a professional racist and anti-Semite, and a racist and anti-Semitic hate organization in the bargain. The central point is that, despite Foxman’s own acts of questionable judgment, the ADL still enjoys considerable respect and credibility as a civil rights and tolerance organization. By associating ADL with a vicious racist and anti-Semite, ADL sends the message that this professional bigot is actually a civil rights leader–sort of like the United Nations putting Syria, North Korea, or Libya on a human rights commission. Abraham Foxman has therefore stepped completely over the line of common decency by associating himself, and therefore the ADL, with exactly the same kind of hate organization and hate monger the ADL claims to oppose. This is what Abraham Foxman is enabling and empowering:

Democrats Embrace ‘Impresario of Hatred’ by Fred Siegel reports:

It would have taken no great effort for the reporters covering the Apollo debate to have walked across 125th Street from the theater to visit Freddy’s Fashion Mart, where in 1995 eight people died in a murderous rampage inspired by Mr. Sharpton. Mr. Sharpton is best-known for the Tawana Brawley hoax, in which he insisted that a 15-year-old black girl had been abducted and raped by a band of white men practicing Irish Republican Army rituals. In fact she had made up the story to protect herself from her violent stepfather. But at Freddy’s, Mr. Sharpton was even more malevolent. He turned a landlord-tenant dispute between the Jewish owner of Freddy’s and a black subtenant into a theater of hatred.

Picketers from Mr. Sharpton’s National Action Network, sometimes joined by “the Rev.” himself, marched daily outside the store, screaming about “bloodsucking Jews” and “Jew bastards” and threatening to burn the building down. After weeks of increasingly violent rhetoric, one of the protesters, Roland Smith, took Mr. Sharpton’s words about ousting the “white interloper” to heart. He ran into the store shouting, “It’s on!” He shot and wounded three whites and a Pakistani, whom he apparently mistook for a Jew. Then he set the fire, which killed five Hispanics, one Guyanese and one African-American–a security guard whom protesters had taunted as a “cracker lover.” Smith then fatally shot himself.


Al Sharpton: The Democrat’s David Duke

But it is impossible to imagine, say, David Duke running for president as a Republican and not being shunned by every leading figure in the party. Impossible to imagine his campaign appearances being covered in news accounts that made no mention of his history in the Ku Klux Klan and his links to neo-Nazis. Impossible to imagine that he would be treated as just another candidate, albeit one with a “controversial” past. No one would roll over for Duke. Why are they rolling over for Sharpton?

After all, Sharpton’s résumé is at least as vile as Duke’s.

…1991: A Hasidic Jewish driver in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section accidentally kills Gavin Cato, a 7-year-old black child, and antisemitic riots erupt. Sharpton races to pour gasoline on the fire. At Gavin’s funeral he rails against the “diamond merchants” — code for Jews — with “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands. He mobilizes hundreds of demonstrators to march through the Jewish neighborhood, chanting, “No justice, no peace.” A rabbinical student, Yankel Rosenbaum, is surrounded by a mob shouting “Kill the Jews!” and stabbed to death.

Right. Abraham Foxman is now issuing joint statements with an individual who not only denounces Jews as “diamond merchants,” but also says they have “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands. Nordlinger adds even more:

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 06:54 pm
Wiki says Al Sharpton is a "racial arsonist." Sounds good to me! Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 08:29 pm
Oh Lord, now you're posting articles that attack the Anti-Defamation League.Rolling Eyes

I think you're the real anti-Semite.

You post in religion threads for the sole purpose of mocking Judeo/Christian religious beliefs--arrogantly belittling these beliefs and referring to them as "fairy tales". Don't tell me you have any sincere regard for the extremely religious and devout Jews who lived in Crown Heights. Or don't you consider attacking and mocking their religion, which is the essence of Judaism, anti-Semitic?

You throw around the word "Nazi" with abandon--in this thread you've even implied that any one with "German blood" is a Nazi, so you've insulted an entire country, in addition to calling other posters in this thread "Nazis". Had you any real regard for the extermination of 6 million people, you would not trivialize the true horror of the holocaust by inappropriately throwing around the word, "Nazi" because doing that, in and of itself, is quite offensive and arguably anti-Semitic.
You also adamantly oppose "hate crime" laws--something most Jewish groups feel is essential in stopping and curbing anti-Semitism and protecting Jews--which suggests you really don't understand how all those Jews came to wind up in the gas chambers in Germany.

Why you have dredged up the Crown Heights riots in this thread is beyond me, but you seem to have absolutely no understanding of what actually went on with that situation. Sharpton can be faulted for many things he did during that period, but he was not responsible for the violence. Nor did he use "code words" to call for rioting and violence in the Trayvon Martin case. His "No Justice, No Peace" refers to political activism, to marches and demonstrations--he does not advocate violence.

Deny it all you want, I find your thinking to be quite racist. You make consistently disparaging remarks about black people.

In other threads, you have said that hate crime murders of blacks, that were motivated only by racial animosity, should not be more severely punished than other murders, mainly because you dismiss virulent racism as a still existing or significant problem in this country, constantly pointing out that the KKK is no longer a threat, as though racism was ever confined to the KKK. You just don't see crimes of hatred directed toward blacks as worthy of harsher penalties.

In this thread, you have referred to Trayvon Martin as a "hoodlum" (for walking around talking on a cell phone?), you mock any thought that Zimmerman might have been influenced by racial profiling, and you show no understanding, whatsoever, of why the black community was outraged over the fact that Zimmerman was just allowed to go home the night he killed Trayvon Martin. Instead you post a litany of all the ills--which you call "sickness"-- in the black community with the implication the blacks should clean up their own mess, including all the black on black violence, and not make noise about the shooting death of one black teen by a white guy.

And your diatribes against Muslims, in other threads, are flat out expressions of prejudice.

You're just another dumb bigot--with the emphasis on dumb.

I think your real gripe with Sharpton and Jesse Jackson is that they advocate gun control. And all the pro-gun Web sites consider them part of "the enemy".

And the Zimmerman case has set off new calls for gun control. Like this petition from the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence.
Freedom to Buy Skittles Without Getting Shot


I just signed the following petition addressed to: Congress.

Freedom to Buy Skittles Without Getting Shot

As an American, I demand the basic freedom to walk my streets in safety — including the freedom to go to the store and buy Skittles without getting shot.

I will hold accountable any elected official that puts guns in the hands of dangerous people – people like George Zimmerman, the man who killed Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman had an arrest record and a history of violence, yet was still allowed to walk his streets with a loaded, hidden gun. That is the gun lobby’s vision of America. It is not mine.

I will hold accountable any elected official that puts the extremist, political agenda of the gun lobby ahead of the safety and lives of the people they have been elected to represent.

I oppose the "George Zimmerman Armed Vigilante Act" and I demand Congress take action to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.



[Your name]

It's all about you and your guns and your love of the Stand Your Ground law.
And you don't like Sharpton for kicking up dust about any of it.


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