Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 09:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You must have the wrong guy, CI - Romney, a flip flopper, naaaaahhhhhh.
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Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 10:24 pm
firefly wrote:

Maybe this is not as ridiculous as I thought......

A man who entered a neighbor’s McCormick Street property in Olympia by climbing over a fence in the middle of the night in April 2010 has sued the homeowner who shot and injured him.

No criminal charges were filed against the defendant,
identified in the lawsuit as Daniel Lee Lipp. Lipp declined to comment outside his home Tuesday afternoon.

McMahon’s lawsuit seeks payment of McMahon’s medical expenses and damages for “permanent disability, pain, suffering and mental anguish, lost wages and employment benefits, diminished earning capacity, out-of-pocket expenses, and loss of enjoyment of life.”

Lipp told police that he’d armed himself about 2 a.m. after hearing what he thought was a prowler, police Lt. Jim Costa said.

Lipp said he was startled to find a person in his front yard, climbing the 5-foot fence while attempting to leave, Costa said. Lipp told police he felt threatened, Costa has said.

Lipp fired one shot and Michael McMahon was struck in the torso, according to police. According to the lawsuit, filed last week in Superior Court by attorney Eric Fong, “Lipp was negligent in failing to exercise due care and caution in the handling of the .40 caliber SIG handgun.” Fong could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Andrew Toynbee said Wednesday that his office declined to file criminal charges but would not close the door to filing charges in the future, provided that additional evidence came to light suggested a crime might have occurred.

Prosecutors thoroughly investigated the shooting, Toynbee said. McMahon had been “extremely intoxicated” and could not remember what had happened afterward. McMahon was staying at Lipp’s neighbor’s home at the time of the shooting, and prosecutors couldn’t determine why McMahon was in Lipp’s enclosed yard.

Lipp could have argued self-defense in justifying the shooting, Toynbee said.

“His story was that he was guarding his property,” Toynbee said.

Ultimately, Toynbee added, the case is “a much stronger civil case than it is a criminal case.”

Read more here: http://www.theolympian.com/2012/05/02/2090054/olympia-shooting-victim-sues-homeowner.html#storylink=cpy

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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 10:25 pm
You wrote,
You throw around the word "Nazi" with abandon--in this thread you've even implied that any one with "German blood" is a Nazi, so you've insulted an entire country, in addition to calling other posters in this thread "Nazis".

I gotta go with what BillRM writes in his current posts to determine whether he's a racial bigot or not. If calling posters on these threads "Nazis," I just calls em like I sees em. He's a freq'n racial bigot.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:17 am
One man actions at the ADL that was attacked by many many Jews at the time if memory serve me correctly can not cover up Sharpton recorders actions and his words over a period of decades.

I know you are the master of spin but his man had been involved in anti-jewish behaviors that had help cause the death repeat the death of Jews.

Spin master indeed next you will be spinning that Hitler was a friend of the Jewish people.

Sharpton does not care a bit about young black men unless he can used them as a mean of stirring up racist hate.

The thousand of blacks men who are shot down on our streets every year by other black men is of no interest to Sharpton because their deaths do not aid him in producing racial hate.
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Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:21 am
@cicerone imposter,
Truly, this dynamic here perplexes me: why do people continue to reply to his comments? Why would the discussion of side tangents be acceptable?

Is it that they want to be polite? Doubtful...but not out of the question. Or is to to engage in a spirited debate? If so, it's pretty unproductive and frustrating, IMHO. Continual diversion of discussion to Nazis, Hitler and other sensationalistic examples of bigotry only makes for more obfuscation.

Allow me to say, I have no axe to grind here. I'm just here for entertainment and I would like to see light shown on some of the more important social ills that plague our society. It is vexing, however, to see good discussion gone astray...repeatedly.

FWIW, I observe that Firefly exhibits much patience and skill at presenting an educated cogent POV. Whether or not one agrees may not be relevant, but what is clear is that she exhibits what and why she has her POV. Bottom line, reading her commentary often sheds light - not just heat. Bill's adversarial confrontation with her (or with others) on multiple threads, only proves that he can't keep focus or persuade anyone logical towards his POV.

He often confuses the reader AND himself as he has no consistant sustaining logic. This must frustrate him. He shows his limitation as his world seems to be Black or White. And his poor language skills renders any attempt at sorting out a discussion with him as an exercise in futility. This isn't meant to pick on him...it's just an observation.

This muddle makes it easy for many to disregard his point of view because the logic itself breaks down as well as the communication of his POV. He seems often not thorough with getting many of his facts correct. yet, he continues on without asking ...or even feigning about being inquisitive of the facts. Even a casual reader can notice that he's grossly insensitive to the law or even to those with POV other than his.

So why do people keep prolonging the agony of pursuing discussion after discussion? The never-ending debates with him seems senseless to me - as it neither will sway him nor bring the discussion to a logical end. However, I recognize my efforts here are pretty wasted too. I suspect all parties here observed these things, too.

Yet, this dance continues on ..ad infinitum.

Just one person's casual observation.

Carry on.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:32 am
Bill seems to have some sort off neurological disorder. He uses past participles where he should be using ordinary conjugations, and ordinary conjugations where a past participle is wanted. He does that consistently. Something he also does frequently, although not as often, is to use nouns where he wants adjectives, and adjectives where nouns are wanted. His butchery of the language, and in such a seeming pathological manner, does not inspire confidence in the contents of his posts.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:39 am
... but he does garner attention, doesn't he? It makes a person wonder whether or not in real life he can gather this sort of attention when he expresses his personal POV? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:42 am
My my so you think that the spin master of spin master on this site throw light on anything?

That spinning that a anti-semitic is not an anti-semitic due to the actions of one man at the ADL is throwing light?
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 03:49 am
The topic de jour is "Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?"

How does what you're discussing have any connection to that? Sensationalistic discussion towards topics such as Al Sharpton, Nazis, etc. is just more obfuscation.

My observation is that Firefly's discussion and skill at communicating is followable and yours is not. Her logic sustains - yours does not. Sadly, even your referring to her by the wrong gender is a manipulation.
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 04:13 am
Sorry they are all related as one of the prime movers in the media drive to had Zimmerman charge and then convicted is Sharpton.

Where this ex-legal pressure is coming from and who are the players behind it is on tropic.

Just as such issues as the editing of the 911 tape by part of the news media to make it appear that Zimmerman is a racist is on tropic.

Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 04:27 am
BillRM wrote:
That spinning that a anti-semitic is not an anti-semitic due to the actions of one man at the ADL is throwing light?

Perfect example . . . he uses the adjective rather than the noun.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 06:31 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Your idea of "self defense" is much different than most level-headed folks, and most are liberals.
FACT: Most NRA members are conservatives. Your position on the Zimmer "case" tells us all we need to know about you.
HAY! I got an idea!
Let 's get the law changed such that each filosofy (conservative or liberal)
will have the law of self defense applied to its adherents
as thay have chosen it.

Accordingly, conservatives who fall victim to predatory violence
will continue to be FREE to kill the perp as SOON as POSSIBLE (like Zimmy),
whereas liberals will be arrested and criminally prosecuted for homicide
if THAY kill in self defense, or in defense of their loved ones,
as THAY have advocated in their preferences.

That way EVERYONE gets what he wants and he is happy.
(Criminal predators will learn the wisdom of confining their violence to the liberals,
and that will enhance the predators' longevity. Its a WIN-WIN-WIN situation.)

Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 07:06 am
Damn you David liberals as a group does not believe in any such thing as you could find out at any gun range.

Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 07:38 am
NBC News Correspondent Fired Over A Second George Zimmerman 911 Tape Edit
by Tommy Christopher | 8:12 am, May 3rd, 2012

we reported that NBC Miami reporter Jeff Burnside became the second NBC producer to be fired over a misleading edit to Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman‘s 911 call that made it into several Today Show broadcasts. According to TV Newser, the internal NBC News investigation that resulted in Burnside’s dismissal also uncovered another edited Zimmerman tape, which has resulted in the firing of Miami-based correspondent Lilia Luciano from the network.

Lilia Luciano, a Miami-based NBC News correspondent, is no longer working for the network, TVNewser has learned.

Luciano last reported for NBC News March 31. Until that point, she had been reporting mainly on the Trayvon Martin story. Sources tell TVNewser Luciano’s dismissal came after an investigation which also led to the firing of a seasoned NBC News producer over a similar, misleading edit. In a story for the “Today” show on March 20, Luciano used part of the George Zimmerman 911 call in which an entire phrase (italicized below) was taken from a later part of the conversation:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good or on drugs or something. He’s got his hand in his waistband. And he’s a black male.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah.
Dispatcher: Okay, we don’t need you to do that.

This incident is distinct from the one which precipitated the investigation. That clip featured this quote from George Zimmerman:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

The transcript of the actual 911 tape, though, read like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

George Zimmerman is free on bond pending his second degree murder trial.

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Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 07:42 am

Crown Heights Murder Victim's Brother Speaks Out Against Sharpton, Obama
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Send a Tip by Joel B. Pollak 1 day ago 19post a comment

Norman Rosenbaum has spoken out against MSNBC host Al Sharpton for his role in inciting the mob that murdered his brother, Jewish student Yankel Rosenbaum, in Crown Heights in 1991--and has criticized President Barack Obama for associating with Sharpton.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News from Australia, Rosenbaum said:

Sharpton's blatant lies, distortions and hypocrisy, particularly in regard to his role in the Crown Heights Riots, continue regretfully, in large part, to be condoned and/or ignored by the media, politicians and business (MSNBC) alike. As you are no doubt aware, twenty-eight of the mob that attacked and murdered my brother Yankel have never been brought to justice, and unlike Sharpton my family remains committed to ensuring that there is comprehensive Justice for Yankel, notwithstanding the passage of time.

Breitbart News reported late last week that Sharpton had denied his role in inciting the riots--an allegation instantly disputed by a spokesperson for the Rosenbaum family, who asked: "Why does MSNBC keep on compensating a racist like that?"

Rosenbaum said that he cannot understand how Sharpton has been allowed into the mainstream of American political discourse--and why he is taken seriously:

In my experience, which no doubt is not as extensive as others, I have never seen a person be able to avoid being held accountable in substantive terms for his various and significant serious otherwise well publicized misdeeds over such a prolonged period of time, as Sharpton. This is truly an indictment on all those who have done so in the past and continue to do so.

Rosenbaum also had choice words for President Obama:

The fact that Sharpton is made welcome by President Obama is a disgrace and highlights a serious character flaw in the President. The President is wrong for doing so and the message he sends in doing so is dangerous. Make no mistake about it--Al Sharpton is a racist, an old fashioned bigot, who craves the media limelight and will do and say anything to draw the attention of the media to him.

Sharpton, and Obama, have both been outspoken in the Trayvon Martin killing, for which George Zimmerman is now on trial. Sharpton in particular spun the issue as a racially-motivated killing, and has succeeded in driving that divisive--and thus far unsubstantiated--narrative through MSNBC and the mainstream media.

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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 08:01 am
I think if my kid was killed while walking home from the store by the neighborhood watch volunteer, I would want some investigation done. More than just the one done on the night of the incident; is that too much to ask, Bill?
If it was your kid, wouldn't you want to know everything about how your son ended up dead?
Do you know of some way that investigation could take place without charges being brought against the shooter?

Have you no sympathy at all for the family of the deceased? Even Zimmerman has expressed that much.

Joe(still wanting to know if I am on Bill's Nazi list)Nation
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 09:33 am
What is going to be interesting is seeing if Zimmerman 911 comment was correct that Trayvon seems under the influence of drugs that night as given that Travyon was just kicked out of school over a drug issue it seems likely that he might had been correct.

Second, if he was under the influences of drugs if they were the type to help to explain his attacking Zimmerman.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 10:25 am
You're arriving at too many conclusions from incomplete reports; you have a tendency to lean towards all the negatives without the blink of an eye. Your negativity is your bigotry.
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Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 01:08 pm
You know this whole sad event is reflecting far worst on the sociality then on Zimmerman.

First Zimmerman is label white by the news media when with his mixed background and skin color it is hardly likely that he would be an acceptable candidate for a white power hate group.

Next it seems almost assume that he was a racist however as yet I had not seen any report of one fact that would indicate he had any such feelings and some of his black friends had stated otherwise.

When the news media got a hold of the 911 tape they ran it through all kinds of filters seeing it they could get one racial word such as coon or some such.

Sadly for them they could not find any such comments however two repeat two times the media played tapes edit to give a false impressions that he was partly concern about the skin color of Trayvon instead of the manner of his walking and acting that gave the impression that he was on drugs and perhaps up to no good.

This is a wonderful if sad example of reverse racism where anytime a black skin citizen and a white skin or even semi white skin citizen get into a conflict it is assume with no evidence needed that the white skin person acted our of racism.

Having a white racist kill a black citizen is must more of an interesting story for the news media to the point some of them are willing to fake/spin evidences pointing in that direction and most of them are willing to go along with con men like Sharpton in stirring up racial hate.

Hell if Sharpton can get a good old fashion race riot going that would be a real story for the news media to report on.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 01:12 pm
You're beginning to understand why trying to arrive at conclusions about this case is wrong.
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