Quote:Hell Firefly had even condone Sharpton promoting a small Jewish pogrom at Crown Heights on this thread.
Quote:However instead of just Jews as a target for being the enemy of the state she seems to target all males and wish tight control on the males by the state similar to the controls placed on Jews in the 1930s by the Nazis.

Right, sure. And I bet you believe in the Easter Bunny too


I don't have to point out how crazy you are, you do a good job of that all by yourself.
You've already said you don't understand the demand from the black community to have Zimmerman arrested, nor have you addressed the fact that the lead investigator for the police department recommended that he be arrested and charged the night of the shooting. So, if you don't understand what the outrage was about, you certainly wouldn't understand what Sharpton was saying about this particular case, in which the shooting death of a black teen received insufficient examination and investigation by the criminal justice system.
You also completely distorted what Sharpton was saying in the video you posted and erroneously concluded he was threatening riots and violence if Zimmerman was not arrested--which he has never done, and which he was definitely not doing in this case. He organized demonstrations and marches, the lawful alternative to riots and violence as methods of channeling and expressing the anger and outrage regarding the insufficiently investigated killing of Trayvon Martin. But, as you've admitted, you're too dim to even understand what these demands by the black community were all about.
You further claimed Sharpton was using "code words" to threaten violence and rioting. "Code words"? The man said there would be continued organized peaceful protests, but
you heard "code words" for a call to rioting. You are a paranoid nutcase. No wonder you have a mini-arsenal in your home to "protect" yourself. You're so paranoid you distort things and imagine threats of violence which have not been made, just as you continually distort and attribute to me comments I've never made. Your fantasies significantly affect your perception of reality.
And you are like Zimmerman in that regard--he saw a teenage kid, just walking and talking on his cell phone, and he distorted and misinterpreted the situation because he saw what he wanted to see, and not the reality of what was actually going on. it was only in Zimmerman's mind that that kid, who wasn't doing anything that was suggestive of any criminal activity, represented a threat. He saw a black kid in a hoodie and his mind-set and fantasies took over--he misinterpreted totally innocuous behavior--and the end result was tragic. But you can't understand that either. You illogically assert that the fact Zimmerman wound up killing the kid is a validation of his initial erroneous assessment of the teen's behavior--which is just absurd circular reasoning.
It's obviously impossible for you to see, or even consider, that Zimmerman more likely provoked a totally needless tragedy because of his initial misinterpretation of what he saw--he didn't see a crime in progress, or someone planning a crime, all he actually saw was a teen walking around and talking on a cell phone, and Zimmerman's mind-set did the rest. Maybe a black kid in a hoodie was a "code symbol" for menace and violence and crime for him, just as you hear "code words" for rioting when black people talk about peaceful demonstrations and civil protests. It's scary that people, like you and Zimmerman, who are so prone to distort things, also carry guns.
It's too bad that you have nothing relevant, or interesting, or insightful, or intelligent to say about the topic of this thread, and you're reduced to dragging in all sorts of unrelated issues, or non issues, just to have
something to say. But, that's always the case with you, isn't it?
It's also a pity you always wind up trashing threads because you can't hold your own in an adult discussion that encompasses any point of view beyond your own narrow personal fixations...those fixations which you repeat over and over and over and over.... It must be very frustrating to you that you can't grasp or understand anything that has any complexity.