Bill, let's discuss the "evidence" that you've been trumpeting around for some time now.
BillRM wrote:There was not a damn mark on Trayvon body but for that one gun shot that ended the attack.
Let's take into account Zimmerman's account of the story:
Quote:He said he told Martin, "I don't have a problem," but the youth replied, "Now you have a problem," and attacked him. He said he fell backward after being punched in the nose, and "he was whaling on my head."
Merrian Webster wrote:whale
transitive verb
Definition of WHALE
1: lash, thrash
2: to strike or hit vigorously
3: to defeat soundly
Now if what you said was true, and "there was not a damn mark on Trayvon body but for that one gun shot that ended the attack" then Trayvon is not guilty. If Trayvon did beat Zimmerman down then his knuckles, then his knuckles and generally his hand would be bruised and cut up very badly, as the human head isn't exactly a bag of marshmallows.
Nevertheless I took the liberty to find Trayvon's autopsy report:
On page 3, besides the gun wound, there is a 1/4 X 1/8 inch small abrasion on the left fourth finger.
On page 7 or the last page of the report, it shows that this 1/4 X 1/8 inch small abrasion is on the base of the fourth finger, and not on the knuckles.
This small abrasion isn't likely caused by a "whaling" as it'd be hard to to punch someone to only cause damage to your base of the ring finger while avoiding any damage on the part of the knuckle of the longer middle finger, where such part of the knuckle has a more prominent protrusion while forming a fist.
If Zimmerman was whaled, as he claimed to have happened, then Trayvon Martin's autopsy report would have reported numerous cuts and bruises on the knuckles and fingers for both hands, or at least on Trayvon's dominant hand.
ON a side note, it's interesting to see some news reports suggesting that the scrape on Traywon's Martin's left hand is on the knuckle rather than at the base of the finger. The discrepancy in the actual evidence paper work and news article is, interestingly, terrible reporting.
After looking at the autopsy of Trayvon, and also reading reports of how he kept his blood from bleeding all over himself or Trayvon, I can imagine Zimmerman beating himself up in the face (by guilt or by some cunning idea to frame Trayvon or a mixture of both ideas) before the police arrived, and then spinning a tale to suit his interests and prove his "innocence."