@Val Killmore,
I think it is possible for him to get a fair trial. There are plenty of people who haven't paid that much attention to this case, or who really haven't yet made up their minds regarding his guilt.
The trial will focus on only the actual legal evidence, and the mainstream media really hasn't covered that to any extent. Just look at how uninformed BillRM and oralloy are regarding the actual evidence against Zimmerman--they seem unaware of most of it.
What's really damaging to Zimmerman has nothing to do with media coverage. It's the fact that he deliberately misled the court regarding his assists, and the existence of a second passport, and he gave his wife instructions on transferring those assets, in order to conceal them, while he was in jail awaiting his bond hearing. In a case that hinges on his credibility, he seriously damaged his own credibility by publicly revealing himself to be less than truthful when deception served his interests.
It's questionable whether evidence of his dishonestly at the bond hearing will be admissible at trial to impugn his credibility, but, if it is allowed, it will be quite damaging to him. It may have already cost him a loss of public support in terms of diminished contributions to his legal defense fund.
There is no question that Zimmerman is guilty of killing Martin, the only issue is whether the killing was legally justified under Florida's self-defense laws, or whether the act was second degree murder. The murkiness of the circumstances that immediately preceded the shooting is what both sides will attempt to clarify by presenting evidence that either supports Zimmerman's account or that contradicts it. So several things must be established, including whether the situation itself is supported by the self-defense laws, particularly the Stand Your Ground statute, who provoked the final confrontation, and whether Zimmerman's account of events is credible. There is still enough ambiguity about all of those things to indicate that a fair trial is quite possible, and quite likely.