Do you think Zimmerman will be convicted of murder?

Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 03:55 pm
Also, there are reports that Zimmerman spent $36,000 during his time in prison.

This guy does not need to worry where his next dollar is comming from. Or his next million dollars.
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 04:29 pm
That was before the money was put in a fund that Zimmerman cannot directly access.

His lawyer has said they are desperate for money. He's been pleading for donations.

As usual, you're not well informed.

Walters never said what the conditional request was--nor did she hint at it. The New York Post said Zimmerman demanded that ABC News put him and his wife up in a hotel for a month.

But Zimmerman had agreed to the interview. Then, after Walters got to Florida, he suddenly had a conditional request and wouldn't do the interview unless the request was granted. That means you can't trust his word. It also means he was trying to manipulate ABC News the way he tried to manipulate the court about his assets. It says a lot about his character.

The conditional request had nothing to do with the topics to be discussed--his lawyer was going to be present at the interview and he would decide which things could be asked.
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 04:40 pm
The money was put in trust even before the judge found out about it...your timeline is wrong.

The lawyer said that Zimmerman was going to have a lot of trouble making bail......a few hours before he was out. The comment was code for "now is the time to deposit the money we were talking about".
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 04:48 pm
The money was put in trust even before the judge found out about it...your timeline is wrong.

No, your timeline is wrong. O'Mara thought there was only a very small amount in the defense fund before the first bond hearing--Zimmerman had deceived him too.

When O'Mara found out about the true amount of the defense fund money, which was after the first bond hearing, he then had Zimmerman turn over the money, which had been in a PayPal account, and it was then put in a trust Zimmerman can't directly touch. O'Mara can't directly touch it either. The $36,000 was spent by Zimmerman and his wife before that happened.

Zimmerman is in desperate need of money, according to his lawyer who has been pleading for donations.

What makes you think he has a continuous flow of donations?
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 04:57 pm
Do you have even one person who has quoted the lawyer claiming that money is a problem? I have read a bit on this case and I have never seen such.
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 06:49 pm
This is fascinating stuff. Read this.

5 things George Zimmerman told Sean Hannity that may come back to haunt him

#4. Trayvon had his hand over Zimmerman’s mouth near the end of the confrontation

Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda hinted during the June 29 bond hearing that he plans to bring up the question of whether Zimmerman could have been the one heard screaming on the 911 tapes, if he was also being smothered by Martin. Here is what Zimmerman told Sean Hannity:

ZIMMERMAN: I felt him take — he had — after he couldn’t hit my head on the concrete anymore, he started to try to suffocate me. And I continued to take — push his hands off of my mouth and my nose, particularly because it was excruciating having a broken nose and him putting his weight on it.

And that’s the point in time when he started telling me to shut up, shut up, shut up.

Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 06:50 pm
Do you have even one person who has quoted the lawyer claiming that money is a problem? I have read a bit on this case and I have never seen such.

I've seen the lawyer on TV saying that--very recently. O'Mara pops up on various programs all the time, without Zimmerman. He is constantly saying they need money.

As usual, you are uninformed and wrong.

Why would you think this man had money pouring in?

Zimmerman's attorney: Client is broke
By Amanda Evans and Scott McDonnell, Team Coverage
Thursday, July 19, 2012

ORLANDO -- George Zimmerman’s attorney says the self-professed shooter of Trayvon Martin is broke.

Mark O’Mara said Thursday that Zimmerman stepped in front of the national TV audience in an effort to boost donations to his website.

"He needs he needs money, there is no question about that. He needs to survive from today until the day of his acquittal,” said O’Mara.

But the interview with Fox News Host Shawn Hannity had little effect on the bottom dollar the day after.

"I think it was a thousand or a couple thousand, Hannity didn't actually identify the website,” O'Mara said.

It’s possible the plan may have backfired; the donations into the website have been small, but the statements from Zimmerman were bold.

Zimmerman’s comment that killing Trayvon Martin was part of “God’s will” has ignited reaction. Mark O’Mara was in damage control on Thursday afternoon.

"I don't think it was his plan to say God's plan was that Trayvon had to die that night. I think what he was trying to do with his belief in God was to simply say, it like everything else that we go through in life is part of God's plan,” said O’Mara.

We also learned that Zimmerman has re-launched and is maintaining his own website called the “therealgeorgezimmerman.com.” On Thursday George Zimmerman posted a video thanking his supporters -- both in English and in Spanish.

O”Mara says he has not lost control of his client.

"No schism whatsoever, George and I are doing very well and the whole defense team is doing very well. Whenever we go through decisions there are always conversations and discussions, but we are one absolutely cohesive team."

When asked if George Zimmerman will be making more television appearances, O’Mara said: "I think that he has the opportunity to further present to the public the realGeorgeZimmerman.com to the public, that he wants to do that solely for the purpose that he is broke and he cannot provide security for himself of for his family."

Zimmerman was supposed to do an interview with Barbara Walters, but according to O’Mara the talk show host turned down the interview.

O’Mara says that Zimmerman requested a paid for month-long stay at a hotel for his wife Shellie Zimmerman. Walters said that was against network policy and turned down the interview

George Zimmerman Bails Out and Passes Out the Hat for More Money
July 9, 2012

George Zimmerman is living in a safe house in Seminole County, according to a blog by his defense attorney, Mark O’Mara of Orlando. And he needs money, O’Mara wrote Sunday, because when a second bond hearing put Zimmerman’s bail at $1 million, the neighborhood watch volunteer had to add $85,000 to the $15,000 he’d posted in April, after his first bond hearing. Zimmerman is charged with second degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and has claimed self-defense.

Last month prosecutors charged that Zimmerman and his wife had misled Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester about their financial resources, which included more than $150,000 raised online for his defense. Lester revoked his bond and sent him back to jail, then upped the bond amount last Thursday. According to O’Mara, the balance of the defense’s cash was $211,000 before Zimmerman bailed out of jail on Friday. “[A]t this time, there are about $40,000 in payables for defense expenses so far (not including any attorney’s fees) with significant expenses ahead of us for expert witnesses, deposition costs, private security and George’s living expenses,” he noted. “Paying bond and scheduled expenses would effectively wipe out the existing balance.” O’Mara said donations had fallen off while Zimmerman was in jail the second time, but that $36,000 came in after the new bond order.

“Supporters have told us they were concerned that the Court would set such a high bond that getting George out of jail could risk wiping out the entire defense account,” O’Mara noted. “It appears that they were right.”

And O'Mara apparently confirmed that Zimmerman wanted a month long hotel stay for him and his wife, paid for by ABC News, before he'd do the Walters interview--and he came up with that "request" after agreeing to do the interview and after Walters flew to Florida.

O'Mara really has his hands full with this client. It doesn't sound like he's fully in control of him. That's why Zimmerman's first lawyers quit. He also shouldn't let Zimmerman do any more interviews--he can't trust what's going to come out of his mouth..

Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 07:10 pm

Thursday, July 19, 2012
Zimmerman interview part of plan to raise more defense funds

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — WFTV has learned that an interview George Zimmerman granted Wednesday to Sean Hannity was part of an effort to get supporters to donate to his depleted legal defense fund.

Zimmerman faces second-degree murder charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

On Thursday, Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O'Mara, told Channel 9 the Hannity interview was part of a tactic to get Zimmerman supporters to donate more money, but overnight, Zimmerman only raised an additional $1,000 to $2,000, WFTV learned.

In the meantime, Zimmerman has relaunched his website, theRealGeorgeZimmerman.com, seeking to connect with supporters and raise more funds.

On the site, Zimmerman states, “The fund has been devastated by the need to pay $100,000 to a bondsman and almost $50,000 in security expenses. The skyrocketing legal costs have gone unpaid. The defense fund is at its lowest point since its inception; in fact, with outstanding expenses yet unpaid, the fund is near depletion.”

Zimmerman also released a video on his website, thanking his supporters.

“We re-launched this website to once again thank you, my supporters,” Zimmerman said in the video. “My intention was, and still is, to personally and individually thank you all.”

Zimmerman spoke first in English and then repeated his statment in Spanish.

“This is our website. It’s not my website. This is our website where you can personally communicate with me,” he said in the video.

O’Mara weighed in on the timing of the Hannity interview, saying it “wasn't the best.”

“It's out of necessity,” O’Mara said. “George and his family and the defense fund is basically broke, and he was hoping that he could highlight (the website).”

O’Mara claims the $211,000 Zimmerman had last week had been wiped out.

“He needs money. No question about that,” said O’Mara. “He needs to survive between now and his acquittal.”

In the meantime, prosecutors have filed the interview into evidence, which means it could be used against Zimmerman at trial.

“The prosecutors will have watched this interview, have it transcribed, and they are going to be prepared to cross-examine him at trial,” said WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer.

O'Mara has motives, too, according to Channel 9’s Daralene Jones. He is no longer doing the case pro-bono. O’Mara said on Thursday that he may ask the court to declare Zimmerman indigent if they can't raise more money.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 07:33 pm
Prosecutors: We'll use Zimmerman TV interview as evidence
By Rene Stutzman and Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel
July 19, 2012

A day after George Zimmerman talked about the death of Trayvon Martin on television, prosecutors said they would use the interview as evidence in the second-degree-murder case.

The move did not surprise Central Florida defense attorneys, who said Zimmerman did himself no favors by agreeing to an hourlong interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday night.

"I think George Zimmerman needs to stop talking," said David Faulkner, a former FBI agent and Winter Park defense attorney. "I don't think the interview changes anyone's mind. It just adds more statements that they're going to have to defend at trial."

So why did he take the risk of going on national TV to tell his story? Money, his attorney said.

"The defense fund is virtually out of money, and they can't provide shelter, security, anything pretty soon if the spending continues as it is and the donations continue as they are," O'Mara told the Sentinel. He described Hannity as his client's "earliest supporter ... a voice of reason saying let's not rush to judgment."

Zimmerman, O'Mara said, promised Hannity in April that he would get the Neighborhood Watch captain's first interview. O'Mara said the defense fund is down to about $30,000 to $50,000, "but there are outstanding bills that would pretty much devastate that."

The legal team has not been paid, he said, and the Hannity interview resulted in only a modest uptick in support.

As part of the fundraising effort, Zimmerman reactivated his website, TheRealGeorgeZimmerman.com, and posted a statement lamenting his "skyrocketing" legal and security costs. "We need your help again," he writes to supporters. He also posted a YouTube video in which he promised frequent updates to the site.

In the Hannity interview, Zimmerman, 28, rehashed his account of the February night he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman says Trayvon attacked him; prosecutors say he profiled and stalked the teen.

For the second time, Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon's family but also told Hannity that what happened that night "was all God's plan." Critics pounced on the phrase.

Donna Goerner, a Longwood attorney and former assistant state attorney in Sanford, said Zimmerman's statement probably did not come across the way he intended. But she had a message for him: "From my perspective, God sent you a messenger to stay in your truck," she said, referring to a police dispatcher who told Zimmerman not to follow the teen before the shooting.

"You didn't listen," she said.

O'Mara described his client as a "God-fearing" man. "I've used [that phrase] on occasion when bad things happen to people," he said. "As a term of art, was it perfect? I don't know."

Prosecutors and legal commentators have said the state will try to use Zimmerman's statements about the shooting against him by illustrating inconsistencies in his story. On Wednesday, he deviated at least twice from his previous versions of what happened the night he shot Trayvon.

Zimmerman told Hannity he walked toward Trayvon because he needed to find a street address for police, but he told Sanford police it was because he had forgotten the street's name, something detectives challenged him on.

Also, Zimmerman said on the night of the shooting that, while he was reporting the teen to police, Trayvon ran away. But he told Hannity "he was more … skipping, going away quickly. But he wasn't running out of fear."

O'Mara asked that the skipping comment "be taken in context." The whimsical image that term brings to mind, O'Mara said, was not what his client meant. He called that moment "evidence that [the interview] wasn't rehearsed."

The decision by Zimmerman's defense to allow an interview came as a surprise to many in the legal community.

Lyle Mazin, an Orlando defense lawyer, said a defendant has "unequivocal advantages" over the state: the right to remain silent and to have an attorney to speak for him. The Hannity interview, Mazin said, was "a fundamental failure of both of them."

"The more times a person tells a story, even if telling the absolute truth, the more [inconsistencies] will emerge," said Mazin, who has been critical of the state's case. "It's the human condition of storytelling."

The interview also seemed to signal a shift in strategy: O'Mara has repeatedly complained that coverage of the case has been excessive and vowed not to try the case in the media. He says no other interviews are planned.

"It's really baffling what he thought he'd gain from it," said Richard Hornsby, an Orlando defense lawyer. "I really question who's in charge of the defense strategy, whether it's Zimmerman or O'Mara."

An ABC News spokesman said Barbara Walters had trekked to Central Florida on Wednesday hoping for an interview but "walked away" after Zimmerman "made a request that we could not, and could never, agree to." O'Mara said Zimmerman asked ABC to provide "secure lodging" for his wife for a month, and that was only part of the reason the interview fell apart.

Zimmerman called "The View" on Thursday after hearing Walters talk about her effort to interview him the day before. Walters acknowledged the call on-air, but said: "If you could not do the interview yesterday, I do not think we should do a quick one today."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 07:42 pm
And O'Mara apparently confirmed that Zimmerman wanted a month long hotel stay

Why is it apparent?

It doesn't sound like he's fully in control of him

Has anyone with first hand knowledge of their relationship gone on record and said such?

and he came up with that "request" after agreeing to do the interview and after Walters flew to Florida.

Your facts are wrong

"Barbara went down there to discuss doing an interview, and was prepared if that worked to do an interview," an ABC News spokesman said Thursday. "Mr. Zimmerman made a request that we could not, and could never, agree to. So Barbara walked away."


So Barbara here chased after the get, and Zimmerman knew how badly she wanted him....then what? Nobody has gone on record with what he wanted, all we get is rumor, likely spread by the jilted and pissed piece of journalism scum known as Barbara Walters.

Why would you think this man had money pouring in

Because David and his friends want to see this gun loving American succeed in surviving the Government assault against his right to carry and then use a gun in self defense.

That's why Zimmerman's first lawyers quit

Wow really? I hope you are not a lawyer, as the first lawyers were criticized almost universally for their not upholding primary standards of lawyer conduct in their treatment of Zimmerman. Zimmerman would have been an idiot to let these vastly substandard lawyers represent him. From the looks of things he is not an idiot.
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 08:08 pm
Because David and his friends want to see this gun loving American succeed in surviving the Government assault against his right to carry and then use a gun in self defense.

The more people learn about George Zimmerman, the more doubts they may have about his credibility--particularly after he lied about his assets. For one thing, his injuries did not match the beating he describes taking--which he described again last night during that interview--his face showed no indication of having been repeatedly punched. And last night he did not describe feeling he was in imminent danger of death--in fact, at one point, he seemed to deny that. There are problems with his version of events.

Whatever supporters he has don't seem overly generous, or highly motivated, to help him foot the bills any more.

And if you can't realize what kinds of problems he creates for his lawyers, both the first lawyers he had and his present attorneys, you aren't very savvy. The man is a loose cannon. The first lawyers said that when they quit, and O'Mara is constantly having to do damage control--he spent all day today doing that. And O'Mara's still dealing with the fallout of Shellie Zimmerman's perjury, and George Zimmerman's involvement in concealing the funds and allowing her to lie to the court about them. And Zimmerman starting his own Web site up again can't thrill his lawyer either--who knows what Zimmerman will post there. Zimmerman does not have good judgment--and O'Mara knows that--and O'Mara also knows he really can't sufficiently control his client, and that's a nightmare for a lawyer.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 08:08 pm
snood wrote:
after he couldn’t hit my head on the concrete anymore

I'd say this is the more damning statement.

I thought the whole reason his life was in danger was that his head was being pounded against the pavement.
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 08:47 pm
Last night he said he was afraid he'd lose consciousness from having his head pounded, not that he was afraid he'd be killed.

The back-up story is that he thought Martin was going for his gun, so he had to use the gun first.

At no point during the interview with Hannity did Zimmerman actually say he feared for his life--Hannity kept mentioning that, and was prompting him to say it, but Zimmerman really didn't. And Zimmerman related the events without the sort of emotion or descriptive language you'd expect from someone who was really afraid he was about to be killed.
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 09:39 pm
Last night he said he was afraid he'd lose consciousness from having his head pounded,
What he said was that he was afraid that he was going to go out, and he was further afraid of what Martin would do to him when he was out....when he was no longer able to resist.

At no point during the interview with Hannity did Zimmerman actually say he feared for his life

Perhaps you should invest in a remedial english language comprehension class.

HANNITY: And hitting you hard.
At what moment did you -- because you said you feared for your life. At what moment do you remember when you literally -- do you remember when you thought, "I may die"? Is that -- because you said that you felt -- you feared for your life. Do you remember the exact moment when you felt that?
ZIMMERMAN: In hindsight, I would say when he was slamming my head into the concrete, and I thought I would lose consciousness. I didn't know what would happen at that point.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2012/07/18/exclusive-george-zimmerman-breaks-silence-hannity?page=4#ixzz2189WQf7J

Or how about this

ZIMMERMAN: At that point, I realized that it wasn't my gun, it wasn't his gun, it was the gun.
HANNITY: Did he say anything? Because you said he was talking a lot about the gun. Did he say he noticed the gun?
ZIMMERMAN: He said, "You are going to die tonight (EXPLETIVE DELETED)" and took one hand off of my mouth and I felt it going down my chest towards my belt and my holster, and that's when I -- I didn't have anymore time

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/hannity/2012/07/18/exclusive-george-zimmerman-breaks-silence-hannity?page=5#ixzz218AKq6TA
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 09:41 pm
Admitting to fear would detract from his tough-guy self image.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 09:46 pm
Geez... leading questions, much?

What impressive journalism....
Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 10:15 pm
DrewDad wrote:

Geez... leading questions, much?

What impressive journalism....

and yet Firely is only concerned that Zimmerman did not say 5 words in a certain order that she wanted to hear:

Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 10:53 pm
Did you even watch the interview?

Those 5 words are a crucial part of his defense--and it was Hannity who kept prompting him to say them, without much success.

Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2012 10:56 pm
I read the transcript....obviously.

I very seldom watch tv except for Mad Men, Weeds, and a few food channel shows.
Reply Fri 20 Jul, 2012 12:02 am
I read the transcript....obviously.

Reading the transcript isn't quite the same as actually listening to Zimmerman say the words.

There was no emotion--either about his sense of fear, or about the fact he shot and killed someone. It was strange. Very strange. He really doesn't sound convincing--and that part surprised me.

And the way he describes Martin acting during the attack, and what he claims Martin said, doesn't make credible sense--and it didn't make sense to the police investigator either. Martin had no reason to want to kill him, and it doesn't jive with anything else known about Martin. Martin might have wanted to defend himself, if he had felt threatened, but not to want to kill Zimmerman or to tell him he was going to die. I really don't buy Zimmerman's version. And Zimmerman wasn't all punched up--his injuries didn't match his description of the beating. And I don't believe Martin tried to smother him.

Zimmerman said that when he reached into his pants, allegedly looking for his cell phone, is when Martin punched him in the nose. I really think Zimmerman was going for the gun, and Martin saw that, or realized that, and that's why he punched Zimmerman, and was probably only trying to subdue him, and that struggle continued until Zimmerman was able to get his gun and shoot. And that's why Zimmerman made no effort to defend himself by fighting back, he was busy trying to get his gun during the entire struggle. But I think what provoked Martin was probably Zimmerman going for his gun. And Zimmerman might have just wanted to use the gun to keep Martin there until the police arrived, or to protect himself, even by just displaying it, but I really think that's what provoked Martin. That's a scenario that actually makes sense to me. But, after Martin punched him, I think Zimmerman really panicked and thought only about using the gun, even though his life wasn't really in danger.

I do think Zimmerman provoked the fight, and I'm more convinced of that after listening to him. I had never heard the business about his allegedly reaching for his cell phone just before Martin hit him. I don't think it was the cell phone he was going for...And he failed to identify himself to Martin, who had no idea what this guy was up to.

Interestingly, Zimmerman admitted feeling fearful after he shot Martin, because he was afraid the police would show up, see him with a gun, and shoot him. But he really didn't describe feeling all that fearful before he shot Martin--even with all of Hannity's prompting. Strange.

Unfortunately, we don't have Trayvon Martin's side of the story...


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