Well haven't been paying close attention here so excuse me if there any repeats of films.
Taxi Driver (watch when ever I feel lonely or like I wanna kill some scum)
Any Tarantino Movie( watch when I wanna laugh my ass of at the sickest things ever)
Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas ( God it's so much like my life watch it on one or a cocktail of drugs
Big Lebowski (make me laugh)
Scarface (cos Anything with that much coke in has to be viewed twice)
Mean streets (awesome film love a young bobby D, when i think one of my friends is a bad influence)
The Deer Hunter (anybody who thinks war is a good Idea watch this movie)
The Godfather part 1 and 2 (no reason)
Raging Bull (for De Niro's performance and Scorsese's masterful direction, a tragic film)
Amelie (for the romantic in me)
Talk to her (beautiful, tragic, romantic, genius)
China Town (engrossing)
8 1/2 (who can resit Fellini's compositions and Marcello Mastrioni's Face, when ever you want aesthetic and whimsy)
Edwood Scissor Hands (for the idealist in me)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (sheer pleasure, no strings attached)
Lost in Translation (when I want to cry)
Chunking express (real life love and tragedy Goddard like cinematography, bitter sweet stories)
In the mood for love (when I want to cry and appreciate the beauty of Cinema)
GoodFellas (Do I ammuse you, am I Clown?)
well there's more but that's enough for now.