Dorian Gray
Yes, Letty, like all old golfers, we never die, we merely lose
our balls.
Luckily I saw DORIAN GRAY on the Bravo network and taped it.
Someday they will invent a way of tansferring VHS tapes to our
hard drive as a file and then we can send these files to friends
like you.
There is ONE computer program that downloads movies (costs
you about $1.66 per month) and they list thousands of movies,
doubtless Dorian Gray being one of them.
You can take a peek at their program at :
I liked Dorian Gray because dear Angela Lansbury was only 20
when she appeared in it as Sybil Vane and sang that quaint song,
"I'm only a bird in a gilded cage". So nostalgic of England in the
late 19th century music hall days.
And of course the great George Sanders (all 6ft 3½ inches of him)
with his quintessential posh accent. Did you know he was born in
Russia in 1906? Later he told David Niven that he would commit
suicide when he got bored with life and he did just that at the age
of 66 in Barcelona (20 nembutal pills). Sad, huh?