Sun 8 Apr, 2012 08:25 pm
Would people take him seriously once he wore it? Is Jesus allowed a sense of humor? How about them Red Sox?
Theyd think he was being rather vane.
I went to fifth grade class in San Antonio with Jesus - a real fun kid. Wish he'd have come up with that one. He would have pulled it off with the most solemn expression.
Another guy I would like to see wearing the arrow prop is the one in Apocalypto, during the final chase scene. Now that would have really freaked his pursuers.
A friend of mine who was an RE teacher used the book 'Jesus the jester,' to teach some of his kids.
Quote:At the very heart of the Christian religion is a Jewish man called Jesus who made claims about himself and statements about life which many thought, and still think, are preposterous. This book is one of a series of three books which gives pupils the opportunity to investigate such claims and statements and to make up their own minds about them. In this book Jesus is compared to a courtly fool whose role was often to make people think seriously about life by telling them thought-provoking and often amusing stories. The book begins with Jesus' warning that there are life "storms" to be faced and that only the wise will survive. The book then goes on to explore the parables of Jesus and what they say we must do if we are to be wise.
Maybe the arrow would have been a useful prop.
I think that arrow should be
de rigueur for all clergy.
Nicholas Kazantzakis very likely would have put one in his novel of the Christ, had the thought occurred when he was writing it.
Can't tell for sure, but the arrow through the head skit just might be a knockoff
Sebastian's fifteen minutes of fame.