Will conversation become a lost art?

Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 10:06 am
You're not misinterpreting. That's exactly what she means.

She makes a connection to how we can easily become less compassionate, about how nursing homes are experimenting with "sociable robots" because sometimes people just need someone (something) to listen to them.

It's an interesting talk.
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Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 11:39 am
50 seconds in, and I have a quibble (of a type that I often have with TED-type talks).

She says that she "embodies the central paradox" -- a woman who loves getting texts, who's here to tell us "that getting too many of them can be a problem."

That's not a paradox! It's saying that while texting can be positive, texting too much can be a problem. That's not paradoxical at all, any more than saying that running a mile a day can be positive, but running 30 miles a day can be a problem.

The "too many" part is central, not the texting (or the running).

Oh come on. "You want to go to that board meeting, but you only want to pay attention to the bits that interest you." Well, yes? Board meetings can be deadly boring. One thing I've always loved about Deaf board meetings is that we can have conversations literally "under the table." We were doing that before Wyndtells ever came along (prototypical Blackberries), and then were some of the earliest ones to be doing that with our Wyndtells, back in the late 90's.

And in non-deaf situations I've long been writing notes, just paper notes. These actions are not new, just the mode is new.

Pathologizing boredom in board meetings is a bit silly.

"Across the generations, I see that people can't get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, and in amounts they can control."

I call bullshit, on a few levels. One, is this supposed to be new? My parents had a very fraught relationship with each of their own parents, and distance and control were very much a part of that. This went on for 20-30 years, and the parents in question (my grandparents) all died before a Blackberry ever appeared.

Second, my kid and her friends are voraciously social, in person (plus with text, but mostly to facilitate in-person socializing).

This is one of those sentences that seem to mean something, but what does it actually mean? People would prefer to socialize when they want to and not socialize when they don't want to? Well, yes?

The 18-year-old boy who doesn't know how to converse... sad. Maybe it's really about texting, I don't know. I tend to wonder where he'd be without texting, though. I've definitely met guys who said they just didn't know how to talk to anyone until mid-college -- they were speaking in retrospect, but I remember some of those in high school, too. They'd mumble and look away and nobody really talked to them. And they didn't have texting as an outlet, either.

Argh, OK so now she's just said some interesting stuff about connection vs. conversation, I was starting to find something to agree with, though not liking how she seems to make it all or nothing -- can't you have the edited connections but then real conversations as well? But waiting to see where she's going.

Then she mentions a profound question Stephen Colbert asked her about whether all those little sips add up to a conversation. She says no. She puts on the screen an illustration of two teens texting. The non-conversation, the bad stuff. What is it about though? Going to a party!! That's not incidental, IMO. Those non-conversational teens were setting up a time at which they're going to be together, in person.

"They don't really work for learning about each other," she says, of such texts, "for really coming to know and understand each other." That's what the party is for, though. The getting together in person that the texts facilitate. (Though I do think boomer makes a great point that online communication CAN be for really learning about each other, coming to know and understand each other.)

I'd really like to know the context of her "I'd rather text than talk" quote. Rather text than talk on the phone? Cycloptichorn, in the thread I linked to above, explained pretty well why he prefers texting to talking on the phone, especially in terms of making plans. I don't think he eschews all actual conversation though.

Oh gosh, what? This woman's logical leaps are irritating me. OK, people complain that nobody is listening. So she talks about Facebook etc., automatic listeners. That's good, right? No, it's bad. "The feeling that nobody is listening to me makes us want to spend time with machines that seem to care about us." What? How is Facebook a machine that seems to care about us? I understand she might be referring back to the seal robot, but then why is she talking about Facebook? There are all of these conflations that seem to be intended to mean something but don't actually hold up. It's other people, on Facebook, who are doing the listening and caring. And I've seen that work, over and over again. It's helped me, over and over again.

And of course we've seen that here on A2K. The most powerful experience I had, I think, was when E.G. had appendicitis and had to have emergency surgery. I was stuck at home with the baby, it was the middle of the night, I was worried but really just had to wait. Roberta, Moondoggy and others talked me through it and really, really helped. I felt very listened to.

The sociable robot thing again seems to be actually more pro-technology than anti. People have been lonely in nursing homes from well before texting ever appeared.

That's an interesting question, and one I've thought about without coming to conclusions. The 60's were a period of great social upheaval, and a lot of things changed in terms of choices. This is good. If a marriage was bad, there was more room to divorce. If a woman wanted to work, there was more room for her to have a career. My parents did not get along with their parents, and they cut ties. They weren't seen as horrible people or social pariahs for having done so.

But the other side of more freedom was less obligation. My dad's mom died in a nursing home. She was not taken in by either of her two sons, who didn't want to take her in and didn't have to. Is this good or bad? I don't know.

But it all certainly predates texting.

And the baby seal robot doesn't have much to do with her thesis, so far as I can tell. Would she have felt the same way if it had been an actual dog, instead of a robot seal? What are the differences? Is a dog's empathy more "real"? Does a dog have "experience of the arc of a human life"? Yet, it's been proven that animals can be very therapeutic in those situations. I don't think that's a bad thing, nor that it says anything in particular about texting/ online connection.

"Technology appeals to us most where we are most vulnerable" -- I think that can be turned around a bit. "Technology appeals more to those who are most vulnerable." The gay teen out in the boondocks, who doesn't have the resources to leave, yet; the person wrestling with depression or disease, looking for other people who can understand; not to mention a deaf woman in a new town whose husband is undergoing an emergency appendectomy. Technology and online communication has a lot to offer those kinds of people.

Now she's getting into the waiting in the checkout line stuff I was talking about before. I agree with that.

I disagree with "being alone is a problem that needs to be solved" as a general thing, though. I think the check-out line and doctor's waiting room stuff is more about boredom. And people aren't just texting and Facebooking, they're playing Angry Birds (or equivalents), reading the NYT, etc.

Sozlet is very, very social, but she needs her downtime too. She likes to spend some time alone. Almost none of that is "connected" in the way Turkle is talking about it here. She reads, or plays with the iPod, or watches TV, or draws, or organizes something, or whatever. But she's not on Facebook, she texts but it's almost always goal-oriented (setting something up with a friend), she's not on Twitter or anything else. When she wants to be alone, she's alone.

I definitely like to spend chunks of time alone, some of that is definitely here and on Facebook, but most of it is non-connected alone time.

E.G. has a much smaller need for being alone, but he's been like that forever and ever, really since he was a baby but as long as I've known him. Certainly not linked to technology.

"We're smitten with technology and we're afraid, like young lovers, that too much talking might spoil the romance."


I mean, what?

People talk about technology all the damn time... I don't think there's a deficit of technology talk. I mean, we can talk more, that's fine, but I think it's kinda silly to say that the talking hasn't been happening and needs to start.

She has a tiny little bit of actual practical advice in there that I'm fine with -- teaching our kids the value of solitude and the value of conversation. That by itself without the puffery around it is valid. The puffery is annoying me though.

"We spend the evening on our social networks instead of going to the pub with friends." Does she really think pubs are going out of business?

OK, done.
Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 12:46 pm
Here's the transcript of the TED talk in the video.

Just a moment ago, my daughter Rebecca texted me for good luck. Her text said, "Mom, you will rock." I love this. Getting that text was like getting a hug. And so there you have it. I embody the central paradox. I'm a woman who loves getting texts who's going to tell you that too many of them can be a problem.

Actually that reminder of my daughter brings me to the beginning of my story. 1996, when I gave my first TEDTalk, Rebecca was five years old and she was sitting right there in the front row. I had just written a book that celebrated our life on the internet and I was about to be on the cover of Wired magazine. In those heady days, we were experimenting with chat rooms and online virtual communities. We were exploring different aspects of ourselves. And then we unplugged. I was excited. And, as a psychologist, what excited me most was the idea that we would use what we learned in the virtual world about ourselves, about our identity, to live better lives in the real world.

Now fast-forward to 2012. I'm back here on the TED stage again. My daughter's 20. She's a college student. She sleeps with her cellphone, so do I. And I've just written a new book, but this time it's not one that will get me on the cover of Wired magazine. So what happened? I'm still excited by technology, but I believe, and I'm here to make the case, that we're letting it take us places that we don't want to go.

Over the past 15 years, I've studied technologies of mobile communication and I've interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people, young and old, about their plugged in lives. And what I've found is that our little devices, those little devices in our pockets, are so psychologically powerful that they don't only change what we do, they change who we are. Some of the things we do now with our devices are things that, only a few years ago, we would have found odd or disturbing, but they've quickly come to seem familiar, just how we do things.

So just to take some quick examples: People text or do email during corporate board meetings. They text and shop and go on Facebook during classes, during presentations, actually during all meetings. People talk to me about the important new skill of making eye contact while you're texting. (Laughter) People explain to me that it's hard, but that it can be done. Parents text and do email at breakfast and at dinner while their children complain about not having their parents' full attention. But then these same children deny each other their full attention. This is a recent shot of my daughter and her friends being together while not being together. And we even text at funerals. I study this. We remove ourselves from our grief or from our revery and we go into our phones.

Why does this matter? It matters to me because I think we're setting ourselves up for trouble -- trouble certainly in how we relate to each other, but also trouble in how we relate to ourselves and our capacity for self-reflection. We're getting used to a new way of being alone together. People want to be with each other, but also elsewhere -- connected to all the different places they want to be. People want to customize their lives. They want to go in and out of all the places they are because the thing that matters most to them is control over where they put their attention. So you want to go to that board meeting, but you only want to pay attention to the bits that interest you. And some people think that's a good thing. But you can end up hiding from each other, even as we're all constantly connected to each other.

A 50-year-old business man lamented to me that he feels he doesn't have colleagues anymore at work. When he goes to work, he doesn't stop by to talk to anybody, he doesn't call. And he says he doesn't want to interrupt his colleagues because, he says, "They're too busy on their email." But then he stops himself and he says, "You know, I'm not telling you the truth. I'm the one who doesn't want to be interrupted. I think I should want to, but actually I'd rather just do things on my Blackberry."

Across the generations, I see that people can't get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts they can control. I call it the Goldilocks effect: not too close, not too far, just right. But what might feel just right for that middle-aged executive can be a problem for an adolescent who needs to develop face-to-face relationships. An 18-year-old boy who uses texting for almost everything says to me wistfully, "Someday, someday, but certainly not now, I'd like to learn how to have a conversation."

When I ask people "What's wrong with having a conversation?" People say, "I'll tell you what's wrong with having a conversation. It takes place in real time and you can't control what you're going to say." So that's the bottom line. Texting, email, posting, all of these things let us present the self as we want to be. We get to edit, and that means we get to delete, and that means we get to retouch, the face, the voice, the flesh, the body -- not too little, not too much, just right.

Human relationships are rich and they're messy and they're demanding. And we clean them up with technology. And when we do, one of the things that can happen is that we sacrifice conversation for mere connection. We short-change ourselves. And over time, we seem to forget this, or we seem to stop caring.

I was caught off guard when Stephen Colbert asked me a profound question, a profound question. He said, "Don't all those little tweets, don't all those little sips of online communication, add up to one big gulp of real conversation?" My answer was no, they don't add up. Connecting in sips may work for gathering discreet bits of information, they may work for saying, "I'm thinking about you," or even for saying, "I love you," -- I mean, look at how I felt when I got that text from my daughter -- but they don't really work for learning about each other, for really coming to know and understand each other. And we use conversations with each other to learn how to have conversations with ourselves. So a flight from conversation can really matter because it can compromise our capacity for self-reflection. For kids growing up, that skill is the bedrock of development.

Over and over I hear, "I would rather text than talk." And what I'm seeing is that people get so used to being short-changed out of real conversation, so used to getting by with less, that they've become almost willing to dispense with people altogether. So for example, many people share with me this wish, that some day a more advanced version of Siri, the digital assistant on Apple's iPhone, will be more like a best friend, someone who will listen when others won't. I believe this wish reflects a painful truth that I've learned in the past 15 years. That feeling that no one is listening to me is very important in our relationships with technology. That's why it's so appealing to have a Facebook page or a Twitter feed -- so many automatic listeners. And the feeling that no one is listening to me make us want to spend time with machines that seem to care about us.

We're developing robots, they call them sociable robots, that are specifically designed to be companions -- to the elderly, to our children, to us. Have we so lost confidence that we will be there for each other? During my research I worked in nursing homes, and I brought in these sociable robots that were designed to give the elderly the feeling that they were understood. And one day I came in and a woman who had lost a child was talking to a robot in the shape of a baby seal. It seemed to be looking in her eyes. It seemed to be following the conversation. It comforted her. And many people found this amazing.

But that woman was trying to make sense of her life with a machine that had no experience of the arc of a human life. That robot put on a great show. And we're vulnerable. People experience pretend empathy as though it were the real thing. So during that moment when that woman was experiencing that pretend empathy, I was thinking, "That robot can't empathize. It doesn't face death. It doesn't know life."

And as that woman took comfort in her robot companion, I didn't find it amazing; I found it one of the most wrenching, complicated moments in my 15 years of work. But when I stepped back, I felt myself at the cold, hard center of a perfect storm. We expect more from technology and less from each other. And I ask myself, "Why have things come to this?"

And I believe it's because technology appeals to us most where we are most vulnerable. And we are vulnerable. We're lonely, but we're afraid of intimacy. And so from social networks to sociable robots, we're designing technologies that will give us the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. We turn to technology to help us feel connected in ways we can comfortably control. But we're not so comfortable. We are not so much in control.

These days, those phones in our pockets are changing our minds and hearts because they offer us three gratifying fantasies. One, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be; two, that we will always be heard; and three, that we will never have to be alone. And that third idea, that we will never have to be alone, is central to changing our psyches. Because the moment that people are alone, even for a few seconds, they become anxious, they panic, they fidget, they reach for a device. Just think of people at a checkout line or at a red light. Being alone feels like a problem that needs to be solved. And so people try to solve it by connecting. But here, connection is more like a symptom than a cure. It expresses, but it doesn't solve, an underlying problem. But more than a symptom, constant connection is changing the way people think of themselves. It's shaping a new way of being.

The best way to describe it is, I share therefore I am. We use technology to define ourselves by sharing our thoughts and feelings even as we're having them. So before it was: I have a feeling, I want to make a call. Now it's: I want to have a feeling, I need to send a text. The problem with this new regime of "I share therefore I am" is that, if we don't have connection, we don't feel like ourselves. We almost don't feel ourselves. So what do we do? We connect more and more. But in the process, we set ourselves up to be isolated.

How do you get from connection to isolation? You end up isolated if you don't cultivate the capacity for solitude, the ability to be separate, to gather yourself. Solitude is where you find yourself so that you can reach out to other people and form real attachments. When we don't have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in order to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. When this happens, we're not able to appreciate who they are. It's as though we're using them as spare parts to support our fragile sense of self. We slip into thinking that always being connected is going to make us fell less alone. But we're at risk, because actually it's the opposite that's true. If we're not able to be alone, we're going to be more lonely. And if we don't teach our children to be alone, they're only going to know how to be lonely.

When I spoke at TED in 1996, reporting on my studies of the early virtual communities, I said, "Those who make the most of their lives on the screen come to it in a spirit of self-reflection." And that's what I'm calling for here, now: reflection and, more than that, a conversation about where our current use of technology may be taking us, what it might be costing us. We're smitten with technology. And we're afraid, like young lovers, that too much talking might spoil the romance. But it's time to talk. We grew up with digital technology and so we see it as all grown up. But it's not, it's early days. There's plenty of time for us to reconsider how we use it, how we build it. I'm not suggesting that we turn away from our devices, just that we develop a more self-aware relationship with them, with each other and with ourselves.

I see some first steps. Start thinking of solitude as a good thing. Make room for it. Find ways to demonstrate this as a value to your children. Create sacred spaces at home -- the kitchen, the dining room -- and reclaim them for conversation. Do the same thing at work. At work, we're so busy communicating that we often don't have time to think, we don't have time to talk, about the things that really matter. Change that. Most important, we all really need to listen to each other, including to the boring bits. Because it's when we stumble or hesitate or lose our words that we reveal ourselves to each other.

Technology is making a bid to redefine human connection -- how we care for each other, how we care for ourselves -- but it's also giving us the opportunity to affirm our values and our direction. I'm optimistic. We have everything we need to start. We have each other. And we have the greatest chance of success if we recognize our vulnerability. That we listen when technology says it will take something complicated and promises something simpler.

So in my work, I hear that life is hard, relationships are filled with risk. And then there's technology -- simpler, hopeful, optimistic, ever-young. It's like calling in the cavalry. An ad campaign promises that online and with avatars, you can "Finally, love your friends love your body, love your life, online and with avatars." We're drawn to virtual romance, to computer games that seem like worlds, to the idea that robots, robots, will someday be our true companions. We spend an evening on the social network instead of going to the pub with friends.

But our fantasies of substitution have cost us. Now we all need to focus on the many, many ways technology can lead us back to our real lives, our own bodies, our own communities, our own politics, our own planet. They need us. Let's talk about how we can use digital technology, the technology of our dreams, to make this life the life we can love.

Thank you.


Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 12:53 pm
Here's a link to the TED page for this talk. The comments are interesting. Many teachers are relating their observations of kids in the classrooms and how behaviors are changing.

Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 03:36 pm
Sometime in the latter half of the 20th century Marshall McLuhan said, "The medium is the message." So, if people text, rather than converse with those they are with, what is the message? We might be witnessing the reorienting of western society? Are we entering a virtual hive?
Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 06:06 pm
Thanks soz.

I really have to disagree that it's only important to pay attention to the parts of a meeting that interest you. I'm big on collaboration and some of my most collaborative efforts have come from listening to something that I didn't think had anything to do with me. Sure, they can be boring but that doesn't mean something can't come from them.

I agree that distance and control are nothing new. But the ability to send hundreds of text messages in an hour is.

As to the connection v. conversation....I have met a few people for A2K that I have really "connected" with online but face to face was a little awkward. And A2K is a bit different as we've been talking to each other for so many years. There is something very freeing about anonymity. I'm not sure what I think about her point here.

I'd have to go back and listen to her Facebook comments (I don't remember here mentioning Facebook) but I do think she's on to something when she says there is a difference between "I have a feeling and I want to talk to someone and I want to talk to someone so I can have a feeling." I see it here a little bit, but a lot on another forum I visit -- people ask questions that are so easy to answer that they are clearly just wanting to talk to someone. I'm guilty of it too.

I don't think she's saying being alone is a problem that needs to be solved, I think she's saying that people think that. She seems to be in favor of learning to be alone.

That whole part of the talk reminds me of an article I read a year or so ago discussing people pretending to be talking on the phone or texting so that people wouldn't think they didn't have friends. It was like people had to display their connectedness. I think that's very strange.

But I'm a loner.

Your take on this is very interesting. I would think that if I were deaf that texting would be an absolute godsend. Do you think your deafness gives you a different perspective?
Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 06:07 pm
Those teacher comments were very interesting. Thanks for pointing them out!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 06:14 pm
We might be witnessing the reorienting of western society? Are we entering a virtual hive?

Maybe, Foofie!

I've joked that Mo might be the first kid raised by online committee. It's really true. I was so completely clueless about kids when he first came to live with us that I might not have survived it without some of the folks here (and Abuzz).
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Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 06:33 pm
I sat there getting my hair did and watched, it was quite comical.

There ya go, the barber/client conversation is fast becoming a thing of the past.

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Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 07:33 pm
boomerang wrote:

Thanks soz.

I really have to disagree that it's only important to pay attention to the parts of a meeting that interest you. I'm big on collaboration and some of my most collaborative efforts have come from listening to something that I didn't think had anything to do with me. Sure, they can be boring but that doesn't mean something can't come from them.

Oh of course. My point was the mode thing. People have been bored in boring meetings forever. People have been writing notes in boring meetings forever. They just have new ways to pass time when meetings are boring. (I worked in a large corporation for a while and the meetings were deadly, deadly boring. And long. So horribly long. I never tuned out completely, but only 10% or so of the content was useful in any way shape or form.)

People didn't suddenly start getting bored in boring meetings when texting arrived.

So while I agree that it's important to have tolerance for boredom and even to pay attention to many things that may seem boring, I disagree that there is a direct line between texting and people being bored in meetings.

I don't think she's saying being alone is a problem that needs to be solved, I think she's saying that people think that.

Sure, and that's what I'm addressing too. I see it as being more of a boredom thing than an alone thing -- that people aren't thinking "I don't want to be alone" when they're waiting in line so much as "I am bored." Texting can fill that boredom but so can Angry Birds.

Your take on this is very interesting. I would think that if I were deaf that texting would be an absolute godsend. Do you think your deafness gives you a different perspective?

It's possible. I feel a certain ownership of texting since I was doing it way before anyone else and it was started for deaf people. And it's definitely a godsend in general, I love texting.

So I'm sure that's part of my reaction to her talk, sure. Additionally though, I didn't like the alarmism, and how she seems to profoundly not get how texting is actually used (as with her projection of texts making arrangements to get together at a party as the backdrop to saying that there isn't deep meaningful connection happening via texting).

Then the robotic seal was annoying in a few ways. I don't like the appeal to emotion and the chilling image (a woman who lost a human child turning to a robot for succor) in a really unrelated context. That just doesn't have much to do with texting or Facebook.

Thomas and I have had several rounds of railing against pseudoscience, this talk was quite pseudoscience-y.

If the New Yorker editors had gotten ahold of this talk for publication, I think there are enough nuggets I agree with (the value of boredom, the value of solitude) that I wouldn't object much. They do wonders with Malcolm Gladwell, for example, who can lean into this territory when given too much leeway.

As in, I don't think my reaction is just because I'm deaf and predisposed towards liking texting. There were basic things about the talk that were problematic, IMO.
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Reply Mon 9 Apr, 2012 03:16 pm
The real question is "will art become a lost conversation?"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 09:33 am
There is an interesting article in this month's Esquire that runs down the research on connectedness and loneliness.

They mention Turkel and her research....

....Jaron Lanier, the author of You Are Not a Gadget, was one of the inventors of virtual-reality technology. His view of where social media are taking us reads like dystopian science fiction: “I fear that we are beginning to design ourselves to suit digital models of us, and I worry about a leaching of empathy and humanity in that process.” Lanier argues that Facebook imprisons us in the business of self-presenting, and this, to his mind, is the site’s crucial and fatally unacceptable downside.

Sherry Turkle, a professor of computer culture at MIT who in 1995 published the digital-positive analysis Life on the Screen, is much more skeptical about the effects of online society in her 2011 book, Alone Together: “These days, insecure in our relationships and anxious about intimacy, we look to technology for ways to be in relationships and protect ourselves from them at the same time.” The problem with digital intimacy is that it is ultimately incomplete: “The ties we form through the Internet are not, in the end, the ties that bind. But they are the ties that preoccupy,” she writes. “We don’t want to intrude on each other, so instead we constantly intrude on each other, but not in ‘real time.’”

Lanier and Turkle are right, at least in their diagnoses. Self-presentation on Facebook is continuous, intensely mediated, and possessed of a phony nonchalance that eliminates even the potential for spontaneity. (“Look how casually I threw up these three photos from the party at which I took 300 photos!”) Curating the exhibition of the self has become a 24/7 occupation....

Link: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/05/is-facebook-making-us-lonely/8930/
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 09:39 am
Will conversation become a lost art?

I don't wanna talk about it . . .
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 09:42 am
Just go on Facebook and whine about it then!
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 09:44 am
I use facebook for one purpose, to play games. I don't get involved in the converstations. The last conversation i had there was with some joker who wanted me to convert to Islam. I finally had to start bad-mouthing Mohammed--but he left me alone after that.
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 09:56 am
I don't do the facebook thing at all. I set up an account when one of Mo's coaches said we'd need it but never bothered to look at it and found that I never missed anything by not looking at it.

The only reason I don't delete it is because, for some reason, I get these status updates from my 11 year old niece in Texas. They are never intentionally funny but the completely crack me up. Someday I'm going to string them all together and make a little movie about ennui.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 10:14 am
I think that's the best use of facebook, for family members to keep in touch, to look at the photos of the kids and the grandkids--unfortunately, it's way beyond just that by now.
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 10:18 am
Fifty years ago, Esquire would have been hidden in the garage.
Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 10:35 am

They have great articles and some truly excellent writers. Almost every month there is a real gem. They seem to be one of the few magazines that understand that some of us still have attention spans that can last for several pages.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 10:41 am
I'd probably use it if any of my family or real friends used it.

The only time anyone has directly contacted me through it was when my ex-mother in law got busted. Everyone had to make sure I heard about it. A lot of them were old friends of my father and law and Mr. B's family but nobody bothered to ask about FIL, who has been unwell, Mr. B, or myself.

That pretty much taught me what FB was all about.
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