I never cease to be amazed by the sheer idealised, hypocritical, blind childlike silliness of people who engage in affairs.
Idealised because they think it's all about love, and that love will mean everything will be alright
Hypocritical because they want loyalty and monogamy from a known cheater, with themselves also being a cheater.
Blind because they believe all the lies a cheater (read 'liar') tells their partner in order to have his/her bit on the side...and think that the cheater isn't also telling lies to them
Childlike because they believe somehow, even though they've hooked up with a cheater, that it won't happen to them.
It also surprises me that so many strong willed people think it's easy for people to leave marriages. Usually finances are a huge issue. If children are involved it's an even greater issue :
- the men who stand to lose substantial amounts financially up front, pay substantial amounts for an ongoing period, and be separated from their kids.
- the women have to raise their children by themselves, which means a lot more work (as it's not really shared at home anymore) and a lot more travel time, and therefore a lot less free time. Then there are the possible financial implications, and then the thought of having to introduce new men to the kids.
Of course selling the house is not easy. Moving is not easy. The prospect of loneliness is not easy.
Then, whether or not they are sexually loyal to their partners, many people redefine the nature of their loyalty.
Then there are the attachments formed over many years.
Then there is the comfort zone.
In other words - there is a lot to keep people in a marriage.
Then people who start off as affairs rarely ever trust the other person. Marriage doesn't mean much if you cheat. So if you ever have a protracted argument or prolonged difficulties...the trust you thought you had...it goes right out the window.
When two people don't trust each other who profess to love each other - things are never as happy as they could be.
But they still go on thinking - 'but it's the real deal between us' & 'we are in love, so it will work for us'
...oddly sometimes it does, but the stats are only 10% (last I heard) - and of that 10%, nothing was mentioned about how happy the marriage was.