The politics of hoodie wearing

Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 10:33 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
"My bet: You're a teacher."

you should prolly avoid Vegas...

if you participated in other than the hostility portion of this forum, you would undoubtedly know what my profession is.

that you only choose to come here and beat up patsies speaks volumes about your personality.

what do you have against teachers?

is it the same thing mr Perry has against them?

I'm going to bed now, you have all night to come up with a good burn.

g'nite finny...
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 10:37 pm
Ah hear that!
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 12:14 am

Thanks! Smile I'm glad someone liked it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 06:57 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
My bet: You're a teacher.

Hey, wait a minute! I didn't notice this one.

What have you got against teachers? One of my daughters is a high-school math teacher. She works very hard. During her junior and senior years in high school, she was among those honored in Who's Who Among American High School Students. She graduated summa cum laude from high school. During her junior year at a leading university in the state of Texas (what a coincidence!), she was inducted into the national honor society Phi Beta Kappa. She graduated magna cum laude with a degree in mathematics. She had also minored in German. She's extremely conscientious and works under conditions that sometimes are trying. She easily could have gotten a higher-paying job as a statistician, but she chose teaching because she loves kids.

My father was a professor at two universities (not at the same time, of course Mr. Green ); and I married into a family of teachers.

Oh, no! I entered this acrimonious exchange. Sad
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 10:30 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Re: Rockhead (Post 4996729)
Give it up you pathetic clown.


I should be spanked. We're so off-topic. Mr. Green
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 10:34 pm

Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 06:30 am

Well, whaddaya know ... more pathetic clowns! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 08:50 am
Rockhead wrote:

"My bet: You're a teacher."

you should prolly avoid Vegas...

if you participated in other than the hostility portion of this forum, you would undoubtedly know what my profession is.

that you only choose to come here and beat up patsies speaks volumes about your personality.

what do you have against teachers?

is it the same thing mr Perry has against them?

I'm going to bed now, you have all night to come up with a good burn.

g'nite finny...

I agree with most of your assessment, except that he hasn't "beat up" anybody, and the people he mounts his morally compromised, intellectually dishonest arguments against aren't the "patsies" - he is.

Here's additional proof of his fecklessness:
He will not respond to any of the cogent points made that compare his stance on gay rights with the rabid racists of the 60's. He simply hasn't a rational leg to stand on, or a reasonable defense for standing with the bigots and racists of the world. Instead, he will reappear only to supply us with some more of his faux-intellectual, faux-witty insults.
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 10:29 am
in finn's reality, we are all patsies unworthy of his superior intellect...
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 05:25 pm
I've got nothing against teachers as a whole. My brother is a professor and spent a fair number of years teaching HS and holding a position of Guidance Counsellor.

From what I can tell he's a great teacher, and actually very committed.

I also had quite a few excellent teachers in my school days, one of whom I remain friends with.

An excellent teacher has almost immeasurable value. The problem is that they are the exceptions to the rule.

Perhaps you heard the recording of the teacher in NC who tried to shut a student up who chose not to agree with her that Obama is a great president and Mitt Romney is a disaster. Aside from trying to shout him down, she warned him that he could be arrested for slandering the president; that people had been arrested for speaking poorly President Bush.

Then there's the one in St Louis who told a white kid that he couldn't participate in a Black History month discussion because he was white. He was subsequently set on fire by his black classmates. I'm sure the experience with the teacher was jut a coincidence.

Or the one who insisted, in a class my daughter attended, that the nickname for New York state was The Big Apple and not The Empire State.

These are just a few of the morons who manage to get college degrees and jobs teaching our kids. There are plenty of intelligent ones who feel that it is their role to politically indoctrinate the kids.

I've absolutely no reason to think your daughter is anything but a wonderful teacher. She certainly seems both qualified and dedicated. Math teachers tend not to be the one's who seek to indoctrinate their students.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 05:27 pm
What are these so-called cogent points that compare my stance on gay rights with rabid racists of the 60's?

I doubt you even know what my stance is on gay rights.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 05:31 pm
If by "all" you mean you, snood and drewdad, you're almost right. I would never call DD or snood patsies.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 08:08 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
No matter how often we cover here how useless anecdotal evidence is there's always some one who wants to bring it into the conversation.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 08:25 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

What are these so-called cogent points that compare my stance on gay rights with rabid racists of the 60's?

I doubt you even know what my stance is on gay rights.

I got your pedantic blatherings from one thread mixed up with your pedantic blatherings in this one. But this was what I referred to:

By all measure, homosexuality represent no more than 10% of our population.

Big Deal?

Only because the Left and their Hollywood sponsers insist so.

...In the other thread, you were challenged by at least three posters on your smug attitude about the import of gay issues, and that it was similar to the attitude of the racists who minimalized the importance of civil rights in the 60's.

Please do revisit the other thread and grace us with your wise and insightful response.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 09:45 pm
You conveniently failed to quote an actually cogent line from my post

Maybe Gayness is a genetic trait or maybe not.

It was this question to which the rest of my comments referred.

In fact I led my comments with

I couldn't care less what some one's sexual urges are focused upon as long as they require consenting adults, and not innocents, unwilling or otherwise.

Rabid racism that!

In point of fact I did ignore the ensuing comments of those who, reflexively bristling at anything that might be perceived as negative in regards to Gays, created a straw man from my post against which they could launch their self-righteous protests.

The question of "choice" was actually raised by you in your opening post

Here’s another one: One controversy that seems to come up every so often is about whether sexual orientation is a choice or totally inborn – genetic. So as not to give the oppressors and “anti” forces any leeway, I generally side with those who say it is not a choice.

But I still have questions.

My response was clear (albeit not to my detractors)...Who cares?

The mere fact that you feel compelled to answer this question in a manner that is not truthful (so as to not afford "leeway" to the "oppressors") indicates how politicized a question it is for you.

You have your self-expressed doubts though. Does that make you an "oppressor?"

Apparently you feel that you have earned a dispensation on this issue. Anyone else who expresses the belief that sexual orientation is a choice is an "oppressor" or a member of the "anti" forces.

No, snood can muse where lesser mortals fear to tread because he's one of the cadre; his bonafides are unquestionable.

I don't know what the answer is, but I suspect that it some cases its genetic and in others its choice, but the bottom line is I don't care, and other than as a biological puzzle I don't know why anyone who isn't thoroughly devoted to the politicization of the Gay experience would.

Again, the Gay population is at most 10% of Americans. This hardly constitutes a burning question that affects every household in the country.

That they are only 10% or less has nothing to do with whether they are entitled to civil rights, and despite the conclusion you and your confreres immediately jumped to, I never indicated it did.

The fact of the matter is that the question is truly only important because its answer somehow marks the answerer as tolerant or homophobic. Genetics is the politically correct answer because it serves the Gay Rights movement's desire to depict homosexuality as "normal."

I never could really understand this position.

There are any number of harmful genetic mutations that passed on from parent to child and few people consider them a sign of "normalcy."

In addition, if I choose to have a homosexual relationship, does that make me any less deserving of equal rights?

Hollywood is disproportionately supportive of the Gay Rights Movement. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, but being who they are they can't resist pushing their opinions on the rest of the country via popular cultural. As a result, we have a disproportionate number of gay characters appearing in TV shows and movies, to the point where despite the fact that a Gay/Lesbian group puts the percentage of homosexuals at between 5% and 8%, the American people when polled answer it is around 25%.

Once again, it has nothing to do with whether or not gays deserve civil rights but it is clearly propaganda and propaganda irks me.

The Gay Rights Movement strives to manipulate the American people. I understand why they do and if it works, good on them, but I'm going to call manipulation when I see it.

You on the other hand, swallow it hook, line and sinker because you are desperate to be cool, and being a liberal is cool.

As a result all sorts of liberal reprobates are given free passes on their transgressions. Bill Maher is permitted to call women cunts, and David Letterman is permitted to make jokes about a young girl getting knocked up under the bleachers by a Yankee third baseman.

Roman Polanksy's art trumps his rape of a minor, and Steve Jobs could dodge taxes and exploit Chinese workers.

Barrack Obama obliterates Yemeni terrorist and their families from several thousand feet in the air and he's tough, while George Bush allowed waterboarding, and he's a monster.

The examples go on and on.

You're cool snood so you get to muse on whether not homosexuality is hereditary while I, pointing out the question is immaterial except in the context of politics am a rabid racist.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not complaining about fairness. I'm simply trying to point out what a shallow, hypocritical tool you are.

Reply Thu 31 May, 2012 02:12 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
In the interest of not further muddying the issue of the launch post, I'm going to post my reply in the "Musings about sexual orientation" thread.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 31 May, 2012 05:46 pm
How considerate of you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 May, 2012 11:46 pm
It has been reported that he acquired a concealed weapon permit, which legally allowed him to conceal the gun that was used to shoot and kill Martin.
Hence, although Zimmerman was possibly negligent, irresponsible and exercised poor judgment, it was not illegal for him to follow Martin, carry a gun when doing so or even ignore the opinion of the civilian 911 dispatcher when advised, regarding his following Martin, "OK, we don't need you to do that."
The only legal relevance as to whether race was the determining factor in the following and killing of Martin was whether it goes to establish if Zimmerman exercised a "depraved mind" regarding the killing.
This requisite depravity is a necessary element for second-degree murder in Florida, the crime for which Zimmerman has been charged. If racism or bigotry can be established as the basis for killing Martin, then a second-degree murder charge could be appropriate.
However, with the evidence that has emerged, especially that contained within the discovery documents released in recent days, proof of a racial motive concerning the shooting seems wholly lacking.
Without establishing that the killing was racially motivated, any claim that Zimmerman committed second-degree murder in shooting Martin will not survive. Interestingly, the state in its charging affidavit simply claimed Zimmerman "profiled" Martin, not that he racially profiled him.
This allows the state to keep such a claim open-ended, likely knowing early on that it couldn't sustain the burden of proving racial profiling. More and more, this case looks like it will be thrown out in criminal court and eventually be headed to civil court.


Mark NeJame is a CNN legal analyst and contributor and has practiced law, mainly as a criminal defense attorney, for more than 30 years. He is the founder and senior partner of NeJame, LaFay, Jancha, Ahmed, Barker and Joshi, P.A., in Orlando.

I dont know that Firefly has ANY legal expertise, but I do know that NeJame just nailed her ass. And as happens so often we see here the state abusing the "justice" system.
Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2012 04:06 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
It has been reported that he acquired a concealed weapon permit, which legally allowed him to conceal the gun that was used to shoot and kill Martin.
Hence, although Zimmerman was possibly negligent, irresponsible and exercised poor judgment, it was not illegal for him to follow Martin, carry a gun when doing so or even ignore the opinion of the civilian 911 dispatcher when advised, regarding his following Martin, "OK, we don't need you to do that."
The only legal relevance as to whether race was the determining factor in the following and killing of Martin was whether it goes to establish if Zimmerman exercised a "depraved mind" regarding the killing.
This requisite depravity is a necessary element for second-degree murder in Florida, the crime for which Zimmerman has been charged. If racism or bigotry can be established as the basis for killing Martin, then a second-degree murder charge could be appropriate.
However, with the evidence that has emerged, especially that contained within the discovery documents released in recent days, proof of a racial motive concerning the shooting seems wholly lacking. [If your mom, or your identical twin brother, is slamming your brain on the street,
u need to counter-attack ASAP; u don't have the luxury of considering race. David]

Without establishing that the killing was racially motivated, any claim that Zimmerman committed second-degree murder in shooting Martin will not survive. Interestingly, the state in its charging affidavit simply claimed Zimmerman "profiled" Martin, not that he racially profiled him.
This allows the state to keep such a claim open-ended, likely knowing early on that it couldn't sustain the burden of proving racial profiling. More and more, this case looks like it will be thrown out in criminal court and eventually be headed to civil court.


Mark NeJame is a CNN legal analyst and contributor and has practiced law, mainly as a criminal defense attorney, for more than 30 years. He is the founder and senior partner of NeJame, LaFay, Jancha, Ahmed, Barker and Joshi, P.A., in Orlando.

I dont know that Firefly has ANY legal expertise, but I do know that NeJame just nailed her ass. And as happens so often we see here the state abusing the "justice" system.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2012 05:40 am
There is one small problem with NeJame's analysis. He doesn't have all the evidence that the prosecution does.

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