The politics of hoodie wearing

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 08:29 pm
DrewDad wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

This a silly cartoon that attempts to satirize a situation that doesn't exist..

You've obviously never listened to talk radio in Texas.

Damn straight that situation exists.

Well, actually I have, and I haven't heard one commentator go on about Obama being a suspicious black man who doesn't belong in the neighborhood.

I suspect you have a tendency to hear what you want to hear...if you ever actually listen to the people you condemn.

And the "situation" of Lefty traitors who want to see American fail "damn straight exists," but like the scenario in this cartoon only to a very minimal extent.

You and snood see racists everywhere because you have to in order to sustain your political narrative and your smug conceit.

Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 08:49 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
You and snood see racists everywhere because you have to in order to sustain your political narrative and your smug conceit.

No, I recognize racism when it occurs. It occurs very often, here in Texas.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 08:57 pm
And so every Texan should hang their head in shame because DrewDad has turned the spotlight on their dark nature.

You're full of sh*t about Texas.

Now maybe I am too, but people who hope to discern the true nature of Texans will have to admit that we cancel each other out.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 08:59 pm
Oh, I've noticed you couldn't offer any substantiation to your claim about Texan talk radio.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:09 pm
Here I am snood.

Perhaps you might direct your comments about me, to me and not play schoolgirl games.

There are, unfortunately, people who have an irrational hatred for Obama as there are those who have an irrational hatred for George Bush, Sarah Palin, and soon to be developed, Mitt Romney.

The interesting difference among them is that the Right recognizes the Obama-haters as kooks, while the Left honors the Bush/Palin haters.

While I'm sure there are idiots who view each and every black person as a criminal, they hardly represent a significant segment of our society. There is no credible reason to suggest that Zimmerman perceived Martin as a criminal threat simply because he was black.

Your point of view argues that if Martin had been white, the violent incident never would have happened, because Zimmerman would have thought to himself "White kids never commit crimes and so I'll just leave this hoodie wearing one alone." Yeah, right.

If we are going to define a group by their fringe participants then we will find them all to be horrible. You're contention that the racist signs that have appeared at Tea Party gatherings are illustrative of the entire movement is an invitation to judge all of those who have spoken out about the Martin case by the New Black Panther's bounty on the man's head...dead or alive.

No doubt you appreciate the power of words when they suit your purpose and so the "N word" is atrocious. It is, but you've no such concern when using the pejorative "teabaggers." That's OK though because those "teabaggers" are evil and snood wears the white hat.

My world seems a much brighter place than yours snood. I don't see racists around every corner. I don't think that the significantly large segment of my fellow Americans who disagree with me are evil. I don't think that people with wealth are trying to marginalize those who have not yet attained it.

Thankfully, I don't live in your world, because it is truly "fucked."

But then the Lone Sloan Denzel Ranger isn't quite the hero he thinks he is if the world isn't "fucked."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:09 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
and what do you do to maintain your smug conceit, finny?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:15 pm
Do you really enjoy your A2K persona of a bothersome gnat?

Time after time you flit into a thread only to attempt an irritatiting bite.

No one engages you in debate because you never offer substance which might be debatable.

You must mourn the passing of the AOL "chat forums."

Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:17 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
were that to be my game, it would still be better than your persona of mudslinging conservative bully...

if I wanted debate I would get debate.

what I really want is for you to find a better way to take out your aggression.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:32 pm
That weak reply reminds me of my childhood days when a challenged young man would contend "I would fight you, but I would kill you."

They were, ultimately, afraid, and so are you.

If you wanted debate?

When have you ever wanted debate?

You're not as funny as you think you are and if you are only prepared to offer jibes, you need to be very funny.

You really are an A2K gnat.

You never offer anything more than what you think is a cutting quip.

Really pathetic.
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:33 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
what do you offer, asshole?

(this is your big chance to tout your positive attribute)
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:35 pm
here, I'll get you started...

you defend every conservative position no matter how vulgar or weak.

now you go...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:37 pm

I thought of another one. you're a Texas sized bigot.

damn, this was easier than I thought it would be...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:39 pm
and you look down your nose and sneer better than almost anyone here.

I'll stop and let you think of one now...
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:45 pm
Rockhead wrote:

what do you offer, asshole?

(this is your big chance to tout your positive attribute)

Wow, that was quick!

In response:

By all measures, clearly enormously more than you do.

For this forum, a positive contribution is a post that generates debate.

Absolutely none of yours does so. None of your fellow Lefties can, in good faith, contend your posts have. You are irrelevant.

That your resort to vulgar epithets is so wonderfully telling.

Admit it Rocky, you're outmatched. Keep it up and keep looking like a fool or retreat to the shadows and try and bite David or Gunga and therebye sustain your self-image as being an oh so clever Leftie.

My bet: You're a teacher.

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:47 pm
The mark of the defeated in this forum are multiple replies to a single post.

Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 09:50 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
you come here to be a turd.

don't let me stop you...
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 10:06 pm
Give it up you pathetic clown.
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 10:09 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
wow, your insightful wisdom and pinpoint debating skills have worn me down again, finny...

you have a lovely night like only you can.

finn 546,793,211 evil libruls 0.

(and I'll get off your grass)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 10:31 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
That claim that every single Texan is raciSt? no, I don't believe that I did.

Do I encounter a lot of racist rhetoric in Texas? Yes, I believe that I do.

You don't seem capable of understanding any kind of subtlety or nuance. Apparently for you to the fact that not every Texan is racist means that none of them are.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 10:32 pm
All this acrimony is breaking my heart! Crying or Very sad



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