I've just read that crime rates are higher in rural areas in Canada than they are in the urban centers, on average of .4 %.
Edmonton lead the bigger cities this year with a banner year on murder. It nearly doubled. We've always had a high murder rate, this year's numbers were staggering.. 48. Calgary - similar demographics had 6. This city has always been a bit more rough and tumble but last year was unbelievable. Unemployment is at 4.6 and there is money all over town. This year, so far we're at 3, fingers crossed...I've often heard Austin is much like Edmonton. Similar vibe, size and so on. Edmonton's murder rate per 100,000 is 3.1, Autin's 4.8 in 2011.
The crime rate is Canada has steadily fallen since the seventies, about 10% per annum. I think the US has similar stats, especially in certain areas. Some crimes aren't considered especially heinous in Canada either, soft drug usage and so on. So, crime comparisons aren't exactly on the same page.
As for education, I know that teachers are paid better and have enviable plans. Basic health care is covered. We have problems with poverty and homelessness, just like every where else.
I didn't really ask the question to compare countries. We both have our own problems. We've recently gone through, what seems like endless royal commissions on RCMP and Police screw ups, on some really high profile cases. We have an epidemic of murders on Native women and very few of their murders have been solved, partially because of disinterest. I get the feeling this is what the pastor was getting at. If nobody gives a damn, then it's situation normal. At what point do people sit down and find the answers and stop pointing fingers. Instead of making laws that are bound and determined to kill people, why don't they get to the root of the fear.
Many of the aboriginal women that have been murdered were living off the avails of the street. Ontario has just made brothels legal. Prostitution laws are changing because, although many would rather turn a blind eye to the sin... and the problems, many people realize that these laws were endangering these women. Laws that made serial killers jobs so much easier.
So, the Pastor said there is an epidemic of young black men dying, being murdered. If it were white boys, there would be outrage. Maybe it's time for a paradigm switcheroo...