Rockhead wrote:
"Get rid of your larger vehicle and get a smaller one."
I can't do that, I make my meager living with my pick-up truck.
gasoline is my biggest expense every month. when it goes up, my food budget shrinks a little more.
I'm not talking about someone who needs a certain size vehicle to make their living rocky.
But look around, not that many people need an SUV, even if it's a smaller one. Yes, even if you have a kid, or more than one kid.
It's like some kind of sacred cow that if you have a child, you "deserve" what is basically a large truck, because otherwise how would you ever get them to soccer practice.
That seems to be the big thing, soccer practice. As soon as someone says their kid has to go to soccer practice, all common sense goes out the window.
Wow, they have to transport a small human...a ball....um, some clothes and shoes the kid is hopefully already wearing....uh....a bottle of spring water....a baggie of trail mix.
Wait, they don't need a ball, don't the team people have one?
Don't even get me started on dance class.
Yet, every day during morning commute, theirs literally hundreds of large vehicles transporting 1 person and their travel mug of coffee....a laptop bag, all sucking gas by driving too fast.