Sat 10 Mar, 2012 09:52 am
We're talking about jolted Joe Arpaio right? Why hasn't he been committed to his own jail/err hospital?
Birthers are delusional--Joe Arpaio thinks he can piss up a rope, and he can to those birthers who choose to remain on their heads.
But then, I guess, some prefer their inverted delusions to reality.
This "news" is ten days old now. Got an update?
Here's the kicker as I see it.
If I put myself in the position of the guy ordered to convince the world that I'd scanned some sort of a real birth certificate for Bork Obunga, the very last thing I'd ever do is post some six or seven part pdf file on the internet. I'd anticipate my own mother and grandmother calling me a lying SOB... The ONLY thing I'd ever post would be some pure bitmap image, either a bmp or tif image.
Moreover, any technically competent person that the Bork (Obunga) admin were to give that assignment to would have known that; you have to assume that whoever did that scan and post had to be a near computer illiterate.
Then you ask yourself why a near computer illiterate would have drawn that assignment, and the answer is not difficult. When Attila the Hun died, the Huns killed every member of the burial detail which had buried him so that his grave would never be found. When Genghis Khan died, same thing, to this day nobody has any clue as to where either Attila or Genghis Khan might be buried.
There are some assignments which nobody wants despite any glory which might be attached to them, simply because no amount of money would compensate for the occupational hazards attached to them and being the only person on Earth to know what exactly had been posted on the internet for the benefit of Bork Obunga's continued general recognition as a "natural born US citizen(TM)" is one of them.
My guess is that either Bork himself or some member of his immediate family posted that pdf file.
There were pdf files in the 60's?
A PDF file on a computer is computer generated?
Of course it is. Every PDF file is computer generated.
Anyone that is going to assess the validity of a document by looking at a computer generated scan of that document needs to get a new hobby or in the case of Joe Arpaio, a new profession. You can't assess much of anything from looking at a computer generated facsimile of a document. Computers introduce artifacts that aren't there in the original.
Oh.. wait.. these are the same people that complained that scanned ballots were unreadable so they had to be thrown out even though the courts could read the originals quite clearly.
So,,,,, no, no update. Sheriff Joe has had ten days to decide what to do with the, I hesitate to use the word 'findings', but what the hell, findings (trumped up bullshit) of the, I hesitate to use the word 'panel' but what the hell, panel of (rightwing nutball bunch) of volunteers. Yet, he seems not to be able to decide.
If you thought you had evidence of a vast left conspiracy to elect a non-citizen to the Presidency of the United States, would it take you even ONE day to decide what to do with the evidence? Remember, they've been 'working' on this for over six months, did it not come up in the weekly meetings on what the next step would be if, I mean, when they had the evidence in hand? Pretty myopic, I'd say.
Oh, for the days when a panel of three Federal Judges could select a Special Prosecutor to investigate such matters!! What happened to that?? Oh yeah, George W. Bush put a stop to that kind of ****.
Joe(get off the pot, JOE!)Nation
Another clear example of how the US consteetushun is undemocratic.