I agree with all so far, see Firefly's point about discussing with Susie, and see Mame's point about making just a simple remark re thanks for bringing it to your attention.
I slightly see Kathy's point too - if it is her point, and it might not be - but there is an underlying thing about the word 'my'. My architect, my contractor, my engineer, my typist, my girl friday, my gal Sal. We don't own each other even if we are paying people via some kind of understood contract. But this is common and totally understandable usage and not liking it is pretty nitpicky. I've been many people's landscape architect, and happy enough to be, but I understand the slight frisson that comes with saying 'my' when I do that myself. But getting around that possession thing is a lot of work - George Gobel, the engineer who is helping me......
Easier to say, George said this...
If Kathy's point is re the word Gal, it's sort of old fashioned, like a 40's movie, and hard for me to get all worked up about.
The word girl has a lot of women shuddering, though. I'm so old that I remember us in our early twenties calling each other girls, similar in usage to girlfriends. But now it is often taken as fairly dismissive.
Re age, I'm older than the hills.