Reality from the view point of theists

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 03:46 pm
If I have the nominalists correct, then the being comes before conception, and it is not conception that brings something into existence... But if we should say cosmos, or existence, or God, or reality, even humanity then these are word labels for concepts that work only so long as the human mind is there to hold them as a certain meaning....

Whether or not a thing exists cannot be said to rest upon a single human life, but existence is itself a concept, or a quasi concept that has meaning because we exist, and not necessarily because it exists...Now, I can agree with the nominalists that the object must be for people to conceive of it, but that does not stop people from using their imaginations to conceive of spiritual values, moral forms, or transcendent concepts that have no value or being other than as meaning, and it is the meaning that gives them their value...

If you look at knowledge you are not looking at an actual thing but the means of represnting what we know of a thing; and a concept, say, of an atom is all that we may say is true of it... And we can have knowledge of it in the finite sense because we can conceive of it as a finite object... If we say existence, we are talking of an infinite- since we cannot see the end of our own, or of the cosmos to make a certain judgment, as Kant would say: knowledge is judgment... In any event, whether one considers finite knowledge alone, or with infinte quasi forms representing spiritual knowledge these forms exist within us, within our culture, and so long as we exist as meanings....

What all forms have in common is meaning... Finite physical forms have a being with a meaning... What quasi moral forms have is meaning only... Ask yourself: Will a man's meaning when he says: Justice, live on after he dies??? Since all knowledge of reality exists within humanity as certain meanings; will they exist apart from humanity when humanity is gone???...

I have known people who talked almost their entire lives who after having a stroke could laugh, or cry, but speak no words...Perhaps if they can still conceive of something they could find a means of relating it, but with their loss of words they are denied one of the tools of thought, and most of the means of communication... If it is possible that in some part of their brain they could hear speech as Socrates heard his Deamon, then he might think words exist; but what could he say if words were totally lost to him??? What if life were lost to him???

You see, things exist without our knowledge as germs once existed, and though they had the power to kill they had no meaning, and because they had no meaning we had no power over them... It was not their meaning that brought them into existence, but their meaning which made them real...

I know it is a fine point, but from our standpoint, our perspective, being is a secondary question to meaning because knowledge does not exist as an abstraction... Some people do not like morals because it is impossible to abstract them... Every conscious choice can be framed as a moral choice...

Frank; the choice to believe that all of reality exists apart from our humanity to witness it rests on its creation and witnessing by a higher power, a God... And our saying it exists, and God exists apart from humanity is really a denial of the ability and greatness of human life that can almost bring things into reality with a thought, and we do so everytime we take an idea like Justice and make from it a social form like Law... To me, the only question of being that is valid is of our own being because it is upon our being that our perception of reality exists... Life is meaning, and it is living humanity that decides the meaning and value of all things...We do not hold the scales... We are the scales...

Obviously I have to reduce the discussion even further.

DO YOU KNOW that when we humans cease to be, the world will no longer exist?

Yes, you KNOW it...or No, you do not KNOW it?

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 03:47 pm
...I would love to see Fresco (and the likes) describing WHAT IS the SUBSTANCE of social agreement given his assumption on reality...it may well be that the kind of agreement he is talking about is one of those self enclosed concepts that only he can get in his own inner world which according to him does not have the status of a state of affairs...what a messy mess !!!
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reasoning logic
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 03:48 pm
This is a different point of view about naive realism. If you do not like the message you have to at least like the image.


This is another view point.

Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 03:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Fresco...there is an element of "theism" in this discussion, but it is coming from people like you, not from me.

I am an agnostic. I do not know the answers to ultimate questions...and I am willing to acknowledge that I do not know. I have no problem, however, offering what I have on the "objective REALITY" issue, because that resolves itself in common sense.

But...don't use REALITY if it offends your sensibilities.

What IS...IS, however...and if you use that, you should end up at the same station.

"What IS", Fresco, is objective...even though we apparently cannot know it; describe it; or, in a sense, even appreciate it. What actually IS...ACTUALLY IS.

I think by now you actually realize you have been wrong all along on the question of whether or not there is an objective REALITY. Unfortunately, your ego is preventing you from acknowledging it. That happens often in these kinds of discussions...no problem As I said earlier, it doesn't make you a bad person.

There is, by the way, a "cuteness" to trying to shape the product of this extensive discussion in words like: "...advocates of 'an objective reality' can be seen as the equivalent of theists." I truly thank you for the laugh I got from that (less than effective) attempt at irony.

But that sort of things is desperation...and is going nowhere. JL already sees, and is willing to acknowledge, the definitional problem with the assertion "there is no objective REALITY." Not sure where you are on the issue, but obviously you are not at the point where you can acknowledge the problem if you do see it.

Too bad that.

Sir; it is wrong to presume an objective knowledge of reality is possible so long as reality cannot be seen or held as an object... You can make a relatively accurate observation of the area of a sphere is you are given even a single bit of important data based upon what people have reasoned true and found true in the past regarding spheres... But what was learned could only be known because a sphere could be held as an object, and physically examined... If you look at that part of reality we can actually consider and measure and reason upon it is quite small, and it is from that small world that we can say this or that is truth... If we try to reason out from that world of truth to what we see, or think we see as thing, that is, as Res, from which we get our word reality, then we can presume much, but know little, about what we know as truth... But if you take that step beyond reality, and say existence, then we are presuming a sameness and order that is beyond proof, and far beyond realistic presumption... The same is true of transcendent concepts, what I call moral forms since each exists primarily as a moral judgment... We may be presented with infinite examples of justice and yet never be able to say with truth what justice is... We may see justice as an element in a happy life, and see its results and wants in all our affairs; but this sense of the thing as a spiritual meaning is not enough to define it because it is an infinite... To know even in the relative sense of the word is difficult; but if you would communicate clearly you must begin with a lot of thought as to what you can actually know, and what of existence is beyond knowledge... Others have cut the path we have no choice but to follow... Certainly those who believe because certainty is preferable to the general ignorance we must all admit have their path cut for them as well... Which path do you wish to follow???
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 03:55 pm
I guess this is your form of acknowledging that there is an objective reality after all...you throw in the problem of knowledge as a smoke grenade which is clearly beyond the point up on the table as means of getting a soft landing conciliation...
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 03:58 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Fido is doing a good job of dealing with "the issues", and as in my case they are unlikely to correspond to what you think they are, because like me he has put in some effort to read the literature.
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:03 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
I would be obliged if you would comment on the consistency or otherwise of Frank's usage of "is"with respect to "ser" versus "estar".
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:03 pm
...on SUBJECTIVITY itself suffices to say that if it refers conceptually then it is objective !!! The entire thing post by post is reason to die laughing if one pays enough attention to the amount of nonsense per sentence ! (got to be a record on the forum)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:03 pm
Fresco, my last post may answer your question: absolutism and objectivism are prerequisites for a belief in theism. But they are only so if they do not also recognize and include the subjective and relativistic dimension of our engagement with the World. In the ordinary use of the term, "reality", we are most often talking (context dependently) about a "realistic" approach to experience, not an abstract formal ontological characteristic of the World itself. We are then talking practically about realistic vs. delusional perception, not about the ineffable Ultimate Reality for which I prefer the term Dharma because its exotic character lends it considerable open-endedness (more or less a way to express the ineffable) Laughing
I grant, or confess, that my attempt at the resolution of dualism is a tacit attempt to take a "God's Eye" perspecctive in the sense of Brahma's form of omnicience, but a theistic "God's Eye" perspective would seem to me to be one in which God chooses between all Plato's dualities. And requires that His subjects do so as well. Mature buddhists make no such choices because they see nothing to choose between.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:08 pm
...if the ineffable is ineffable what on hell would you be expressing then ???
...if words cannot express the world then at the least words ARE the world...it so simply THEREĀ“s NO WAY around it !!!


We are debating a domain for Christ sake...

...people are trying to nullify a master domain by recurring to their own self referent conceptual master domain...n then trick of magic end up saying its not a domain after all... Laughing
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:10 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

If I have the nominalists correct, then the being comes before conception, and it is not conception that brings something into existence... But if we should say cosmos, or existence, or God, or reality, even humanity then these are word labels for concepts that work only so long as the human mind is there to hold them as a certain meaning....

Whether or not a thing exists cannot be said to rest upon a single human life, but existence is itself a concept, or a quasi concept that has meaning because we exist, and not necessarily because it exists...Now, I can agree with the nominalists that the object must be for people to conceive of it, but that does not stop people from using their imaginations to conceive of spiritual values, moral forms, or transcendent concepts that have no value or being other than as meaning, and it is the meaning that gives them their value...

If you look at knowledge you are not looking at an actual thing but the means of represnting what we know of a thing; and a concept, say, of an atom is all that we may say is true of it... And we can have knowledge of it in the finite sense because we can conceive of it as a finite object... If we say existence, we are talking of an infinite- since we cannot see the end of our own, or of the cosmos to make a certain judgment, as Kant would say: knowledge is judgment... In any event, whether one considers finite knowledge alone, or with infinte quasi forms representing spiritual knowledge these forms exist within us, within our culture, and so long as we exist as meanings....

What all forms have in common is meaning... Finite physical forms have a being with a meaning... What quasi moral forms have is meaning only... Ask yourself: Will a man's meaning when he says: Justice, live on after he dies??? Since all knowledge of reality exists within humanity as certain meanings; will they exist apart from humanity when humanity is gone???...

I have known people who talked almost their entire lives who after having a stroke could laugh, or cry, but speak no words...Perhaps if they can still conceive of something they could find a means of relating it, but with their loss of words they are denied one of the tools of thought, and most of the means of communication... If it is possible that in some part of their brain they could hear speech as Socrates heard his Deamon, then he might think words exist; but what could he say if words were totally lost to him??? What if life were lost to him???

You see, things exist without our knowledge as germs once existed, and though they had the power to kill they had no meaning, and because they had no meaning we had no power over them... It was not their meaning that brought them into existence, but their meaning which made them real...

I know it is a fine point, but from our standpoint, our perspective, being is a secondary question to meaning because knowledge does not exist as an abstraction... Some people do not like morals because it is impossible to abstract them... Every conscious choice can be framed as a moral choice...

Frank; the choice to believe that all of reality exists apart from our humanity to witness it rests on its creation and witnessing by a higher power, a God... And our saying it exists, and God exists apart from humanity is really a denial of the ability and greatness of human life that can almost bring things into reality with a thought, and we do so everytime we take an idea like Justice and make from it a social form like Law... To me, the only question of being that is valid is of our own being because it is upon our being that our perception of reality exists... Life is meaning, and it is living humanity that decides the meaning and value of all things...We do not hold the scales... We are the scales...

Obviously I have to reduce the discussion even further.

DO YOU KNOW that when we humans cease to be, the world will no longer exist?

Yes, you KNOW it...or No, you do not KNOW it?

Just ask yourself: Do I know what I have forgotton??? I do not say I know anything, and Setanta will be happy to agree with me... Since we know with our brains, I think it very much impossible to know when our brains have turned to dust... When humanity says it knows about that bit of finite reality it can be said to know, it never means we know all there is to know, but only that we are reasonably certain of some of the details, and that is to say that we have a working analogy of reality... At least of one small element of it...At least... The beginning of wisdom is to not know, but to have some grasp of what you may never know because that will give you some sense of the limited range of knowledge we may have with effort...
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:20 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
I know. That is why I put in the laughing emoticon. Did you not receive it? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
BTW, my reference to "mature buddhists" seeing nothing to choose between referred not to the practical context dependent choices we must make everyday. It refers to the major divisions of the world (dualism) that infect our philosophical perspectives on Reality.
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Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:20 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
I know. That is why I put in the laughing emoticon. Did you not receive it? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:21 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Not "expressing the ineffable"....."pointing to".
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:23 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

I guess this is your form of acknowledging that there is an objective reality after all...you throw in the problem of knowledge as a smoke grenade which is clearly beyond the point up on the table as means of getting a soft landing conciliation...
Objective knowledge refers to an object that we can hold as a finite object and have finite knowledge of, and that represents very little of reality or existence... We have only an analogy as all concepts are of our finite objects... From this we presume more and more, knowing less and less... It is not hopeless... Look at all that was learned in physics based upon guesses that tested true... After a while, as we expand what we take as true to existence we are stacking belief upon guesses until it makes no sense what ever... In considering existence, as we might upon some evidence in the cosmos, it is necessary to presume an order that may or may not be the case... But people persist in suggesting that if you know one side of the cosmos, you know them all...

The same is presumed of God, that those who presume an order presume an ordering force and out of their own morality presume a good character from God when the Greeks were far more correct in all likelyhood in calling the firmament the result of power... And if God is power, then where is power good or evil??? And if God is power, then is God not also its twin, and matter too??? You see, we conceive of ourselves spiritually as certain meanings, and do the same to the universe and to the God we create to create us... The metaphysics upon which God is created is full of space, just like the Cosmos, and we provide little not already evident in our moral forms...
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:26 pm
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:36 pm
Concepts like Order Force and Power can all be reduced to the same thing...bottom line they refer to whatever is the case...Moral forms themselves refer to whatever is the case...the "goodness" in things bottom line only mean that they do work that they function n operate !!!
There is no goodness in good, it is a circular argument...good is the thing that works in due time in due expected context...contexts require domains and domain chains...domain chains cannot be without master domains...subjectivism itself is meaningless without objectivism, it does not even makes sense without it...people are far gone under in this mess of a talk...wild n crazy, a nuts house if u ask me Fido...(not JL sorry messed up the name in the quick reply)
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 04:47 pm
...my perspective upon "Ser" and "Estar" or "estar ai" (Dasein) is that Dasein it is only the timely projection of the Ser...which MUST BE in order for any Dasein (process) to make sense...Master Domains cannot be erased...
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 05:01 pm
Just ask yourself: Do I know what I have forgotton??? I do not say I know anything, and Setanta will be happy to agree with me... Since we know with our brains, I think it very much impossible to know when our brains have turned to dust... When humanity says it knows about that bit of finite reality it can be said to know, it never means we know all there is to know, but only that we are reasonably certain of some of the details, and that is to say that we have a working analogy of reality... At least of one small element of it...At least... The beginning of wisdom is to not know, but to have some grasp of what you may never know because that will give you some sense of the limited range of knowledge we may have with effort...

Ummm...is that a "Yes, I know it"...or a "No, I do not know it?"
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 05:03 pm
@reasoning logic,

...I want to be sure we are in agreement that...

...we are talking about the REALITY of what IS...

...not our perceptions of what IS.

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