What this Summer's Gas Prices Should Tell Us

Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:14 pm
That the bill always comes eventually. Let the political system be so broken for so long that a nations energy policy becomes non existent due to the inability to either figure out a way forwards or take action on plans to improve the nations health and ye shall eventually be presented with outrageous energy bills and an economy that has zero chance for success.

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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:20 pm
The lack of a GOVERNMENT policy would mean that gas is being priced as it should be in a capitalist system.

Oh, wait.. that can't be right or can it?
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:23 pm
Too damn ethnocentric to have a real relevance, Hawkeye. You have absolutely no moral standing to complain, when, one, you have an out of control military wasting fossil fuels in an outrageous fashion.


You have absolutely no moral standing to complain when your country has stolen so much fossil fuels from countries the world over.

Rising gas prices should tell y'all a lot of things and open minded folk that you are, I'm sure that y'all will see the light, ... finally, ... maybe, ... we can only hope.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:24 pm
parados wrote:

The lack of a GOVERNMENT policy would mean that gas is being priced as it should be in a capitalist system.

Oh, wait.. that can't be right or can it?

Capitalists left to their own devices become robber-barons, we know this but we get stupid sometimes and forget.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:29 pm
Rising gas prices should tell y'all a lot of things and open minded folk that you are, I'm sure that y'all will see the light, ... finally, ... maybe, ... we can only hope.

We can not control gas prices past a certain point, but we damn sure do have the ability to decide through practices how much crude we need to import, and how many dollars a day we send out for it. As I recall we are now over $4 billion a day.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:32 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
What this Summer's Gas Prices Should Tell Us

That futures traders have found a way to mint money... unless they get caught holding the hot potato at the end of the game.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:39 pm
That futures traders have found a way to mint money.

are you aware that almost all OPEC oil now sells at what ever the spot market price is for the day even though they sell almost no oil on the spot market? It is a very nice scam, and the major benefactors are far away nations, most of whom do not like us very much.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:47 pm
As I recall we are now over $4 billion a day.

I know where you're coming from, Hawk - it's a bitch when you actually have to trade fairly with other nations.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 01:50 pm
JTT wrote:

As I recall we are now over $4 billion a day.

I know where you're coming from, Hawk - it's a bitch when you actually have to trade fairly with other nations.

China and Russia do not believe that this is a requirement, they violate contracts at will and tend to buy off or buy producers rather than trade for goods on markets. They very well might be right that Americans are chumps for trying to trade freely though open markets.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 02:06 pm
China and Russia do not believe that this is a requirement, they violate contracts at will and tend to buy off or buy producers rather than trade for goods on markets. They very well might be right that Americans are chumps for trying to trade freely though open markets.

You're reduced to this, Hawkeye, comparing the shining beacon to Russia and China?

And then you attack them for following capitalist principles instead of invading nations to steal their wealth? I thought that you had said that honesty was part of your actions here at A2K.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 02:18 pm
And then you attack them for following capitalist principles instead of invading nations to steal their wealth

China and Russia do not follow the capitalism program...that was my point. The argument is oft made that we Americans have no choice but to suck it up and pay what ever invoice is presented for the crude that we want, but I say that we do have options and that we should consider using them. I am not as hung up as you are on condemnation of American raping and pillaging. Someday if we get to global utopia we can stop, but right now this is a dog eat dog world, the theories of darwin are in force. As long as America is not among the worst of the thugs then I am happy. Go peddle your guilt trip elsewhere.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 02:58 pm
The argument is oft made that we Americans have no choice but to suck it up and pay what ever invoice is presented for the crude that we want, but I say that we do have options and that we should consider using them. I am not as hung up as you are on condemnation of American raping and pillaging.

You really are one confused, terribly inconsistent puppy, aren't you, Hawkeye.

You make a dismal attempt at maligning Russia and China [not that there aren't certain things you could have focused on] and then in the next breath you make the completely illogical argument that the US shouldn't follow the very capitalist principles they mouth - they don't, by the way, the US should instead continue their century long practice of stealing from other countries.

I'm interested in learning how a brain such as yours can function with no connection between thought and language.

As long as America is not among the worst of the thugs then I am happy.

What makes you think that American is not among the worst of the thugs, if not the top thug?

Oh wait, silly me, I forgot - you've been subjected to a lifetime of propaganda, conditioned by others who came before who were also relentlessly indoctrinated into thinking that the US is some kind of savior for the oppressed.

China and Russia do not follow the capitalism program...that was my point.

How might that be? Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't they both invested in other countries where they actually bought something instead of invading or installing their own dictator?

You wanted to do the US vis a vis WWII. Still interested, Hawk?

Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:23 pm
How might that be? Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't they both invested in other countries where they actually bought something instead of invading or installing their own dictator?

is such a way that they have removed the market place from the equation, yes. Now shall we talk about how much money they passed around to corrupt the local officials before they bought up the assets? Shall we talk about how corrupt the firms are which bought up these assets? Can we talk about who's pockets the money passed to take possession of these assets really went into??

Probably not, because eventually you will be forced to admitt that the Russians the Chinese practice the same pillaging that the US does, they simply use alternative methods.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:28 pm
is [sic] such a way that they have removed the market place from the equation, yes. Now shall we talk about how much money they passed around to corrupt the local officials before they bought up the assets? Shall we talk about how corrupt the firms are which bought up these assets? Can we talk about who's pockets the money passed to take possession of these assets really went into??

Probably not, because eventually you will be forced to admitt that the Russians the Chinese practice the same pillaging that the US does, they simply use alternative methods.

Be my guest, Hawkeye. I'm more than willing to learn.

I don't hold out any false ideas about China or Russia. As I said, if you want to do a comparison of those two and the US, let's begin.

is such a way that they have removed the market place from the equation, yes.

Do you think that the US has ever done anything that untoward since the promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 to the present in Central and South America, or say, the Philippines?

Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:32 pm
You wanted to do the US vis a vis WWII. Still interested, Hawk?
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:35 pm
As a socialist I believe that the assets of a nation belong to the people, so in my mind using cash to bribe officials to deprive the people of the bounty from these assets is no better than using political or military force to deprive the people of the bounty from these assets. My argument is not that America is great but that China and Russia suck, I believe that the people are being abused by all. The masses are being abused by the elites.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:38 pm
Both China and Russia can buy cheap Iranian oil. Who else are they going to sell to?

Yeah I know, India.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:41 pm
As a socialist I believe that the assets of a nation belong to the people, so in my mind using cash to bribe officials to deprive the people of the bounty from these assets is no better than using political or military force to deprive the people of the bounty from these assets. My argument is not that America is great but that China and Russia suck, I believe that the people are being abused by all. The masses are being abused by the elites.

How dumb can one be, Hawk? The assets of the US have been redistributed from the people to the select few.

How in heaven's name can you make that argument? Or is that as close as you can come to saying that the US "sucks"?

You're all over the map. Some awfully scary thoughts are entering the ole grey matter, eh? You can deal with them honestly or spout out some propaganda and run for the hills.

Why not start with that article I suggested? It'll only hurt for a short while. The truth shall set you free.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 04:01 pm
How dumb can one be, Hawk? The assets of the US have been redistributed from the people to the select few.

Exactly...we the people are being abused by the elites, all around.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 04:24 pm
I am not as hung up as you are on condemnation of American raping and pillaging.

You get irate about the rule of law being unfairly used against males and you believe that the rule of law is being abused wrt rape laws/child abuse laws/divorce law, but you can't seem to muster even a tiny bit of anger over your country raping and pillaging the world's poor.

Quite the odd bit of socialism that.

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