Sat 25 Feb, 2012 08:25 pm
Please help.I just recently got a new tattoo.On the back of my calf.A bit smaller then the palm of my hand.I have over 20 tattoos,so this is nowhere near my first.However,this is the first time that I broke out around my tattoo.Little white pimples.OK,I figured that I overmoisturising/or allergic reaction to the lotion...However,I also have some "pimples" on the front of my leg,and even one on my stomach.Id say about 15 in all.I just need to be reassured that I am OK.It has not gotten worse in 2 days,but freaked me out that the pimples are in other spots on my body then just by the tattoo.Thank You SO much
PS.No pus.No pain.The tattoo itself is perfectly fine,except a little dry because I put NOTHING on it yesterday.Still red around the tat.Been 5 days.Bumps itch like crazy
What I would do is see my doctor ASAP. No one here can see it visually and as such would only be speculating. Speculation won't count for much when and if you get an infection - will it?
Most likely if the medical professional suspects it is an infection, then they will prescribe an antibiotic. Advice in the dark counts for nothing.
Was it a reputable and clean tattoo parlor, one you've used before?
I agree with Ragman. It could be nothing or it could be symptoms of many things. Spend a few bucks and get yourself to a dermatologist for your health and peace of mind. Take the lotion you used with you so the doctor can read the ingredients.
I can tell you for certain that you have an infection that requires medical attention. I cannot tell you for certain what type of infection you have, because this would require a lab culture. Go to the doc tonight, please.
Welcome to a2k, demonhunter.