If I am participating in a thread, how do I get back to the last posting in the thread the last time I visited. I've tried every way...but I always seem to have to scroll around to find out where I was last visit.
click on the red new beside the thread when you are on the New Posts page - that link will take you to what has been posted since you were in that thread last
(or at least it should, it doesn't seem to be 100% reliable)
We used to be able to subscribe to receive email updates to threads we chose to follow. Which took you to the exact spot of the newest post (following your last one). Made keeping track so much easier, especially if you were following lots of different threads.
Gosh I miss them!
I lose track of threads quite often,too, despite regularly using the My Posts option.
I never use the my posts option - if I want to see my own posts in reverse order, I'll look at my profile. Not to argue, just saying even us oldies use the place differently.
It depends on how many threads I'm following, osso ... & how much time I have up my sleeve at the time.
Just saying that email updates were the quickest & easiest way for me to keep track.
It will only take you back to the first post since you last opened the thread, but it's a good starting point. On only the fastest moving topics will you still have problems