Did Israel Evict The Palestinians?Arab Sources Say NO

Tue 28 Feb, 2012 10:46 am
There's obviously no point in debating with you. If you wish to ignore Security Council Resolutions that's fine. It seems that you started this thread just to peddle Israeli propaganda. That's why someone has tagged it as such, not me I hasten to add. You can demand whatever you want, but I don't think anyone else will feel constrained by your own narrow parameters and definitions.

If you want to change people's opinions you'll have to accept that Israel is not the innocent party you make it out to be. A less dogmatic approach might help as well. If you just want to shout loudly go ahead, you'll soon find you're shouting in an empty room.

This will be my last post on this thread, unless didge says something else funny, and I might respond to that.
Tue 28 Feb, 2012 11:50 am
Your claims were very interesting.Where is the evidence to support them?

I posted my evidence.

You have not posted any links to the "Security Council Resolutions" that you just brought up.I've never heard of any on this topic, so I'm more than skeptical.
You have not posted any links to the international laws you claim israel has broken, even tho I asked you for them twice.

A propagandist is one who repeats the same claims over and over without any proof, hoping that he can program his listeners with his beliefs.That is how Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate on cue in his laboratory, and how Hitler programmed the German people to support his program of murder and slavery for Europe.

That ain't my style, bucko. It's yours.
Aren't you the one who told me the one called "logic and reason" is a
primitive creature capable only of simple repetition?If he is like that, then there are two of you on this forum.

In any event, people are not as gullible as you think they are.You're not fooling or persuading anyone.
Tue 28 Feb, 2012 11:52 am
You or anyone else can tag my posts with labels until Doomsday and it doesn't matter-not to me or anyone else.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:49 pm
JoeBruno wrote:
In any event, people are not as gullible as you think they are.

really, then how do you explain the top grossing movies and reality tv
Tue 28 Feb, 2012 05:42 pm
The Pals have NOT lived there for "hundreds of years".The migration of Arabs to the west bank and gaza did not happen until after the 1967 war.They moved themselves out of Israel in 1948 and made no attempt to return to the land they claim to be so attached to, even tho their rights to it were affirmed by the UN General Assembly in resolution 181.After 1948, they lived as transient refugees in various places such a Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt.Did you know that King Hussein kicked them out of Jordan because they tried to overthrow him?Look up the 1970 Jordanian Civil War.They responded to his rightful eviction by murdering one of his ministers.Is it any wonder that none of the monarchies in the Middle East will take them in???

This is complete fiction.

There are Palestinians whose families have lived in the occupied territories for centuries. And the people who have been living in refugee camps since they left Israel obviously wouldn't be living in refugee camps if they weren't hoping to return.

There are always different ways to view the facts. But once you start making up facts it becomes impossible to have any sort of reasonable discussion.

The first step to opening up your mind, Joe Bruno, is to learn the real facts from objective sources.

Wed 29 Feb, 2012 04:24 am
Where is the EVIDENCE to support your claims, arrogant asshole?
0 Replies
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 04:26 am
You are going on my ignore list.congratulations
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 05:35 am
oh no, you wound me

how will i ever go on
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 05:59 am
Have a nice cup of tea. That normally works for me.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 06:00 am
Can I be on your ignore list too?
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 06:06 am
You're just after a cup of tea as well.
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 06:07 am
i'd like to quote the great philosopher poet mr. b.bragg

well here comes the future and you can't run from it
If you've got a blacklist I want to be on it

waiting for the great leap forwards
0 Replies
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 06:27 am
Wed 29 Feb, 2012 09:29 am
I knew it.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Mar, 2012 01:53 pm

You piece of ****!!!.. If u say that the aggressor illegitimate israel has the right to do whatever it takes to protect its illegal prsence like the russians .. than i say that the poor oppressed palestinians has all the rights in teh owrld to bomb your assess from unborn child to 100 years old.... in fact i think it is their legitimate right to kill all your men and male children and take your women and girls as concubines and **** them contineously so each isreli female give birth to atleast 20 palestinian clilds in their life tine and israeli race is illiminated from the face of this earth.
And as per your international laws ...the only law is that US is on your payroll and i can recall a hundred resolutions against isreali supression VITEOD by the US gangster.
By the way .. your women are very beautiful and i wont mind having a hand ful of isreali concubines for my self and i will kill a million israeli to lay my hands on them and make them available to me in my bed ready and willing to pleasure me when ever i want and whereever i want them!
0 Replies
Tue 27 Aug, 2024 08:16 am
Palestinian Arab falsehood-propaganda alleges the Jews/Israel expelled the Palestinian Arabs in 1948, yet while providing zero objective historical evidence that any refugees were forced to leave the country. Further, there was no such policy by the Israelis and there is therefore no objective historical evidence of any such policy. In 1948 the Israelis gave Arabs citizenship of Israel and there are Arab lawmakers.

Even Israeli evacuation orders, issued to protect Arab civilians in time of war, moved those civilians from one town in the land to another town within the land.
Example -the village of Irqit:
While some of its evacuees are said to have gone to Lebanon, most of them were evacuated to Rame within the land of Israel.
There is no evidence that any Arabs evacuated from towns under such orders, were additionally “forced” from / expelled from the country.

False-allegations against Israel of:
Ethnic-cleansing / eviction / expulsion / intentional-displacement,
and “Nakba” (see further below),
all constitute “reverse-fact” propaganda, because the civil war commenced by the Palestinian Arabs that intensified 1947 to 1948 was not only to oppose the United Nations Partition Plan under resolution 181 (an attempt at a “two state solution”) and instead to take ALL the land of Israel, but was intended to ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jews from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel.

In 1948 the Arab countries invaded and attacked the newly Re-established State of Israel with the same objectives as the “Palestinian” Arabs, but the Arabs lost the war.
Jordan then illegally-occupied Judah and Samaria ("West Bank") and also illegally-occupied East Jerusalem from which the Jordanians expelled the Jews.
Egypt illegally-occupied the Gaza strip.

The 1948 war caused consequential refugees where the Palestinian Arabs left with the intention to return once the Jews had been as they assumed, murdered or expelled.

Jews were expelled by the Palestinian Arabs and by the invading Arab countries, as policy.
For example, when currently the Media refer to “Arab East Jerusalem”, it typically fails to mention that the Jews were expelled from East Jerusalem (the “Old City”) by the Jordanians in 1948.
Further, expelling the Jews from (East) Jerusalem and attempting to rename it “Al Quds” does not amount to any valid Arab claim on Jerusalem:
The Jews expelled from East Jerusalem (“Old City”) by the Jordanians in 1948:

Palestinian Arab propaganda falsely-alleges the Re-establishment of Israel caused: a “great injustice” / “nakba” (“catastrophe” / “disaster”) to the Palestinian Arabs.
In reality:
> The Palestinian Arabs violently rejected the Arab state of the United Nations Partition Plan (see above);
> Jordan and Egypt illegally-occupied the land proposed for an Arab state under the U.N. Partition Plan (approximating to Judah and Samaria (“West Bank”) and Gaza);
> BOTH Arabs and Jews, became war-refugees;
> The Palestinian Arabs claim falsely with no evidence of any such policy that they were expelled from the land; Jews were indeed expelled by the Arabs as policy.
> Palestinian Arabs live and work in Israel.
Therefore the reader is entitled to be skeptical about Palestinian Arab propaganda alleging a fantasy-injustice.

Israel is often accused of being in breach of anti-Israel resolutions passed by the “halo-reputation” United Nations:
The Palestinian Arabs start-off in U.N. votes by enjoying a block-vote in their favor of up to 56 Arab and additional Islamic-aligned countries (e.g. U.N. member states that are also members of the “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” and follow its policies when voting in the U.N.), and the influence of Arab oil money with consequential trading power; compared to Israel's one vote.

The U.N and “European Union” (which copies U.N. polices against Israel) are both fully-complicit with Palestinian Arab propaganda, by refusing to recognize the land of Israel as the ancestral-homeland of the Jewish people. (Jew=citizen of Judah - Judaism is both an ethnicity as well as a religion). Both the U.N and E.U. falsely-treat the Jewish people as “invaders”, and so also as “thieves” and “illegal-occupiers” of the Jews OWN ancestral-homeland (land of the prior Jewish kingdoms of Judah / Israel), and therefore consequently of building “illegal-settlements” there, with Palestinian Arab terrorism considered “resistance to occupation”.

The Palestinian Arabs obtained an artificial, unique, and arguably by common-sense a bogus refugee status, that passes through the generations, from the Arab-dominated United Nations (see above), a device to inflate the number of alleged-refugees for bundling with their false-claim for a “right of return":

Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland. Internationally-recognised history shows that the last indigenous sovereign state in the land of Israel (Roman-imposed name “Palestine”), prior to the RE-establishment of Israel in 1948, was the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom. It included Judah and Samaria ("West Bank"), Gaza, and Golan Heights. Capital (what is now East) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH - Map:

Palestinian Arab propaganda false-complaints to the Media and NGOs, of:
“Racism” / “persecution” / “discrimination” / “oppression”/ “(mis) treatment” / “being treated as 2nd class”, in reality is Palestinian Arab frustration at Israeli security measures for reducing Jewish casualties resulting from the Palestinian Arab anti-Jewish war of ethnic-hatred, where the Israeli Jewish civilians are targeted as policy including children (see below):

Here are two examples from the Palestinian Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”.

'23 August 2019 ... Israeli girl ... Rina Shnerb [age 17 was killed; she] had been hiking with her brother Dvir and her father Eitan near a natural spring outside Dolev when an improvised explosive device blew up.'


Israeli Jewish child Hallel Yaffa Ariel murdered for her ethnicity by a Palestinian terrorist:
“Israeli girl, 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in West Bank” [by a Palestinian terrorist, June 30, 2016], The Guardian:

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