Frightening new take on Neanderthals

Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 10:15 am
What makes you think that? The evidence is that they were a lot like us, certainly not what Vendramini thinks they were like.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 10:53 am
farmer, oil geologists regard Starbucks as being "in the field"?
We measure civilization in units of DTS's (distances to Starbucks). Seems every town greater than 1000 people has a Starbucks (and usually a crappy Chinese restaurant in a strip mall)
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 11:02 am
When our society is examined by alien archaeologists, they will marvel at our worship of golden arches.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 03:39 pm
If you should ever encounter one of these guys.....

Basic rule #1: don't try anything resembling wrestling or judo, you'll be torn apart. By the same token, the lack of anything resembling a waist on them indicates that the closest one of them could come to boxing would be arm punching; a strong human could take one of them in a punching contest. Those big eyes would be a target as would be the nose. The nose might not look like much from the outside but internal olfactory parts are much bigger than ours and would be very sensitive.
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 03:55 pm
you know all this how? I think you were a student of Alley Oop.
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 03:57 pm
Id taser em, and then hit em with about 30 mikes of a general anesthesia
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 04:32 pm
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:41 pm
I think Vendraminis "forensic expert" hs been debunked by the evidence. Its obvious that these guys are just trying to set up a Sci-Fi movie plot
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 05:31 am
farmerman wrote:

I think Vendraminis "forensic expert" hs been debunked by the evidence. Its obvious that these guys are just trying to set up a Sci-Fi movie plot

Nothing better for a good B-Movie than a vicious predator roaming the forrest raping women. Roger Corman would be pleased.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 08:02 am
And he definitely hired the perfect guy to do it for him, since that's his profession anyway and he's a highly respected pro at it. Good career move, Vendramini.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2012 12:13 pm
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read (and bear in mind I've read a few chapters of 50 Shades of Grey).
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 05:44 am
Vendramini is making several kinds of claims, the most major being that predation from Neanderthals DROVE Skhul/Qafzeh hominids to evolve, punc-eek fashion, into Cro Magnons. That is the one part of the thesis which I could not buy and which I do not recommend. Cro Magnons arrived on this planet fully formed, with all of their artistic talents and all of their more advanced stone tools on display from day one. Turns out there actually are a few Cro Magnon self-portraits, and they do not look like hominids of any sort:



Hominids are totally different and I believe Vendramini's reconstructions of Neanderthals are dead on the money.

This is a Neanderthal footprint. Next time it rains, find some mud and see if you can figure a way to make a footprint like it...

Likewise Rob Gargett (the Subversive Archaeologist) notes that if you put the skulls of a human, a Neanderthal, and a lion together, the two with much in common are the Neanderthal and the lion:


So, I thought I'd do a wee comparison between a modern day "top" carnivore and our cousin's, the Neanderthal, face. Do you see what I see in the image below? It looks as if the felid and the Neanderthal face have more in common than either has with the modern human.

The lion has a keen sense of smell. Which of the bipedal cousins do you think has the better sense of smell? Relative to the rest of the face, the big cat has a nasal aperture that's equivalent in size to that of the Neanderthal. Not so that of the modern-day hominid on the right.

A cat can spot its prey from 3 km away. Can you? Do you think the Neanderthal could?

The cat has dagger-like fangs and molar teeth that would put a deli meat-slicer to shame. "Aha!" you might say, "that chap from Forbes quarry couldn't be as effective as the lion--it doesn't have the appropriate dental accoutrements!" Umm. It's possible, isn't it, that all those flint flakes lying about came in handy for more than whittling?

Image and the thought courtesy of Rob Gargett, The Subversive Archaeologist Blogspot (http://thesubversivearchaeologist.blogspot.com/)

The Subversive Archaeologist missed the question of night vision which Vendramini describes. The lion and the Neanderthal clearly are made for it, we aren't.

Gargett also notes that if you try to draw a more human-like Neanderthal with the eyes and nose as large as the bones indicate they would have to be, what you end up with is outlandish:


Lloyd Pye describes hominid vs human bones as shovel handles versus broom sticks. There's a tendency to read that Neanderthals averaged 5-6 - 5-9 or thereabouts and wonder how strong something no taller than that could be but one of Vendramini's images shows the problem:


That's without the fur coat for illustration purposes, www.themandus.org.

At around 5-8, the human would weigh around 150 or so and the Neanderthal is at least twice that i.e. a male Neanderthal at 5-8 could easily weigh over 300 lbs without any fat on him.

The fur coat also explains why no Neanderthal needles have ever been found while Cro Magnon needles are common.
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 06:13 am
Cro Magnons arrived on this planet fully formed

If this is so, how come it is demonstrably the case that neanderthals, and all other hominids are related to cro-magnons? If humans just came from space, or spontaneously generated or whatever it is you suggest, howcome
Neanderthals and modern humans share about 99.5% of their DNA

Howcome Neanderthals and humans could also interbreed (today, 4-5% of the DNA of non-Africans is of Neanderthal origin)? As we know, there can be no cross breeding across genera, which is what you are suggesting humans and neanderthals are - different genera.
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 08:12 am

Cro Magnons arrived on this planet fully formed

If this is so, how come it is demonstrably the case that neanderthals, and all other hominids are related to cro-magnons? If humans just came from space, or spontaneously generated or whatever it is you suggest, howcome

Neanderthals and modern humans share about 99.5% of their DNA

Howcome Neanderthals and humans could also interbreed (today, 4-5% of the DNA of non-Africans is of Neanderthal origin)? As we know, there can be no cross breeding across genera, which is what you are suggesting humans and neanderthals are - different genera.

Genes/DNA in common between apes, hominids, and humans should be viewed as same or similar low-level genetic parts used for unrelated projects by some original designer(s). Similarly, you will find the same low-level C language math functions used in banking software and rocket telemetry software. That does not indicate that all telemetry software is hacked from banking software.

As far as humans being able to interbreed with Neanderthals (or any other hominid for that matter), all available evidence says it never happened and Paabo's claims that you can make such as case based on genetic similarities is not supported by anything in the real world.

The best description of the problem remains James Shreeve's article from 95:



Humans love to mate. They mate all the time, by night and by day, through all the phases of the female’s reproductive cycle. Given the opportunity, humans throughout the world will mate with any other human. The barriers between races and cultures, so cruelly evident in other respects, melt away when sex is at stake. Cortés began the systematic annihilation of the Aztec people--but that did not stop him from taking an Aztec princess for his wife. Blacks have been treated with contempt by whites in America since they were first forced into slavery, but some 20 percent of the genes in a typical African American are white. Consider James Cook’s voyages in the Pacific in the eighteenth century. Cook’s men would come to some distant land, and lining the shore were all these very bizarre-looking human beings with spears, long jaws, browridges, archeologist Clive Gamble of Southampton University in England told me. God, how odd it must have seemed to them. But that didn’t stop the Cook crew from making a lot of little Cooklets.

Project this universal human behavior back into the Middle Paleolithic. When Neanderthals and modern humans came into contact in the Levant, they would have interbred, no matter how strange they might initially have seemed to each other. If their cohabitation stretched over tens of thousands of years, the fossils should show a convergence through time toward a single morphological pattern, or at least some swapping of traits back and forth.

But the evidence just isn’t there, not if the TL and ESR dates are correct. Instead the Neanderthals stay staunchly themselves. In fact, according to some recent ESR dates, the least Neanderthalish among them is also the oldest. The full Neanderthal pattern is carved deep at the Kebara cave, around 60,000 years ago. The moderns, meanwhile, arrive very early at Qafzeh and Skhul and never lose their modern aspect. Certainly, it is possible that at any moment new fossils will be revealed that conclusively demonstrate the emergence of a Neandermod lineage. From the evidence in hand, however, the most likely conclusion is that Neanderthals and modern humans were not interbreeding in the Levant.

Likewise the skull of what was originally thought to be a cross-species child later turned out to be just another Neanderthal (DNA studies).

Then you have Paabo's claim that Europeans and Asians have 1 - 4% Neanderthal genes but that Africans do not. There are two problems with that, either one fatal.

Problem one involves the recent human bottleneck; as Vendramini and other sources note, the human population of the planet appears to have been cut down to fewer than 100 individuals some time around 40K - 45K years ago by standard dating. Any crossbreeding with a glorified ape PRIOR to the bottleneck and Africans would have the good glorified-ape genes. Any crossing AFTER the bottleneck and not involving Africans as claimed, and the genetic gap between Africans and everybody else would be gigantic, rather than minuscule as it actually is. Now, the cross-species breeding would have to have been either before or after the bottleneck and impossible consequences are implied by either case.

Problem two amounts to the problem of thinking that a Neanderthal male could/would rape a woman and, rather than cooking and eating her afterwards as usual, somehow or other keep her alive long enough to bear a cross-species child, raise that child to reproductive age, and have him/her breed back into human populations without anybody catching on.....

In real life:
  • Neanderthal females would kill that woman the first time her new owner left her alone for ten minutes.
  • The woman wouldn't fare any better than the subjects of the commie attempts to breed humans and apes into super workers in the 1930s (no subjects survived).
  • Humans would notice the child was different (the fur coat, the odd taste for bananas etc.).
  • Humans would kill that child and everybody else like him as part of the same program which killed out the Neanderthal. They would not need DNA tests to determine who to kill for that sort of reason, it would be exceedingly obvious.

Cro Magnons hated Neanderthals and presumably also all other hominids from day one. They apparently lived close to Levantine Neanderthals for some time prior to wiping them out and then prosecuted a war of extermination against European Neanderthals so that the Neanderthal in Europe perished in a wave from East to West as they came into contact with Cro Magnons. There is no way that these same Cro Magnons would ever have allowed any human/hominid cross-breeds to survive.

The basic, cold, hard reality is that no living human has any Neanderthal or other hominid blood in him/her whatsoever, or is descended from Neanderthals or any hominid in any way whatsoever. Paabo and at least a few of his associates are in need of some sort of a course in basic logic.
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 08:33 am

The basic, cold, hard reality is that no living human has any Neanderthal or other hominid blood in him/her whatsoever, or is descended from Neanderthals or any hominid in any way whatsoever. Paabo and at least a few of his associates are in need of some sort of a course in basic logic.
Im dyin to hear how youve arrived at this conclusion scientifically. Svante Paabo and his associates (including a team from Pa tate U who did the 10 years of PCR "cleanup an statistical analyses) Spent about 1- years in the details of analyszing Neanderthal DNA. I recall in 2004, when Paabo announced that they were able to sequence about 387 base pairs of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, you were trying to push an assertion that this was as close as wed ever get. Then, in 2009 when PAabo and Willitz reported that they were able to do an almost complete mtNA sequence (with cleanup of contamintion done by PEnnState), youve suddnely become a"Young Earth Creationist" with the "Fully formed " crap. You really must be able to provide evidence to your points rather tha just casting diatribes at stuff you dont understand. The pictures with opinions from a non-scientist like Vendramini and a Creationist like yourself , to me, merely show us that youve got these preconceived notions that MUST be obeyed according to your worldviews. It seems you like to make conclusions (without any evidence), Then you try to miscast what science is really saying. If you are so ignorant of the work gone before, then Id suggest you just keep quiet so you dont "ELiminate all doubts, that you dont know of what you speak"

Im serious, youre an empty chamber. Vebdraminis cartoons even show his "monster" to not walk upright, Even beginning students of anthro know better.
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 08:37 am
Genes/DNA in common between apes, hominids, and humans should be viewed as same or similar low-level genetic parts used for unrelated projects by some original designer(s).
But the fact that these genes occupy exactly the same positions on the individual chromosomes and that the chromosomes are in xactly the same order takes your argument and trashes it. Its more like a "Bar code " of two LG televisions, one a 38 inch screen and the other a 42"

When you find yourself in a hole , fist thing you should do is quit digging
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 08:40 am
Im serious, youre an empty chamber. Vebdraminis cartoons even show his "monster" to not walk upright, Even beginning students of anthro know better.

Vendramini turns out to be right on that one; recent studies do in fact indicate that Neanderthals lacked the S loop in their lower backs which let us stand bolt upright comfortably.
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Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 08:50 am
Apparently God is guilty of copyright infringement.

Think of the class action suit, with 7 billion violations!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 08:56 am
A lot of this is conjecture Gunga. Paabo's arguments are based on scientific evidence and genetic testing of Neanderthal bone fragments found in Croatia. Even Edward M. Rubin, who does not believe the two species interbred, agrees that, based on his own tests, Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are between 99.5% and 99.9% identical genetically.

No doubt some of the encounters between sapiens and neanderthalensis were violent. Whenever cultures compete for land and resources some violence is bound to take place. But if you consider the Europeans and their encounters with Native Americans, you will see that the meeting of cultures is usually more of a mixed bag. Sure, there was a lot of aggro, but remember John Smith and Pocahontes? Like your quote from James Shreeve shows, humans also like to screw:
Cook’s men would come to some distant land, and lining the shore were all these very bizarre-looking human beings with spears, long jaws, browridges, archeologist Clive Gamble of Southampton University in England told me. God, how odd it must have seemed to them. But that didn’t stop the Cook crew from making a lot of little Cooklets.

If Neanderthals considered humans whole different animals fit only for eating as you suggest -
a Neanderthal male could/would rape a woman and, rather than cooking and eating her afterwards as usual, somehow or other keep her alive long enough to bear a cross-species child
- why would they rape them? We have no evidence of Neanderthals raping mammoths or gangbanging squirrels either. I'm sure they ate them though. Bottom line is you don't **** your food. If Neanderthals raped human females there must have been some form of sexual attraction. Numerous studies show that, in choosing a partner, all animals go on looks, making assessments of health, strength, etc. There have also been some studies, however, which indicate that humans often look for people who look similar to them when choosing a sexual partner. So why would that monkey beast created by that movie speical effects guy that Vendramini hired find a human sexually attractive? They are too different. The only conclusion must be that the two species looked, basically, very similar. Neanderthal would not have had feline eyes, long fur or walked like an ape, all hunched and dragging his fists.

As far as humans being able to interbreed with Neanderthals (or any other hominid for that matter), all available evidence says it never happened and Paabo's claims that you can make such as case based on genetic similarities is not supported by anything in the real world.

This is utterly wrong. Some evidence does seem to imply it happened. The same genetic methods used to determine relationship between the bones of victims of homicide and living relatives in police studies were used by Paabo. He has mapped about 65% of the Neanderthal genome and compared it to the sequences of randomly selected living people. He has found we are up to 4% related. That must mean, or at least strongly imply, we could interbreed. How else did the Neanderthal DNA get into us?

Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2012 09:02 am
If Neanderthals considered humans whole different animals fit only for eating as you suggest -

...a Neanderthal male could/would rape a woman and, rather than cooking and eating her afterwards as usual, somehow or other keep her alive long enough to bear a cross-species child

- why would they rape them?

Poor phrase making on my part, sorry. I have no reason to doubt Shreeve's findings and assume that no Neanderthal would ever have viewed a human woman as anything other than an exotic food item.

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