Setanta wrote:But how do you know who voted down your post?
I mean, i know i'd never win a popularity contest here, so it could
anyone of literally thousands . . . tens of thousands ! . . . of people.
I can 't imagine
Y !
I just voted
up this post of yours.
Its a way of
expressing agreement,
or a hearty hand shake or a pat on the back.
On seldom occasions, u have said things with which I agree.
A few of your acrimonious invectives have actually had merit.
As trial lawyers say, for the record: "I join in that."
Hitting the upward vote is faster than typing that.
In regard to
most posts, I
don 't vote them up or down.
Some posts r
so ugly, sometimes using obscenity,
that I don't want it befouling the page in front of me,
so I cause it to vanish. (On
some occasions, I have done this
to posts of people who vote in November, the same way that I do.)
I have no opinion concerning whether some posters
vote down everything, but we know that some of the denizens
hereof have openly admitted to very severe mental disturbances,
some of which have been candidly designated; that is not to say
ALL mental misfits have so declared themselves.
( I am certain that some members consider me to be in that category. )
I have never had any objection to having my posts voted down,
nor to my being put on Ignore. Everyone who wishes to avoid
my posts shud do so.