that is true many people within the christan faith for example have started to dislike the Episcipalion belief. I am an Episcaplion and my cousins have gone to my church for christmas mass every year of their life. and last christmas they didnt come my cousin Mike said, "im not going to that crazy chruch they are the devil"
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i think, perhaps i have an actual answer to this question;
if, as was stated, Christians are vilifyed more than others, in their quest to be recognized as the 'only truth', it may be because most of the new masses of secularly guided people on this planet, while having dropped the religious beliefs of their ancestors, usually due to a higher level of education, be it from scholarly pursuits, or induction from a more available abundance of knowledge; are still tied in numerous ways to Christian traditions (marriage, Christmas, funerals, etc., etc,) which attempt to drag them back periodically into the posture of believing the whole mumbo jumbo of the ancient fears of the dark.
This creates continuing resentment that the 'facade' of the dogmas which they have discarded (due mostly to commercial imbedment - who could afford to give up Christmas?) will not disappear with the outdated concepts.
And most aren't against Christians, but rather Christianity. Kinda like a "hate the sin" thing.
Quote:As you can see from many answers they just have no respect.
Please no personal attacks.
You heard her, you disrespectful lot!! Don't lower yourself to the level of characterising a whole class of people (free to have their own opinions and to voice them) in a single all-encompassing statement!! Dear, dear, is this how you lot carry on!!
I will have to qualify this by saying that it is an example of irony, as I didn't identify a statement in another thread that contained HUGE amounts of it, a whole bunch of other stuff went down.
Frank, you Christian you.
I wish I could think of something clever to say here, but...I am too aghast.
'Scuse me, folks, gonna go hit the Scotch! :wink:
hahaha!!!! Pour one for me, will ya Frank, LOL!
Phoenix ,
hi, you know I think you may have something here:
Quote:revel- It's is really very simple. When you are on A2K, go to threads other than religious ones, and those discussing homosexuality. Why become involved in something with which you are uncomfortable?
Would someone care to define Christian. I have always been lead to believe that anyone who believes that Christ was the son of God qualifies. If so who are those that supposedly hate Christians. If one were to reflect on history for at least the last 1000 years the hatred has been directed from rather than to Christianity.
If I may invoke the songwriter, satirist, and mathemetician Tom Lehrer at this point. For those who don't like to do a whole lot of reading, the especially relevant verse precedes the final chorus...
Quote:Oh, the white folks hate the black folks
And the black folks hate the white folks
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule
But during National Brotherhood Week
National Brotherhood Week
Lena Horne and Sheriff Clark
Are dancing cheek to cheek
It's fun to eulogize
The people you despise
As long as you don't let 'em in your school
Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks
And the rich folks hate the poor folks
All of my folks hate all of your folks
It's American as apple pie
But during National Brotherhood Week
National Brotherhood Week
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans
'Cause it's very chic
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can't stand
You can tolerate him if you try
Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants
And the Moslems hate the Hindus
And everybody hates the Jews
But during National Brotherhood Week
National Brotherhood Week
It's National Everyone-Smile-At-
One-Another-hood Week
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you
It's only for a week, so have no fear
Be grateful that it doesn't last all year!
Mr. Christian, you make good cookies, er, wafers, umm, hot cross buns...oh never mind.
Was in a church for a baptism recently. (A very uncomfortable experience, especially as it was a fancy Episcopalian church, so my discomfort with religious ceremony was combined with my discomfort around shiny, expensive objects.) The baptized kid's two-and-a-half year old brother piped up at the beginning of the sacrament (is that the right word?). He says, very loud, "I wanna cracker, too!"
Anyone ever read that entertaining guidebook for housewives from the '50s "These Crackers are Dry or How to Spot a Lousy Host?"
Ooh, that's good. That's very good.