think how many Christians missed church in Hawaii or the middle-pacific ocean islands to make sure they were home for the game
time zone differential with the broadcast
I thought we'd managed to chase all those ratbags off for a while. F@ck I am so tired of looking at the 'New Threads' and seeing a bunch of religious themed self-referencing questions.
'Tana - who called you 'evil', you point them out and they'll be eating soup for a while....
husker wrote:think how many Christians missed church in Hawaii or the middle-pacific ocean islands to make sure they were home for the game

Husker, my lad. There is one thing bigger than Jesus Christ in places like Tonga and Samoa - it is called 'Rugby'.
There is nothing better for Valentine's Day than a necklace of your opponent's teeth!!
Why do Christians think that everyone thinks all Christians are Catholics? Why do Christians think that Jews think Christians hate them?
Or better yet...
...I don't hate Christians -- I actually like them. They taste just like chicken.
how christocentric of you;
have you not noticed that to be true to your religion, you must hate every other religion; you know, the ones who believe all the wrong things.
how could they be that stupid?
faster pussycat, kill, kill! (an allusion to Frank's scenario)
Quote:Husker, my lad. There is one thing bigger than Jesus Christ in places like Tonga and Samoa - it is called 'Rugby'.
I saw Samoa play somebody on the tube recently. New Zealand or Oz, I think it was. At any rate, the Samoans lost.
I don't like to talk about Catholics and Jewish people and homosexuals.
But the starter of this thread does have a point. Unless you are in a Christian only site (which for most part are pretty boring), Christians are out numbered and out voiced on the internet other than the now closing lycos. Just look at all the religious sites you will see more Christian threads than any other and more than half of it is visited by people other than Christians talking about Christianity.
Secularism is on the rise, I predict that in the future religion will be far less common in western society.
revel wrote:But the starter of this thread does have a point. Unless you are in a Christian only site (which for most part are pretty boring), Christians are out numbered and out voiced on the internet other than the now closing lycos.
that was the point of the Internet? To spread Christianity? Provide a 'balanced view' to all those other folks following the religion of their parents and grand-parents, by telling them that they're worshipping 'falsely' and they're booked into Hell for all eternity?
One aspect of christianity which strongly appeals to me is the concept of hell. I'm sure to end up there, by christian lights at any event. As Mr. Pondquility points out, great numbers are being booked into hell every day. So i figure the hours will be a hell of a lot shorter than the psalm-singers upstairs are gonna hafta endure. I'll just need to get used to the heat . . .
Christians are hated almost as much as any religion
look at the Islamic religion which is being torn apart and discredited bacuse the war on terror and the acts done on september 11th 2001. I dont hate religons i chose not to listen to what they say or to try to not be hurt by thier faith.
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