kjvtrue wrote:Why Christian's Hated by so many people?
Theory #1
The SuperBowl is like a very extravagent Roman Coliseum.
In the Coliseum, Christians were thrown to the lions for spectacle and entertainment.
Therefore, football is the cause of hatred toward Christians.
We must cast out football from our lives, or surely suffer off-side penalties in the endzone of hell.
Theory #2
It's fun to hate people who lie, steal, murder, and aggressively manipulate others,
all the while claiming salvation as long as they let Jesus into their heart.
Theory #3
Hateful people view the world in terms of hatred. Therefore Christians feel hated,
regardless of how they are actually treated at the moment.
Theory #4
Guilt, blame and shame are very powerful tools.
Keep trying and you'll get better at it.
Theory #5
The world is a fickle place.
There is hatred and love, ugliness and beauty. Plant whatever you want to grow.