Well, suffice it to say that I agree with very little that you've written here. While the event was tragic, it is quite clear that the hullabaloo around it is a case of Republican opportunism. I don't blame them - the election is close and either side would jump on something that they believe would give their guy an advantage. However, that doesn't make it accurate in the slightest.
In particular, however, a few points:
They had to believe that Obama's apology tour was not a feckless error
There was no 'apology tour.' This is a complete lie.
Quote:Mitt Romney's initial, very reasonable, and now confirmed judgment
Romney had no reasonable nor confirmed judgement. He merely did exactly what he told his wealthy donors he would do, when caught on tape earlier this year: act swiftly to exploit whatever foreign policy advantage he could.
Quote:Gov. Romney is a "serial liar" because his state political positions have both evolved and been given different flavors in different venues - rather ordiunary stuff.
Ah, yes. 'Evolved' to be the complete opposite of what they were a few years ago, and many times, a few months ago; 'evolving' within a debate, to the point where his own campaign has to issue corrections after the debate contradicting what the candidate just said.
Different 'flavors.' I've never had ice cream that tasted like chocolate one day and vanilla the next, and strawberry three months later, and then coffee flavored one night when that seems popular.
Quote: Compare this to the stark and highly significant contradictions between Obama's campaign promises and what he has actually done in office
Yes, that will happen, when after a year of campaigning the economy crashes - hard - because of the lack of a regulatory scheme put in by the guys who were there before you, and their incompetence in managing the economy. Pretty hard to keep your campaign promises when you inherit 750k job losses per month.