Quote:of those who would place a certain or nearly certain massive cost onto the collective to produce a copy of human who would certainly or nearly certainly never contribute to the collective.... absolutely .
As a socialist hawk I suppose you include what are politely known as the "kept classes". They are said to be on the negative side of not contributing to the collective. Hence they would have a higher priority rating than those who merely never contribute.
To reverse the rating you would need to admit that the kept classes do contribute to the collective and then your socialism is undermined a little.
So you have a choice. You either go for the kept classes before those who only don't contribute or allow your socialism to be undermined. And top of your list will be the most kept classes.
The suspicion arises that you go for the neutrals because they can't defend themselves. Which is a bit right-wing.
These are very delicate questions and don't lend themselves to loose generalisations.