Frank Apisa
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 04:40 pm
@reasoning logic,
Oops, I meant JTT, RL.

Got two different threads mixed up. A mistake. Damn...and it is only November. I thought I might make it through to December without making one this year! Wink
reasoning logic
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 04:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Oops, I meant JTT, RL.

Got two different threads mixed up. A mistake. Damn...and it is only November. I thought I might make it through to December without making one this year! Wink

Welcome to my club of being wrong, it is not very often that people are willing to join but I do welcome you and any others who are willing to admit that they get get it wrong at times. Wink
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 05:05 pm
@reasoning logic,
No problem; I have admitted I was wrong more times than I'd like to admit. Even apologized to a few people.
reasoning logic
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 05:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No problem; I have admitted I was wrong more times than I'd like to admit. Even apologized to a few people.

I have been proven wrong many more times than what I wish to admit but I do think that this has helped me to have a better understanding of reality than I previously had.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 07:34 pm
@Frank Apisa,
like every major power that has ever existed on this planet, the United States has used its massive power in deplorable ways.

Euphemisms, Frank. At least be honest enough to describe them for what they are.

If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.

-- Robert H Jackson

International Conference on Military Trials, London, 1945, Dept. of State Pub.No. 3080 (1949), p.330.
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 07:48 pm
Lash wrote:
Would those same people now ascribe an Obama victory to a positive change in racism?

While I'd have to see more evidence to commit to such a conclusion, this may well have been part of the story, yes. At the very least, American society is less racist than expected by the truthers, the Obama-is-a-Muslim people, and Newt "Obama is an anti-colonial Kenyan Socialist" Gingrich. Those right-wingnuts, and their enablers in professional politics, bet their political futures on American racism and lost. (And as an aside, isn't that wonderful?)
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 08:02 pm
It is indeed, Thomas.
The times they are (although not in the way some think) indeed a'changin'.
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 08:04 pm
They are like chameleons; they change "colors" at will. Mr. Green
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 08:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Not sure I know exactly what you mean by that last comment, CI.
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 08:37 pm
They change their stand on issues depending on election results or when they think it's what the audience wants to hear. They're pro-something one day, then become con on another day depending on how voters pick winners and losers.
cicerone imposter
Sun 11 Nov, 2012 09:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Here's a good example of what I was talking about.

G.O.P. Strains to Define How to Close Gap With Voters
Published: November 11, 2012 349 Comments

Now the Republicans find their divisions newly revealed in the raw. By exposing the party’s vulnerability to potent demographic shifts, the 2012 results have set the stage for a struggle between those determined to rebrand the Republicans in a softer light and those yearning instead for ideological purity.

But before acceptance comes denial. And the party’s first challenge, it seems in the immediate aftermath, is to find common ground simply in diagnosing the problem. Though some leaders argued that basic mathematics dictates that the party must find new ways to talk about issues like immigration, abortion and same-sex marriage, others attributed Republican losses to poor candidate choice, messaging missteps and President Obama’s superior political operation.

“We continually crank out moderate loser after moderate loser,” said Joshua S. Treviño, a speechwriter in George W. Bush’s administration who now works for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative group. He said Mitt Romney was part of a “pattern” of Republican nominees, preceded by John McCain, Bob Dole and George H. W. Bush, who were rejected by voters because of “perceived inauthenticity.”

By contrast, Ralph Reed, the longtime Republican strategist and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, said he would redouble efforts over the next four years to recruit women, Latinos and young people as grass-roots organizers.

“I certainly get the fact that your daddy’s Republican Party cannot win relying singularly on white voters and evangelicals alone — as critical as I believe those voters are to a majority coalition,” Mr. Reed said. “The good news for conservatives is there are many of those who have not always felt welcome in our ranks who share our values.”
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 05:57 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5164430)
like every major power that has ever existed on this planet, the United States has used its massive power in deplorable ways.

Euphemisms, Frank. At least be honest enough to describe them for what they are.

How so, JTT? Can you name any "massive powers" that have not used its power in deplorable ways? Name three! If you cannot, name two! And if you cannot do that...NAME ONE!

If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.

-- Robert H Jackson

International Conference on Military Trials, London, 1945, Dept. of State Pub.No. 3080 (1949), p.330.

And this impacts on your comment about Ronald Reagan in what way????
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 08:00 am
I think you are not really keeping up with the changing times and applying older immigrants and minority views to the younger immigrants and minorities views.
0 Replies
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 11:51 am
@Frank Apisa,
How so, JTT? Can you name any "massive powers" that have not used its power in deplorable ways? Name three! If you cannot, name two! And if you cannot do that...NAME ONE!

If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.

0 Replies
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 11:54 am
@Frank Apisa,
And this impacts on your comment about Ronald Reagan in what way????

Despite these grisly facts on the ground, the annual State Department human rights survey sugarcoated the facts for the American public and praised the supposedly improved human rights situation in Guatemala. "The overall conduct of the armed forces had improved by late in the year" 1982, the report stated.

A different picture -- far closer to the secret information held by the U.S. government -- was coming from independent human rights investigators. On March 17, 1983, Americas Watch representatives condemned the Guatemalan army for human rights atrocities against the Indian population.

New York attorney Stephen L. Kass said these findings included proof that the government carried out "virtually indiscriminate murder of men, women and children of any farm regarded by the army as possibly supportive of guerrilla insurgents."

Rural women suspected of guerrilla sympathies were raped before execution, Kass said. Children were "thrown into burning homes. They are thrown in the air and speared with bayonets. We heard many, many stories of children being picked up by the ankles and swung against poles so their heads are destroyed." [AP, March 17, 1983]

Publicly, however, senior Reagan officials continued to put on a happy face. On June 12, 1983, special envoy Richard B. Stone praised "positive changes" in Rios Montt's government. But Rios Montt's vengeful Christian fundamentalism was hurtling out of control, even by Guatemalan standards. In August 1983, Gen. Oscar Mejia Victores seized power in another coup.

Despite the power shift, Guatemalan security forces continued to kill those who were deemed subversives or terrorists. When three Guatemalans working for the U.S. Agency for International Development were slain in November 1983, U.S. Ambassador Frederic Chapin suspected that "Archivos" hit squads were sending a message to the United States to back off even the mild pressure for human rights improvements.

In late November 1983, in a brief show of displeasure, the administration postponed the sale of $2 million in helicopter spare parts. The next month, however, Reagan sent the spare parts. In 1984, Reagan succeeded, too, in pressuring Congress to approve $300,000 in military training for the Guatemalan army.

By mid-1984, Chapin, who had grown bitter about the army's stubborn brutality, was gone, replaced by a far-right political appointee named Alberto Piedra, who was all for increased military assistance to Guatemala.

In January 1985, Americas Watch issued a report observing that Reagan's State Department "is apparently more concerned with improving Guatemala's image than in improving its human rights."

0 Replies
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 11:58 am
@Frank Apisa,
And this impacts on your comment about Ronald Reagan in what way????

To destabilize Nicaragua beginning in 1981, we began funding this force of Somoza's ex-national guardsmen, calling them the contras (the counter-revolutionaries). We created this force, it did not exist until we allocated money. We've armed them, put uniforms on their backs, boots on their feet, given them camps in Honduras to live in, medical supplies, doctors, training, leadership, direction, as we've sent them in to de-stabilize Nicaragua. Under our direction they have systematically been blowing up graineries, saw mills, bridges, government offices, schools, health centers. They ambush trucks so the produce can't get to market. They raid farms and villages. The farmer has to carry a gun while he tries to plow, if he can plow at all.

If you want one example of hard proof of the CIA's involvement in this, and their approach to it, dig up `The Sabotage Manual', that they were circulating throughout Nicaragua, a comic-book type of a paper, with visual explanations of what you can do to bring a society to a halt, how you can gum up typewriters, what you can pour in a gas tank to burn up engines, what you can stuff in a sewage to stop up the sewage so it won't work, things you can do to make a society simply cease to function.

Systematically, the contras have been assassinating religious workers, teachers, health workers, elected officials, government administrators. You remember the assassination manual? that surfaced in 1984. It caused such a stir that President Reagan had to address it himself in the presidential debates with Walter Mondale. They use terror. This is a technique that they're using to traumatize the society so that it can't function.

I don't mean to abuse you with verbal violence, but you have to understand what your government and its agents are doing. They go into villages, they haul out families. With the children forced to watch they castrate the father, they peel the skin off his face, they put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin. With the children forced to watch they gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off. And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children.

This is nobody's propaganda. There have been over 100,000 American witnesses for peace who have gone down there and they have filmed and photographed and witnessed these atrocities immediately after they've happened, and documented 13,000 people killed this way, mostly women and children. These are the activities done by these contras. The contras are the people president Reagan calls `freedom fighters'. He says they're the moral equivalent of our founding fathers. And the whole world gasps at this confession of his family traditions.

0 Replies
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 12:17 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank A: like every major power that has ever existed on this planet, the United States has used its massive power in deplorable ways.

JTT: Euphemisms, Frank. At least be honest enough to describe them for what they are.

Frank A: How so, JTT?

Having read enough of your posts in every area you engage in I understand how you need specific instructions on how to be honest, Frank. You are deception personified. You are Parados reincarnated.

like every major power that has ever existed on this planet, the United States has used its massive power to commit heinous acts of terrorism, vicious war crimes, numerous illegal invasions of sovereign nations, which are the ultimate crime against humanity. It has done this with wanton disregard for the lives of the innocent people of those countries.

It has used lie after lie after lie topped up with lies to spread the biggest lie of all - that the US is a generous, caring nation when it is, far and beyond the biggest terrorist nation on the planet right up there at the top of the list for thee most vicious nation ever.

John Stockwell: "If you have a dictator and you want to get rid of him, you can't go to the United States, you can go to the Soviet Union."
Frank Apisa
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 12:42 pm
You are going off the edge, JTT. Try to actually answer any of the questions I asked rather than evading them...and we can continue to discuss this.
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 12:44 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank. Please don't feed the trolls. Some people don't have the mental capacity to open up new threads so they can take their completely irrelevant nonsense elsewhere.
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 12:58 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Try to actually answer any of the questions I asked rather than evading them...and we can continue to discuss this.

That's a joke and you're a joke, Frank. If you had any interest in actually, seriously discussing any issue you wouldn't totally evade the stark fact situations that have been placed squarely in front of your nose.

You have pulled this same sort of bullshit in every discussion I've seen you engage in. You have absolutely zero respect for honesty and the truth.

If you were the least bit serious, you would have read the articles and listened/watched the videos that illustrate, again, starkly, just what a vicious, totally uncaring piece of excrement Reagan [and his band of criminals] was.

Reagan knew that the Contras were torturing, murdering, raping and he defended them as the equivalent of the founding fathers [maybe not such a crazy thought after all].

Hell, he gave them the manual to do all this. He had CIA guys training them in how to do these vicious, inhumane acts and he loved the whole parcel. Reagan talked of, with obvious relish, wiping whole countries off the map, obliterating millions of souls.

You are delusional if you think this phony change from an angry old man to an angry old man pretending he's not angry fools anyone.

If you possessed an iota of honesty you would address the facts. You studiously avoid them in favor of the most juvenile tangents.


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