Quote:Him and I always had amazing sex, and I did miss that part of our relationship, but I fear i will get hurt again and regret doing it,
That's called Chemistry...
I love Jespah's reply to you... So you miss having sex? Is that what this is really about, the need and desire to feel sexual and sexy?
You can't get hurt again, if you sincerely think about it, you had amazing sex, you do the deed and you again had amazing sex, you know you'll regret it because you will feel that you were used.. Were you? You both are Adults and want amazing sex.
You either see it as it is, or you steer clear of it if your morals are in the way..
I'd question as well, the dates he chooses to contact you are "emotional" times for women

What a almost "non-risk" opportunity for him to gain his well, sex:)
Be assertive, go with what you want but in the understanding that you can also be all woman and say, it's what you wanted ,that's it.. and walk.
Then you can't get hurt or regret it.