@cicerone imposter,
I know there is truely poor people out there that are starving. That is where the government needs to step in and help. But the people who are riding out their employment for 2 years just because they are lazy and the generations of Welfare recepients that know how to screw the system needs to stop. I used do business in Jackson Mississippi as a Government Loan Specialist some 20+ years ago. Mississippi was a horrible welfare state. I was hanging with Jerry Clower(God rest his soul) in Yazoo City and he was a huge proponent of Government Welfare and I used to argue with him about how Mississippi entitlements were making it impossible for these families to get off Welfare. I am totally for it as long as it helps these people get out of poverty. It doesn't. People have figured, for each kid they had brought in $500 a month. Added to that, 5 kids got you $1000 a month in food stamps, free crappy healthcare, and these entitlements qualified you for a home loan to own your own house!!!! But once you qualified and owned the house, HUD would kick in and make the payments for you spread out over 42.5 years. I did 100s of these loans and I got to watch it get worse. All the women that had a bunch of kids had the father of the kids living with them, illegally. They weren't married, but he was eating and living there.