Thu 19 Jan, 2012 08:20 am
I do not label myself liberal or conservative. I am not a Democrat; I am not a Republican; I am a registered Independent.
I do tend toward progressive initiatives. I acknowledge that…and I consider a progressive agenda one that seems more likely than a conservative one to head us in the direction of a fairer nation…a nation more accepting of the fact that some of us are less likely to be able to succeed in the “dog eat dog” environment in which we exist. I consider a progressive agenda one more likely to operate with the notion that safety-net programs actually are needed…and make sense.
I’m having trouble understanding why the very label “liberal” has gotten so maligned and rejected.
If ya listen to the candidates for the Republican nomination, it seems each is trying to out-conservative the other. “I am the most conservative”; “I have been a conservative for the longest”; “I am the most consistent conservative”; “I truly represent conservative values and views”; “my opponents are not nearly conservative enough, and certainly not as conservative as I”…and stuff like that.
I cannot even imagine candidates for the other side fighting over who is the most liberal!
Can any of you imagine a group with individuals arguing, “I am the most liberal”; “I have been a liberal longest”; “I am the most consistent liberal”; “I truly represent liberal values and views”; “my opponents are not nearly liberal enough, and certainly not as liberal as I?”
Why have we come to this?
@Frank Apisa,
30 years of conservative brain washing by people like Limbaugh and his ilk supported by greedy rich who want to get richer.
The last vestiges of the McCarthy witch hunts?