Obviously we see all these things somewhat differently...
The main fuckup in the picture is the collapse of 08 and that was brought about by democrats, particularly Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and FANNIE/FREDDY; again Bush and Cheney tried to warn the nation as early on as 03 and nobody wanted to hear it:
As to health care, again in my view, what is actually needed bears zero resemblance to Obungacare or anything else you've read about and amounts to what TR used to call "trust busting" in about four or five areas, the most major being tort reform and the main problem being that the trial lawysers' guild is one of the two or three major pillars of financial support for the dem party. Out of control lawyering probably doubles the cost of medicine in this country. Bork Obunga's ideas about medical care would have made no more sense later than sooner.
As to gas and oil, Bork is acting exactly as if options which may be here five or ten years down the road if we're lucky were here today and placing the nation in harm's way by trying to force it to live in a utopian world which is not there yet. For that matter even if somebody does get his act together with super capacitors and electric cars become plausible, we'd need something to produce electricity in those kinds of quantities and the best candidate there is for such a thing would be thorium reactors. Nonetheless I'd assume that the Gaea-worshipers would try every possible trick to stop the development of such reactors and that the democrat party would support them.
You can call Romney a democrat if you like and he may bear some resemblence to the few remaining rational democrats, but With Romney in the whitehouse:
- Apology tours will end.
- The principal of fish/snail darters/shad/delta-smelts/lizards over people and human infrastructure will end.
- The present Gaea-worshiping anti-energy policies will end.
- Obunga-care will end. Anybody claiming there is more than a coincidental resemblance between what Romney did with health care and Obunga-care is either a liar or an idiot.
- The present Bleeding-in-front-of-sharks foreign policy will end.
- The Dodd/Frank/Freddie/Fannie policies which created the catastrophe of 2008 will end....
- The Obunga war against middle class America will end along with the Obunga "justice" department.