Wed 4 Jan, 2012 09:45 pm
I think it comes from the hitchiker guide to the galaxy I have never read the book but am curious what does it mean?
Definitely from HHGTTG -
chapter two of the first book according to Google Books
Well - meaning is in the eye of the beholder. But my guess at Douglas Adams' intent in using it was to show the 'left fieldness' of Ford Prefect - as he was still introducing us to his characters. It was an off hand remark in a bar - not in the least essential to the story. It's a very 'Adams' turn of phrase, much like 'floating in the air exactly like a bowling ball doesn't.' And it fits in with Adams' style of juxtaposing high philosophy and hard SF with the mundanities of existence.
But take whatever meaning you want out of it. Even if time isn't a illusion lunchtime is still an amorphous concept.