Good grief - thanks for that. We are considering spending a night in Times Square. I didn't realize how much driving is required for day trip...and that reasonable buses are so incredibly uncomfortable. Looked in to Bolt and considered, but...since we are from the rural South - and so conditioned to having our own cars, I think the amenity of a free parking garage at our hotel...and waking up fresh in Manhattan are worth a couple of hundred to stay the night. The Acela literature was a great sell. Just really pricey for the four of us. (I'm so cheap)
So, while I have you peeps here...

Would you give an opinion:
Best Irish Pub (most authentic seeming):
Most dangerous neighborhood:
Most Boston-y sight, building, thing to do:
Why the **** are Bruins tickets so much: (fume)
Best seafood or Italian restaurant
Funkycool Bostonian experience?
Thanks so much. It has been so awesome to be able to ask locals questions and get really valuable answers. I also saw a similar thread by Margo last night and checked it out.