When he posted this here I think about me, I spat my coffee out literally
Glitter, Dutchy never needed long to get to know anyone and he was able to rattle of each of you and tell me little funny stories, he loved A2k. If you are on face-book I can share his page to light a candle if you want or write something.
I found a second white feather today. I did laugh because I stated that the first white feather I found was actually from my Budgie but it was white it counts. Then I did an open today and there was this soft feather inside a vacant apartment, white. Typical Dutchy, "you don't believe I sent the first one? Great I will find another".

One other person also found a white feather that is on A2K and posted it on face-book.. I am sure if we really look there are signs.
I did ring Anna she was out and I said I would today but it's too late, I'll call her in the morning. They were honestly the same people, I was never sure which one was going to have me in stitches.
I'm going to post a Dolly on Firefly's thread as she missed him today.
Ahhh we all miss him we know that.
Ooops Sturgis sheez I nearly forgot.. You did that to me didn't you
He loved this thread and he loved playing with you all on this thread and so, the thread goes on..
I can't recall why he posted this one, what it was in answer to but one thing amongst many that I loved about Dutchy is he made me laugh .....
No one told me what their weather was like...................... I don't think x