The heck are those kids meant to see what they are doing, let alone being sand swept.....
Just spoke to Anna. She was in good spirits has been with family a lot this week due to the children's sports and will again this weekend for the same reason.
We organised a Dinner date for Wednesday week as that's the best day but this Wednesday is my Father's birthday bless him... 56..
Had a lovely chat with her, about her days/life.. Was nice.
Did an eviction today I tell you, twice I was thinking do I get backup? I am on my own doing this, what if he gets angry? Turned out he was fine, though he showed me his cell phone that he smashed to smithereens on the ground in anger over being evicted. I guess people lose temper when mad, when in a good zone, are ok. Guess I being a nice Property Manager with eviction as they had babies

And, I let them stay an extra day, I was safe after all. Phew.
Sold a house
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, to go. Send some wishes for my own investment to pftttttttttt so I can Divorce my husband. Thank you. Yes, I live in sin.
Fed the four magpies and the umpteen piking shirts I call them that because they are! Poor willy wagtail can't get anything these days probably a good thing he will continue to fend for himself. One of the Magpies I've been feeding for at least over a year, he sings, talks to me, has a black beak and was frightened of the others. Not any more, they wait until I feed him first and then, them

BOSS comes to mind ....
What a week haven't been here much.... Cooking a home made Pizza with smoked salmon, snow peas, sour cream.. Try it, don't go pfttttttttttt, try it.
Manifesto of Elliot Rodgers ,well... Some know that I love investigating, so must admit every two days I have been reading and replying re him. I still think there is evil and good. Nothing anyone can do to change that thought, people call it mental illness. The witch thinks different.
What else.
Shirt longest post ever huh?
Oh had a 1/2 hr massage ahhhhhh finally today feel so much better.......
That's all.
For now.