First Word -

Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 03:01 am
WORD Smile

Yep way to go and thank you ... Now to make it three. From me.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 03:44 am
Thank you Osso, thank you Foundy - wow, quite overwhelmed! Turning out to be an even better birthday than I expected Very Happy
Reply Sat 24 May, 2014 03:28 pm
7am and still dark outside.. Weird. Weird, to constantly walk in the dark in the morning, I feel like I am sleep walking or something.. Maybe need a second coffee because over yonder past Aussie Land, your mornings are the opposite right? Full of day light........................ Hurry Up Summmmmmer.

Just thought I would say

Reply Sat 24 May, 2014 04:44 pm
The rain stopped for a while.
I haven't gone outside yet to see if the grasshoppers have gone away. I do hope so, they're hungry hoppers.
Just had some homemade gelato, the sicilian kind. Volume of half and half mixed with cornstarch, set aside. More half and half, sugar/molasses, some vanilla, heated, and then the cornstarch mix added, all cooked together; cooled 2 hours; put in very cold ice cream maker; towards the end, added macerated pear with a smidge of ginger; frozen in containers. So, just now I threw some chopped almonds on top of one of the opened containers. Excellent.
Next time I'll try it with raw honey instead of molasses.

Except that I just saved a recipe for vietnamese coffee ice cream, that one made with eggs. Probably have to try that first. Maybe I'll try that with the cornstarch base instead. I luvvvv my ice cream maker.
Reply Mon 26 May, 2014 03:29 am
It's raining men, no not really, nor do I wish but it is raining which is good for the gardens so I'm happy.

I haven't heard grasshoppers for ever! Strange.

I have a girl I call "grasshopper" she loves it, from the movie what was it called?

You do know D started a Sicilian restaurant shall I post some of the dishes here that he's doing? Sounds awesome Osso. Sounds like a lottt of work though but wow sounds awesome.

It's fun having something like that I had a bread maker once but couldn't work it out Smile No seriously.

Off to eat dinner STARVING.

Sturgis onions? Bacon? How are you.





Reply Mon 26 May, 2014 03:46 am
There was a television series called Kung Fu in which the young student was referred to as Grasshopper - was that what you were thinking of?

Raining men? (love that song - so funny when the Weathergirls do it!) - meantime, it's raining water here and it's forecast to do so all day - how else would the weather behave on a Bank Holiday Monday! Rolling Eyes

Reply Mon 26 May, 2014 10:08 pm
You've always got the solution to my blonde moments for that I shall always be grateful Smile Yep, that was the one Smile

And raining men lols.

So windy today, time to leave the shop and go home, rest for a bit and start again Wink

0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 May, 2014 10:24 pm
Me either, I thought the grasshoppers were locusts untill Diane tole me the local news.

I know about D's adventures and am a fan.
He might like this -

Anders, the guy that runs it, is quite calm in the face of many questions and he and his posters engage a lot, even me at one point.

The site is all about ice cream, but I spend my time at the Sicilian one.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 May, 2014 05:23 am
Hey Osso, D here Smile

Sounds like a very interesting recipe, never heard of it before.

But, I do know Sicilians invented Gelato. We don't sell that at our place "yet" but you've given food for thought.

Unfortunately it's winter here at the moment so have to wait for summer.

We've actually started to increase business, there aren't any Sicilian Restaurants in Adelaide only Italian.

You might like some of these dishes I can provide a recipe FS said shhh the name of our Restaurant is , Turi Bar e café .

The main dishes people seem to love are:-

Traditional Arancini balls with ragout with peas and mozzarella and one that people love is Cotaletti which is crumbed chicken breast (fattening says FS) with rosemary and parmesan cheese.

Burgers are famous, pulled meat slowly roasted and cooked (beet brisket) and panelle which is chick pea flower deep fried fritter , with lemon and a touch of salt (FS said try that one )

Nice to meet you all.


Reply Tue 27 May, 2014 10:44 am
Hi, D, nice to talk with you.

The website I've found helpful re sicilian gelato is Ice Cream Nation, specifically the Sicilian gelato section of the site -


A swedish guy named Anders runs the site (and plays around with ice cream). He's really knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful, and so are some of the other posters, re their experiences.

On your restaurant dishes, oh, man, I love arancini. I ended up baking mine since I don't want to very deep fry (scares me, I might burn the kitchen down) - and those were still good, though not as good as some I had in Italy. I put a cube of mozzarella in the center of a ball of cooked arborio and egg, and roll in bread crumbs and bake. I throw together a tomato concoction as a dip. They freeze well and I can pull one from the freezer and microwave for a quick breakfast.

I never made it to Sicily, but I've sure read a lot about it (Peter Robb, Midnight in Sicily, and Mary Taylor Simeti, On Persophone's Island - A Sicilian Journal, plus a lot of the Commissario Montalbano police procedural novels. Montalbano loves food...)

I do have some chickpea flour, and a couple of recipes for panelli, just haven't done that yet. Will study up on Cotaletti.. Your burgers sound terrific too.

Be well, you two, and have fun..
Jo (osso)

edit to add that I made up the recipe - you can play with the gelatos once you get how to do the base the way you like it best. Sometimes I use heavy cream in it if I have any.
Reply Tue 27 May, 2014 01:55 pm

As I looked out the window I was again 'privileged' to see the massive crane (to be fair, only the top 15-20 feet of it) in the distance. It seems the building process continues on the site which once was a hospital.

Once was? Try for over 160 years. Soon it will be (according to the hideous signs) Luxury Condos and a few overpriced townhouses. Remind me again how this is supposed to be an improvement.

Okay, I have finished my rant (at least the latest one).

Rather warm today and horrifyingly sticky. The humidity seems to have arrived early this year. Then again, I seem to recall years in the past where it was similar, so maybe I'm just looking for something to gripe about so I won't have to concentrate on doing things which I should be doing.

The legs are continuing along a healing route, hoping this will be the same as summer sets in and the perspiration levels build under the bandaging. Guess it's the old wait and see thing. Whatever direction it takes off in should be an improvement over last summer, just by having eliminated the itch factor of the honey. Yeah, the alginate has it's own itch factor but it's localized to only where the wounds actually are so there's much less itch which means a happier me and a happier me means a happier everyone else.

Can hardly believe that it will be June in a few more days. The year is flying by at a record pace.

For now, I need to tend to a few things, just wanted to check in, see how things are going for all of you and to make sure the witches hadn't destroyed the Boss's haven with ludicrous ideas that they are somehows in the driver's seat on everything. Nope, that won't be happening!

In the meanwhile or meantime (never sure which is correct), I will sign off from here for now.

Back later...

Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 04:05 am
He's working 12hr shift for next 3 days Smile I'll ensure he sees this.

Do you know we ate those things for like 2 months until we were happy we got it right? Smile We have Italian Restaurants in Adelaide but not Sicilian I think it's going to take off for them and so happy for them, D likes to experiment so any tips and links you have he would love. x

The chickpea chips OMG with lemon and salt beat potatoes let me tell you, just awesome.

We well x (KEL) ha. AND D.

Just for the record. His ex wife is a renowned global award winning pastry chef, he's savoury. Very creative but is not so much into what she did, naturally:)

Try the chickpea what his recipe?
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 04:12 am


So what is it now going to be, I want to know because you have me curious and where did the hospital relocate to? Or are there to many where you are ..I know questions. It is interesting seeing things develop..

Was once... Wait you have been around 160 years? oh now I know what it is going to be hehe. It's money making from rich people that see land available for developing that makes them hundreds if not more, so on the bright side, there may be some "people" naked on balconies to look at? Smile

Jealous but, regardless of weather, wether you want to or not, do what you should be doing. Aren't I such a mum at times? Smile

YAY but peeves me off that they didn't catch this earlier Sturgis been a year hasn't it and if not, doesn't matter..... Dress, re-do, check......Not good enough just YAY glad for you, really am.

the witches hadn't destroyed the Boss's haven with ludicrous ideas that they are somehows in the driver's seat on everything. Nope, that won't be happening!


Guess you as a male can call this......Maybe, have to think about it Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 May, 2014 03:09 am
Here's a photo that shows the English seaside on a foggy day! So typical of our changeable weather! We're almost into June - summertime - and it's pretty cold and grey. But wait for a couple of hours and we could be sweltering under a midday sun - hard to tell - not surprised we spend so much time talking about the weather here!

Reply Fri 30 May, 2014 02:40 am

The heck are those kids meant to see what they are doing, let alone being sand swept..... Smile

Just spoke to Anna. She was in good spirits has been with family a lot this week due to the children's sports and will again this weekend for the same reason.

We organised a Dinner date for Wednesday week as that's the best day but this Wednesday is my Father's birthday bless him... 56.. Wink

Had a lovely chat with her, about her days/life.. Was nice.

Did an eviction today I tell you, twice I was thinking do I get backup? I am on my own doing this, what if he gets angry? Turned out he was fine, though he showed me his cell phone that he smashed to smithereens on the ground in anger over being evicted. I guess people lose temper when mad, when in a good zone, are ok. Guess I being a nice Property Manager with eviction as they had babies Sad And, I let them stay an extra day, I was safe after all. Phew.

Sold a house Smile

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, to go. Send some wishes for my own investment to pftttttttttt so I can Divorce my husband. Thank you. Yes, I live in sin.

Fed the four magpies and the umpteen piking shirts I call them that because they are! Poor willy wagtail can't get anything these days probably a good thing he will continue to fend for himself. One of the Magpies I've been feeding for at least over a year, he sings, talks to me, has a black beak and was frightened of the others. Not any more, they wait until I feed him first and then, them Smile BOSS comes to mind ....

What a week haven't been here much.... Cooking a home made Pizza with smoked salmon, snow peas, sour cream.. Try it, don't go pfttttttttttt, try it.

Manifesto of Elliot Rodgers ,well... Some know that I love investigating, so must admit every two days I have been reading and replying re him. I still think there is evil and good. Nothing anyone can do to change that thought, people call it mental illness. The witch thinks different.

What else.

Shirt longest post ever huh?

Oh had a 1/2 hr massage ahhhhhh finally today feel so much better.......

That's all.

For now.

Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 02:32 am
By the time I think of a 'first word' it will be too late to post anything ... so I'll post something first then try to think of a word!!! Rolling Eyes Laughing

First things first - great that Anna is coping so well and that you've stayed in touch with her Foundy - good to hear her family has rallied round so well.

Your father - only 56 on Wednesday - wow, he was young when you were born Laughing Laughing Laughing Seriously though ... I guess you meant 76? Happy birthday on Wednesday, Mr Found Soul Sr. Enjoy the day.

Evicting people - can't be easy. So lucky for them that you are a nice property manager - it can't be easy for you or for them. Kind of you to let them stay for an extra day.

Sending you good vibes and hopefulness for your own investment - hope it will all go well for you.

Everything is on hold here - waiting for summer - looks as if it's been postponed for a bit longer, pretty cool and grey out there at the present time. Sigh - I want to enjoy the garden, need some blue skies and the sun to shine!

Meantime ... here's a song that unfailingly cheers me up - sun or no sun ...

Oops - Last Word rather than First Word

Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2014 03:27 am

I "FOUND" one Wink Twas my Step-daughter's 16th today... Had a beautiful lunch, her Mother is a renown Pastry Chef who has won awards around the World, off course her Father is a Chef... She's travelled the World as a child and is so grown up, very proud of her.

The Cake her Mother Made, OMG must take a photo of the flowers I was honoured to have been given a bunch myself to bring home.


And the young lady... Will take it down after 48hrs Smile


I'm sure she has her battles Von, just was lovely to arrange a dinner date with her. I look forward to it. She's such a wonderful woman, regardless of age she has become a "friend".. Isn't it funny Age, is but a number.

Bahaha. I speak in tongue and cheek.. Both of my parents refuse to acknowledge their age and have ever since I think they turned 50 Wink Hence the number .. He's younger than 76, not by much Smile Aweee... He hates birthdays but loves red wine!

Have to be honest it was hard. Due to the babies, when he showed me that mobile AHHH .. Scary... Now I have problems with the water I think he probably put a hole in the pipes whilst he was at it, the people next door can't shower. Oh well an other day.......I think I did it for the kids Von.

Thank you.. It's funny people keep telling me "you're 50 so you have to work it all out now, it's your Super." We get to retire at 67 and younger than us at 70 what is with that?

At least the floods have gone and you can sleep (I hope) and the weather isn't too bad, it's winter here almost let me tell you it's cold Smile Soon you will have that beautiful weather and I know you can't wait... Go shopping or something ... Smile

Darn I will sing that now you watch Smile

So everyone has gone a-wall. Typical Smile

0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jun, 2014 01:34 pm

I'm thinking of a number between 3 and 2...

Just here to push this thread back into a location where it'll be easier to see and mention that there hasn't been much going on here lately. Sort of quiet.

Quiet with the exception of the annoying mouse which seems to have taken up residence and yesterday attacked a loaf of bread. I don't particularly care for these creatures and am more than annoyed when they decide to wander around without a care. Yeah, this little one pops out and stares at me, doesn't run off right away. Very irksome (can't remember how to spell aggrievating) however he/she will eventually depart...can't happen soon enough.

Since my last time in this thread to see if a certain someone was putting a particular 4 letter word starting with B, in her posts, the weather cooled, now it's starting to warm some, but not bad. Cools nicely at night into the 50s/low 60s which means an open window offers refreshment. It also offers up a nose and throat clogging amount of tree pollen. The worst of the spring pollen is over for me though, it's the start which gets me most. After that, not so bad.

Legs continue along, slight weeping on them and the 'rubber-band' effect the week just finished. That's normal for me, and it passed by and am back to the new and improved honey-free legs. (still stunned that it took so long for us to figure that one out)

I want a frog! Not in my apartment though.

So how is everyone else? I read through the posts, in fact have done so a few times, for some reason though my brain is drawing a blank on who said what. Some mention of birthdays...Vonny had one, Foundy is about to celebrate with another lady on this site which is a day after the birthday of a friend of mine. Apparently June is arrived. Can Christmas be far behind it?

Okay, that'll be enough for now from me.
Back later...

(Dutchy is still the Boss...heard it said by Dolly just the other evening)
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 02:53 am

Ok just to make notation I definitely wrote Boss on the above post, definitely Smile

Thanks Sturgis, it's been quiet I know, I must get a new phone the alarm hasn't gone off for two days because the battery keeps going flat so I have gotten out of bed (oops) late twice, poor Kia Smile GOOD ON YOU, typical male to decide to make a decision .

You are lucky if it's only one, call "him " Ben and think of Michael Jackson's song, I kinda thought that was real neat that song ... Smile

Why do you want a frog? You have to tell now, so pleased your legs are getting better that's the best news, made me smile big time Sturgis.. Bloody honey, honey, at least it got worked out...

Why the frog? LOLS what? Gotta ask twice.

Leave your question for the rest, as yeah only Ms Von answered.

Dolly sigh... I wouldn't want her boobs, just saying.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:51 am

Anyone tried a pillow that WORKS and you don't wake up day after day with a stiff neck? And, I'm not joking.

Dyed my hair. I'm now officially really dark brown underneath, length, still blonde on top... Must be the Gemini In me.

Meeting up for lunch tomorrow with three girls, 2 I haven't seen for 20 years. This could be interesting and for the most part, DAY OFF YAY!

Come on slack ones, how is everyone.

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