First Word -

Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 03:43 pm

Ah ha .......... I have PROOF that Foundy chewed the wires and blamed poor Rawaii. Now I wouldn't normally tattle on a fellow witch, but when a dog is getting the blame - well, we of the fox world do have some qualities in common with our canine friends ... so here goes, PROOF positive!


Arthur sounds as if he was a much loved companion - love the T-shirt! 18 is a good age - my darling little Bootsy only lived until he was 10 - but he'd been written off by the vets when he was only a few months old, so 10 was an achievement in itself - a brave and beautiful little chap. Miss him still. As for including garlic - love it! Liverwurst - not sure what it is - liver sausage? Didn't Dutchy have some liver sausage on here a while back?


Oh I'm so tired - how are you sleeping at the moment? I've had two weeks of waking up at 4 to 4.30 am daily, and I am desperately tired. 6am is the time I aim to wake - missing the extra time soooooooo badly!

Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2013 01:43 am

YOU WITCH YOU !!!!!!!!!!!YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU!!!!!!!!!!!BAHAHAHA.

Ok, I can stop laughing now Wink

Very good Von, very good !!!

Hot here at present about to work out dinner for the clan, and feed RAWAII and Kia, the doggy did do it, he did Smile

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:26 am
Love the liver small goods vonny, Anna always buys me that stuff for on my sandwiches. Good picture of Foundy, typical frustrated blond witch.
Come and join us for a bit of summer guys, 38 yesterday, 40 plus today and 43 tomorrow, air conditioners are working overtime and cold showers twice a day. Smile Would have love to have seen Foundy in her slinky outfit today. Wink
My overseas visitor left for home yesterday, he just phoned me having arrived back! in a cold and wet Holland. Gave him our weatheforecast and all he said was "you bast..d" Laughing

Waves from downunder
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 04:01 am

Me too love liver ... in pasta with cream and shallots and cheese, or as a pate.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 04:03 am

Me too love liver ... in pasta with cream and shallots and cheese, or as a pate.

Ferk it decided to post and I stopped it Smile

Pfttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt frustrated? Yeah right Smile
And slinky outfit, I worked from home bathers were me, sucked in.

D I am worried for he is in the Kitchen in this OMG ...

LOLS well he would only have wanted the beach can I do that Friday/Sunday HELL YEAH WHY NOT though, fat gut, ate too much Smile

Hope you get to call Izzie she needs you, wish I could call her Sad

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 10:12 am

For unknown reasons while reading Foundy's post I suddenly had a craving for Gouda cheese. Red rind or black rind, I'm not picky, I just want some Gouda. If I don't get some soon I'll be forced to eat Provolone or Kasseri (which aren't bad either).

Just wanted to say that, need to move along to a few things for now.

Back later...
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 03:49 pm

I wrote the word CHEESE Wink

Actually, I wrote child like, does that mean there is still a child in me? I think so, it's a good thing.. But, still, I am only one person Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 04:05 pm

Only here for a flying visit - left it too late to post this evening. Fierce wind whipping up outside, so things to do to secure the garden containers before we retire for the night. Oh to be in Australia now - sunshine, warmth, sand and surf ............... sigh. Bet you can't wait for your visit to your son - lucky you. Not long now.

I can see why your Dutch visitor called you names when you gave him your lovely weather forecast! Ouch, that must have hurt him - getting back to Holland's cold and rain, only to hear how wonderful it was in Australia.

Foundy in a slinky bikini - lucky Foundy! Seems ages since it was warm enough here to wear anything less than a parka outdoors! Boots, gloves, and soon it will be thermals - yikes, so unromantic!
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 08:53 pm

Sturgis you're welcome for a bite of Gouda or Edam cheese, always have those in my fridge plus a few other Dutch cheeses, love them, even scrape them on my omelettes or spaghetti.

To hot for beach today, so sitting here with the airco on sipping a cold beer, later on will go out for dinner with some friends.

Have teed up all the help I can muster to get to Port Lincoln, so all systems go! Wheelchair to get from car park to Airport Terminal building, normally a fairly long walk, transport to plane and hoist to get me on board. Smile I would have laughed about that some years ago but today it is a serious reality, well you know what I mean Vonny.

Foundy don't go out in that sun with that skimpy Bikini you're earing, you'll burn alive with our Ozone level gone. I feel sorry for D. slaving away in a hot kitchen.

Waves from downunder and behave yourself you wicked witches.Wink
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:31 pm

It's 38 here at the moment, but it's starting to cloud over and there is the tiniest little cool breeze. We're expecting more of the same tomorrow, with possible thunderstorms.

I can't believe it's Christmas next week, I'm nowhere near ready for it, still quite a few presents to buy, not to mention food. Until this week the weather has been all wrong for getting in Christmas mode. And I still don't even know how many of my kids, their partners and children will be here. Very disorganised! How is everyone else going with it all?

All the cleaning up around the yard is done Vonny, it's just a matter of keeping on top of it now and crossing our fingers that it's all for nothing.

Dutchy I saw in one of your posts that you had a fire near you. I'm guessing that was - hopefully - just small as I didn't see anything on the news about it.

It seems to be cooling down a tad so I am going to sit out in the back yard and catch some of this breeze.
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 02:01 am


Today was 44!!!!! Below is the rest of the week, ok only one day to get through, tomorrow!!

Partly Cloudy

Chance of Rain
Mostly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy

I've finished my Christmas shopping bar a ring, I want to buy David a "just because 4 years" ring.. My step daughter even helped with the last lot of wrapping so I only have a couple to go Smile

Food well that's another story. I have to check with David what he is doing Christmas night, as we will have his Father and his daughter here celebrating as if it's Christmas Day and in the morning. Then we go to our family for dinner but only 2hrs due to Ms Kia being Diabetic, so a platter of sorts is all I need to do for that.

But Christmas Eve, I am going to have candles, lights, pudding, everything Smile It sucks when Family can't get it all right and you have to stress Cherrie but that's usually the same with my Family with their partners, my Nieces and Nephews. Even bought the girls a necklace each well I guess they are "family" now Smile Almost.

I'm feeling the Christmas Spirit I must admit, all be it SO HOT hey Cherrie, and Dutchy.

Sooooo something other than work happened in my day.

I was outside having a cig, shhh and I heard scratching. We have a couple of Rats grrr that had babies and I feed Magpies and Mr Willy wag tail and now others come... But I thought it strange as it sounded as if it was over the fence so I went and had a look, what is this Rat doing? Nup, stuck inside a watering can with very little water inside was a drowned parrot, baby I think, white head red tail, blue, green, red on it, drowned Rat indeed Smile You heard it first.

So I took the watering can inside to the bathroom and tried to get it to go out nup. Lols. So I left the can on its side and waited. It came out screaming and flying though couldn't due to being wet so I talked to it and talked to it and it ended up on the mirror listening to me.. Then I noted a blue and a silver ring on its feet, a pet.

Well, off I went to the shop and bought it food, a cage, a mirror and it's in our kitchen, "it's name is Ruby" Smile

It went straight for the food not the water but that's ok.. I wonder how long it has tried to survive in the wild?

Well we have a new pet Smile

A bird LOLS.
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 04:41 am

How lovely for you to find a little parrot in your own garden - and how fortunate that you were able to rescue it from the watering can. Lucky bird to find such a good home. Is it a feral parrot of some kind? We have Rose-ringed Parakeets in Surrey, I believe, but nothing more exotic. Not in this climate anyway! Wish I could find a new pet in the garden - a bird,a Labrador puppy perhaps? Or a horse? Perhaps a hybrid? Imagine finding this little fellow amidst the vegetation Laughing (No Foundy, don't nag me - we'll think about getting another dog when I've had my next operation - and recovered from it! Rolling Eyes Very Happy )


I envy you the high temperatures you are getting - must be wonderful if you can chill out on a beach somewhere, but I don't think I'd enjoy commuting in it - must be a bit too hot on trains and in cars? Must be nice to sit out in your garden now you've finished all the tidying, cherrie!


Wow - you all sound ready for Christmas - Port Lincoln for you Dutchy, and family Christmases for you Foundy and cherrie. We have absolutely nothing planned this year - never do! We usually meet up with dog-walking friends in the park, spend a couple of hours with them, then play it by ear. We do have decorations up - a beautiful black tree adorned with blue and silver and so on - and I've bought all the usual Christmas foods; Christmas cake, Stollen cake, Yule log, mince pies - every surface is groaning with multiple Christmas cards - and the obligatory Christmas CD's full of carols and good cheer are at the ready. Gifts are wrapped. Sigh - be glad when it's all over!


Dutchy - sounds as if you are all set to travel in style! My late aunt - who was in her 90's - used to travel widely in her wheelchair. Alone! More than I would dare do! Two of her sons were in the North-East of England, and another lived in the Black Forest area of Germany, and she'd quite happily set off on trains and planes - never seemed to phase her at all. I guess it's like anything - you probably get used to it. The first time is probably the most daunting. She always praised the staff at airports and stations - said they were always so helpful.

But, all going well, you will only need to travel that way for this one celebration - by next Christmas you may be walking normally again - fingers crossed! Very Happy


Cherrie - I envy you being able to sit out of doors in your newly tidied garden. Ours is still covered in a thick blanket of wet leaves, and with the current stormy weather - high winds and torrential rain (with lots more forecast over the next 12 days) I can't see us managing to get out to pick them up. Fairly calm outside at the moment, but it was bad last night, and it's due to get wild and woolly again this evening. Strange climate - such a small country but such diverse weather - hail and snow, floods, gales - but we've been luckier than a lot of people here so far. Hopefully that will continue.
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 06:10 am
KP- thanku - and all of Danny's friends... latest word


Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 11:12 am
Dutchy - so sorry that your breathing isn't too good at the moment. Sensible of you to put off your trip to Port Lincoln and let the doctors sort out your problem before you jet off anywhere!

Masses of love and support for you from this end - we want you well and back here where you belong - so get well soon, dearest Dutchy. Witchy vibes aplenty from the First Word coven Laughing And some big kisses for Foundy to deliver when she sees you next!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 03:45 pm

It's an amazing thing. Travels across the miles, no stones unturned, you feel it in your Soul, in your Heart and it remains there, forever and a day.. That is how I feel for those that have touched my Soul, here...


To Danny and Anna............. A beautiful combination of cheekiness and love in themselves.


That's all I have to say today.... Thanks Izzie, I wrote more on Izzie's Thread.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 03:53 pm

I can not believe that I found that little creature. So hot and stuck in a metal can.. If I had not ventured over and went inside, it was such "soft" scratching, the little thing would have passed from being so hot in there.. I'm kinda pleased as you can imagine, that I saved a life.

From what I can gather, it's a Green Cheek or maybe pinapple, Conures. And, it has the most beautiful long red tail. It's name therefore now is Red Smile


It has tags, so this is why I couldn't let it recover and fly away, it's owned by a breeder probably came from a large group in a hopefully, large cage outside.. They sell for $140 each, no I am not mating him/her .. WELL maybe? Smile Giggles over the Horse / Bird, so funny.

I will NOT hag you I mean nag you lols. I already witchylyyy know you will get one Wink

I SO intend to go to the beach during this time, 3 more days and it's hang about for 10 days as much as I can without working... I even bought a new bikini top (black) just like you like it Dutchy Smile

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 01:44 am


OMG this little new bird is quite a clever, smart azz.. Set him free in the sun room for the day, he went back into his cage eventually for more food but did visit it during the day un-be-known to GRRR David who was meant to watch so he could shut it off.

Very clever little (RED) ... has me worked out already, danced and played with the mirror and let me know, I'll come in when I am ready, love flying around the sun-room , thank you KP Smile Wonder if he will call me Mum ?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:22 am

New bikini top? Why did you just buy half a bikini? Tell the truth Foundy - you aren't just a witch, you're a mermaid!


Rubi - Red - or Red Ruby Question sounds like a great addition to your household - he seems to be at home already. Looking forward to photos at some future date - meantime, here's a cute little bird having a bath.


Shortest day here today - hurrah! Soooooo tired of short dark days, can't wait for longer days and for the clocks to change. I spend months of having inadequate sleep throughout winter - all due to the clocks going back in autumn. My body clock just doesn't understand why it has to go to sleep and wake up at totally different times. It refuses to adjust - which means I'm awake by 5am at the latest - daylight saving time - ugh! But when spring arrives and the clocks change - wow! New lease of life!


Dutchy - I've actually bought a Lovatt's magazine! No Big or Colossus in the newsagents, but they ought to be out soon. Meantime, I've purchased their Crossword Puzzle Collection - gosh it's going to be weird trying to get my brain round them again. I'll be yelling for help once I get onto the Cryptic - my favourite, but the one I have the most difficulty with. Wish I had your skills in solving them! Rolling Eyes


Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:06 am

You are adorable Von.. No wonder everyone here loves you, you just do what you do, for OTHERS ... and it's awesome, much love sis.


Von again, I can't believe how you find photos to fit thoughts, so well I try to compete BAHAHAHA not really, but I do try to find as well but you get it down pact woman.

FEB your turn for surgery, I already know you will be OK.. And we will all be there as well. x

EVENING ALL ! Ready for Christmas?

DUTCHY - You know we love you heaps and will always be by your side, as with all FW as you call it "crew"... FIRST WORD.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:39 am

Such sad news about Dutchy, just when he had his trip all organised and this has to happen. It's just one thing after another. Hopefully 2014 will be a much better year for him.

Foundy you are a life-saver, I'm sure the bird will call you Mum even if you can't quite hear him saying it. Very Happy New bikini top huh, you wouldn't have gotten any wear out of it here today, it's turned back to winter again, windy and raining and cold. But tomorrow we're back to summer again, bit hard to keep up with what the weather is going to do.

Vonny did you look at the mirror that mermaid is holding, there's something very wrong with that. Shocked I was under the impression that you already did the Lovatts crosswords, and that was why you were there on that forum, or have you just been taking a break from them? Or am I just completely wrong?

I think I am ready for Christmas now - well as ready as I can be still without knowing who is going to be here. My son came off his motorbike the night before last, managed to break his foot in four places, with another two hairline fractures. Sad Luckily no-one else was involved.

Foundy, please give Dutchy my best wishes, and hope that he will be feeling better soon.

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