Today was 44!!!!! Below is the rest of the week, ok only one day to get through, tomorrow!!
Partly Cloudy
Chance of Rain
Mostly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
I've finished my Christmas shopping bar a ring, I want to buy David a "just because 4 years" ring.. My step daughter even helped with the last lot of wrapping so I only have a couple to go
Food well that's another story. I have to check with David what he is doing Christmas night, as we will have his Father and his daughter here celebrating as if it's Christmas Day and in the morning. Then we go to our family for dinner but only 2hrs due to Ms Kia being Diabetic, so a platter of sorts is all I need to do for that.
But Christmas Eve, I am going to have candles, lights, pudding, everything

It sucks when Family can't get it all right and you have to stress Cherrie but that's usually the same with my Family with their partners, my Nieces and Nephews. Even bought the girls a necklace each well I guess they are "family" now

I'm feeling the Christmas Spirit I must admit, all be it SO HOT hey Cherrie, and Dutchy.
Sooooo something other than work happened in my day.
I was outside having a cig, shhh and I heard scratching. We have a couple of Rats grrr that had babies and I feed Magpies and Mr Willy wag tail and now others come... But I thought it strange as it sounded as if it was over the fence so I went and had a look, what is this Rat doing? Nup, stuck inside a watering can with very little water inside was a drowned parrot, baby I think, white head red tail, blue, green, red on it, drowned Rat indeed Smile You heard it first.
So I took the watering can inside to the bathroom and tried to get it to go out nup. Lols. So I left the can on its side and waited. It came out screaming and flying though couldn't due to being wet so I talked to it and talked to it and it ended up on the mirror listening to me.. Then I noted a blue and a silver ring on its feet, a pet.
Well, off I went to the shop and bought it food, a cage, a mirror and it's in our kitchen, "it's name is Ruby" Smile
It went straight for the food not the water but that's ok.. I wonder how long it has tried to survive in the wild?
Well we have a new pet
A bird LOLS.