Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 07:17 am

and far...

love x
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2013 03:53 pm

Let's go for a little walk... badabada

Love to zzzzzzz crew x
Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:30 pm
Ill be in that Izzie, a walk on the Moors under the moonlight sounds fascinating even a little eerie, maybe we should ask Annis or FlavourQueen to come along with us. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 06:22 am
Missy has been quite morose during your confinement and couldn’t decide iffin’ she was procrastinating or incentivizing her productivity. In the morning she wants’ to sleep more, in the afternoon she is dying to sleep and at night she is too tired to sleep. Go figure!

That's funny


However she did manage to teach the cat to do anything it wants to do….. and her skirt looks good on the bathroom floor!!!

What the hell?

I love a man that keeps me guessing.

howdy folks,

I was wrong about things slowing down. It seems like years since football was over for G. My boys are just too busy for my good.

Dear Dutchy - I love seeing your sweet self on here. Same for you Tryagain.
Big smooches and squeezes to you both.

Izzie - the moon pics - are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Love them. Hugs and kisses to you and your sweet family.

I hope you all are doing well this holiday season. Thoughts are with you all. I have to come see how it's going with you all - but I am a little one sided and selfish right now...I am sorry about that. I want to ask questions and get details. Maybe next week when I am out of school.

xx00 mis

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 09:26 am
I'm enjoying some peace and quiet, no loud power tools, no more Fern Cotton played at full volume. I was always rather ambivalent about her before spending the last three weeks hearing her inane comments played at twenty decibels. Now I have murder in mind.

The glaziers are all done, I've got my home back. Hooray.
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:28 pm
<pass the bucket>

start bailing crew

we got us some serious water in the South West

our iddybiddybabblingbrook is a torrent!

troops on the way - just need me a general now to make it all go away!

Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:30 pm
Oooo Ahhh that looks vicious yet, somehow beautiful, who's wooden table and chairs are they? Not yours, it's not that close ? Got 2 buckets hold on!!!

Mis...... Hello Smile

Mr Izzy/Dutchy/All......

We are the opposite here, it's going to be 42 today, I feel a bikini coming on later when home, working, the air con can only do so much... Maybe a one piece to hide the too much Christmas food already, fat Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:47 pm
As y’all may know, I had to give up my internship as a ‘Saggar maker's bottom knocker’ due to financial constraints. I therefore regret to inform you that this years J. C. Penney Christmas Hamper has been delayed indefinitely; I am sorry for any incontinence.

Dear sweet Missy, nostalgia bids me to rejoice in the fact that all those years ago, you, I and Dutchy were the first three to join the crew of the A2K liner. We three Musketeers and then came JW our very own d'Artagnan. There is not a day goes by that I don’t mourn his demise.

He was so young to have been taken by the malaise, oh cruel fate and melancholy.

Dear old Dutchy sport, I am truly delighted that you will be able to visit with your son, I know it might not be for as long as you would like, but “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”. Have a great time.

May I take this opportunity to thank Ms Vonny for taking the trouble to allay my suspicion that British Hobnobs were in fact as The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) describes the Adversary (ha-satan) as an ..... Old Hob - were not one and the same.

May your forthcoming operation be an unqualified success.

Dear FS, I was devastated to see that the two properties in FAWNBRAKE CRESCENT - WEST BEACH have been sold, they would have been perfect, what with the river out back. However I see that there is still one undeveloped Lot at the end of the street, which may suit my porpoise.

May you live long and prosper.

It was such a pleasure to meet Izzie at the Seattle Grace Hospital reunion, Shonda Rhimes told me all about you and Grey's Anatomy. I do hope it all works out for you and I hate that Alex has exposed your past as a lingerie model… But iffin’ y’all have any photographs…

BTW the above sentence is false. Any attempts to assign a classical binary truth value to this statement leads to a contradiction, or paradox. This occurs because if the statement "This sentence is false" is true, then it is false; this would mean that it is technically true, but also that it is false, and so on without end…

Now, if you understand that, perhaps y’all would be kind enough to tell me why some numbers are squares, while others are not; therefore, all the numbers, including both squares and non-squares, must be more numerous than just the squares.

Yet, for every square there is exactly one positive number that is its square root, and for every number there is exactly one square; hence, there cannot be more of one than the other. Spooky!

So to all those who have shared the pain and pleasure over the last year, including all the A2K team and even those who suspect I’m a Fugate from Troublesome Creek; may I extend the warmest holiday greetings.

May the Lord bless you and keep y’all; or as the president may say, Salaam alaykum!

Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 04:44 pm
Dutchy wrote:

Ill be in that Izzie, a walk on the Moors under the moonlight sounds fascinating even a little eerie, maybe we should ask Annis or FlavourQueen to come along with us. Smile

DannyBoy - how are you? Ooooooooh, no no, not eerie - stunningly beautiful oot there, just FAB. Welllllllll, funny you should say that - Tulip came by today and we had a lovely catchup and Charlie, K-Bro and all the family are coming for the weekend. Ha, I won't be up to doing much but this is their second home so they'll crack on and I'm so looking forward to seeing them. Give Anna a big, huge hug from me, Bosun, and we'll talk very soon (((((((((Danny))))))))xxxx


Oooo Ahhh that looks vicious yet, somehow beautiful, who's wooden table and chairs are they? Not yours, it's not that close ? Got 2 buckets hold on!!!

Mis...... Hello Smile

Mr Izzy/Dutchy/All......

We are the opposite here, it's going to be 42 today, I feel a bikini coming on later when home, working, the air con can only do so much... Maybe a one piece to hide the too much Christmas food already, fat Smile

Hey KP - them thar pics are the bottom of the garden and the bench is where I sit contemplating my navel! Embarrassed

The rise and fall of the river is quite amazing - soooooooooo powerful - it runs right alongside the house (which is a lot higher so I don't worry about the house flooding) - love the river and the constant sound... but that's a tad too raging when it get's up close to the shed. We got the bench moved onto the bottom lawn – didnee wanna lose that- it’s got wayyy too much history to be firewood... or soggy wood. River's already down by a foot at least - so soon it will be bavk to babbling brook.

42deg - goodness gracious me - waaaaaaaaaaaay too hot for me - wear a big hat and don't be getting no sunstroke. ((((KP))))x

mismi wrote:

Izzie - the moon pics - are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Love them. Hugs and kisses to you and your sweet family.

Love you Mis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The sky has cleared, the river is receding and... the moon is bright and gorgeous tonight. I’ve been enjoying sitting under it, listening to the river racing by. It’s lit the whole garden and the stars are so bright.


IzzywithaY – glad you’ve been glazed and finally they’ve gone – enjoy your new windows! Radio 1 – ack – heathen – gotta be Radio 2! <dayum, how old iz I!> and enjoy your peace and quiet ((IzzY))x

Tryagain wrote:
Dear sweet Missy, nostalgia bids me to rejoice in the fact that all those years ago, you, I and Dutchy were the first three to join the crew of the A2K liner

The Tryumphant Triumvirate and our Special Agent jw is quartermaestro! All41&14All Very Happy

Tryagain wrote:

Now, if you understand that, perhaps y’all would be kind enough to tell me why some numbers are squares, while others are not; therefore, all the numbers, including both squares and non-squares, must be more numerous than just the squares. Yet, for every square there is exactly one positive number that is its square root, and for every number there is exactly one square; hence, there cannot be more of one than the other. Spooky!

Oooooooooooh, I love it when you tawk ditzy! Mr. Green

there cannot be more of one than the other

= S'equals. Love that! Youze defiantly more tryangular than square Mr Y'Again!

<and breathe>
Most splendiferous and blessed holiday greetingz to you and yourz. LYBlue ~ smooch x xox

and... I’ve run out of time – where’d the last 24 hours go... Shocked gosh!

Big sleep tomorrow – shore to ship, over and ooooot. Arrow


Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 05:58 pm
Just stopping by for a hello. Hoping all is well with everyone. I have lots of reading back to do to catch up. Crazy busy days not allowing much down time these days.
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 05:54 am
((((((((((((Stormy)))))))))))))) big hugs and love to you this Christmas - have a great break and special family time. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

It is always good to talk and so very good to hear your voice. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Letting your crew know that you are not too good with your breathing right now... you feel well in yourself, it's just trying to get those breaths and it's a struggle.

You've shown such courage in making the decision not to go to Port Lincoln and acceptance that you need to be at home and close to the doctors who have been caring for you. X-rays tomorrow and seeing the cardiologist on Monday... so right now, you must keep taking it easy - Anna is with you and your family will be coming to see you next week and it will be whole week where you can have those special family moments. Your birthday on Tuesday and a celebration of your life... and I'm blessed to get to speak to you again. I hope so much that you don't go into hospital over the weekend - and if it becomes necessary, then that will be the right place for you to be where they can give you the right care and make you more comfortable. We'll talk wherever you are. Love you DannyBoy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(((((((((((((((Crew)))))))))))))))) healing wishes for our Bosun - it's terribly sad for him not be able to go to PL but it is the only right decision for him and the family - his eyes are not good either so he may not be able to read too much - so please keep giving him strength with your thoughts and prayers.

KP - thank you as always - keep us posted whenever you can. Most importantly - enjoy your time off from work and have the very best Christmas and time with your man. You're a good soul KP - keepa hold of all those good wishes and ensure you give yourself the best in life too, just for you. Thank you (((((KP))))))xxxxxxxx

Sending love and peace to all the ((((crew))))) - near and far and further...

late last night, 19 Dec 2013


<with a weird but wonderful pink and blue outer Shocked - strange but cool! Very Happy >
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 11:01 am
So sad that you won't be travelling to Port Lincoln for Christmas, but I can see why you've taken the decision to stay at home this year - there will always be next year! You've been through a lot over the past twelve months - no point in jeopardising your recovery by doing too much too soon.

I'm adding my thoughts, prayers and good wishes to those expressed by Izzie - do get well soon, dearest Dutchy. Love you masses! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 11:19 am
Thank you much for the update on our dear man and his setbacks or hinderances. Sorry to read he will need to remain home for now instead of planned travel seems though he is thinking well and wise with his brain not just his heart

My thoughts and positivity are into the air and soaring to him. Give him and Anna my best when you next speak with him. Hope yo are doing well yourself Izzie.



0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 11:23 am
Just dropping by and hoping all is well, I will try reading back. Schools have at last broken up! Been mighty stressful and busy, so much work! So the festivities can now begin here! I met Izzie the other day and she is ok but haven't heard after surgery! Healing sent.

So I now have a date for my son's heart check-up the first one after his open heart surgery. It is on 9th January 2014 and I am hoping it goes well but am feeling a little stressed about it already!

If I don't get on again before Christmas I wish you all love, health and joy for Christmas.

Hugs and stuff
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 03:32 pm
Dear FS, I was devastated to see that the two properties in FAWNBRAKE CRESCENT - WEST BEACH have been sold, they would have been perfect, what with the river out back. However I see that there is still one undeveloped Lot at the end of the street, which may suit my porpoise.

Dear Try, I am truly honoured, though a total shock to see those words, FAWNBRAKE CRESENT - WEST BEACH, that you noted my hard work, though I don't have an agreement to sell the undeveloped Lot at the end of the street, and I am aware that at the other end, there will be two more for sale, eventually when the owners knock the house down.. The one with the swimming pool was my favourite, I would have gladly negotiated the sale with you Wink .. Reminds me, to get the makeover accessories out of there and into another home. Thank you for that reminder Smile

So to all those who have shared the pain and pleasure over the last year, including all the A2K team and even those who suspect I’m a Fugate from Troublesome Creek; may I extend the warmest holiday greetings.

I see creeks and rivers are your favourite Wink Wishing you a safe and wonderful Holiday season....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 03:41 pm
((((IZZIE)))) -------(((((DANNY)))))

Thank you Izzie, for posting this.. I've been in a bit of a state of quietness, not sure what to write, thank you for doing it for me. x

I will ring Danny and Anna today when I get home from "TRY" Selling houses Smile - And, I will be sure to post any wishes, thoughts, love from our Dannyboy and to give back the same to him from the (((Crew))).

Apparently, we have Garfish and fresh prawns to collect, as Anna and Danny were not happy (well they were), of their many gifts given, stubborn Witch that I am, refused . A gift is a gift (s), but it appears that Danny thinks he is still the Boss and stated " It will get to you no matter what" omitted the area where I live Smile So, we shall visit again...

BIRTHDAYS - 25/12/2013 - Would you do the honours on that Day Izzie.. That would be awesome... Maybe I can find a cake and have them put Boson on it, and head it his way after this date, late is better than never....

I don't know how much time I will have off but I will take your words xx Because, I do need some KP time and some DKKP time, goodness, when I marry I will be KK.. That is scary Smile

HUGS and much LOVE and again thank you for this Izzie... xx
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2013 04:05 pm

Wow, in a way it would be awesome to sit there on that bench chair and watch that, in another way, scary as it climbs higher. Glad (((IZZIE))) that it has gone down......
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 01:42 am

Well.... Keeping the Crew posted.

I spoke with Danny tonight, though I emailed him and said tomorrow so it was a bit of a surprise.

He is "happy" that his family will be with him a couple of days after his birthday/Christmas but they have had some bad news themselves.. Not a good year I feel, roll on 2014.

The main thing is "I feel" and he said but this is it? Is his blood pressure is low and has been for 3 weeks, that would be why someone is breathless. He is not dizzy though (like this blonde) so as a result they will leave him home and monitor and see on Monday, bless. Who wants to spend Christmas and one's birthday in hospital again.

He did laugh, he did smile, if he's in a chair doing cross words he is fine, that's all good.

Shall have to wait now for Monday's result.

He was a bit choooooofed at getting your call Ms Izzie and told me all about it.

Shall link this to FW.. Word.

He is OK with not flying as planned and being smart.. I think being his family will be flying here helps.

I also heard it's someone else's birthday, very, very, soon but I guess EVERYONE knows that bar me, I'm no longer a newby but 2 years isn't enough to remember.. But I shall from here...................and look forward to sharing it, from Aussie Land, near my neighbour somewhere South of Adelaide..

x to all

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 02:27 am

Dolly Parton said,

"All this talk of dumb blondes doesn't get me upset. because I'm not dumb.

And I'm not blonde."
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 02:49 am
Smile Dutchy would laugh about that, me too darn I am not dumb either, forgetful but I am blonde Smile Thanks McTag love it !

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