First Word -

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 10:27 am

Dutchy - just seen some amazing bouncing boots! Once you've beaten the latest setback to your plans, why not consider getting a pair - you could boing-boing your way to Port Lincoln in no time! Laughing


Here are some for you too, Sturgis, in red of course! Where have you gone to - looked for you all over the place! Confused


Cherrie - you're quite right about me doing Lovatt's crosswords - I did Big, Colossus and various other books for years, and when I acquired a computer three or four years ago, quickly found that I could get help with them from people like Dutchy. However, it wasn't until late last year that Dutchy mentioned First Word and the Yabber-Liner to me - I came over in January and never looked back! Carried on with the crosswords for a while, but the chat and word game threads took over completely. Haven't done a crossword for over eight months now!


Rainy, wet and cold in Australia? No, that's England! Actually, we do have rather mild weather for the end of December - 52 degrees F here today - positively balmy! But it will be a long time before we get any wear from our bikinis - like six months ... groans in despair!!! Unlike you - with your wonderful weather, you'll probably be wearing one next week!


I noticed the mirror - weird - - something witchy about it - hey, it IS Foundy - a witchy mermaid. Cool!


Oh your poor son - hope it won't spoil Christmas for him. On the up-side of the whole incident - just think of all the Christmas party games you can play - like who can draw the best illustration of Santa on a plaster cast? On a serious note - love motorbikes, but they can be so dangerous.


Foundy - you are always full of compliments for others - our turn to compliment you, I think. On a wonderful thread - always so good to come to - lovely to see such harmony - and all down to you, dear friend. The sort of oasis of calm in which one may linger, or dart in and out like a mayfly - something for everybody. Always amazes me when someone says they've just discovered First Word - can't really imagine A2K without it! You deserve a pat on the back!

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 01:52 pm

Ms Von, as always you exceed yourself with your ideas for each and every one of us, with pictures and descriptions.. It makes me smile every time.

Look what I found for Dutchy!!!!


He'd take his grandkids to McDonalds and I'd say "no way, do you know those things (burgers) live for like 100 years without going off?" Get Chinese or something... But, here, this is a Delux, Dutch, can't go wrong huh?

More gifts, it's almost Christmas.


Ok Dutchy, it's not Dolly, she is blonde, and a gift of flowers your way Smile


For you Sturgis, was going to send you a PM to ask how you were, how the Court Case thingy is going, if you are eating, if the itching is slowing down, if you have food in your fridge, if you are going to have a white Christmas, if, if, if, but decided to write it here, FW Home.


Obviously the cat is out the bag, couldn't be properly wrapped, didn't want to, rebel, just like you Smile


And this is just a special gift to everyone!!!!!! In true Christmas Spirit, a gift we need to all remember...


Von to start with, I hope you like them. Thank you for your compliment and words, aweee, appreciated.. The Mermaid Witch, has a baby.. Oh No how did that happen at 50? Smile



Not sure if they are too bright for you, but they have red, they could maybe even be real, you know? Go to the Antique store cash them in and buy what you want Wink Could like nice first on the Christmas table with the flowers Smile


I thought I would try some magic, sending it out there into the Universe, let magic begin and heeling happen..


For you IZZIE, if you drop in before the pages turn... Something you believe in surrounded by what you love Smile


For everyone to share~~

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:03 pm

Well chosen, Foundy! Some lovely gifts there. The china - Royal Crown Derby perhaps - is a bit garish for everyday use, but for special occasions - mmm yes, with a white damask tablecloth and napkins, I can see it going down very well at a dinner party.

The burger and blonde for Dutchy - haha - made me laugh. What more could a man want. I'd imagine the young lady in a floral bikini would suit him down to the ground!

The cat for Sturgis is a little beauty - love the cardboard box! Cats do love crawling into containers don't they?

Izzie's gift looks rather good - organic healthfood? mmm delicious!

Flowers - always welcome! Thank you for choosing such lovely gifts for everybody!

Mermaid - baby? I hadn't noticed - must go back and have a look.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:05 pm
Baby? That's her pet seal!!! Rolling Eyes Laughing
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:07 pm

Really? I will be Wink

Izzie's gift was a smile and flowers, the rest was for everyone else and look what I found? Santa Smile

Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:14 pm

Quick drive-through with pieces of info.

Legal matters are resolved. Finally after months and months of back and forth between lawyers. Relief.

Itching like a twilight zone again and shots of pain in the lower legs. On the good side, I seem to have adjusted to the shaking legs during the night. I say this only because I wake up in the morning and the tubi-grip bandages have moved so they are further (farther?) from the knee and the foot is often uncovered as well. As long as sleep comes, it seems that my ability to sleep is good. (hey, I once slept through the fire engine sirens outside the window when the place next door was going up in flames- in other words I'm a sound sleeper once I get to slumberville. Well, usually.

Eating is still not great, but managing some food daily and sometimes before noon. Need to focus in on it more.

Um, Vonny, I am not putting those crazy things on my feet, red is a nice color but if I attempt to even stand in those, the most red would be my blood as I would most likely fall over and it would not be a very pleasant experience. Thank you anyway for the generous offer.

Strange weather going on, nice warm today into the 60s and more of same tomorrow, then Monday into Tuesday it's supposed to drop a good 24 degrees (or more). Monday expected up to 58, Wednesday a high of 30.
Where's my blanket?

That's about it for now, hoping Dutchy is relaxing and breathing better and that the b.p. is regulating for him. Not right that he has to go through all this and especially at his birthday time.

Okay, that might be it for now...
oh. forgot.
In response to Foundy, the cat assembly did not go well. (even changed colors)


Back later...
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:40 pm
That was meant to say "I'll be".. I think it's an Aussie saying Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:44 pm

Hey Sturgis - here's a fully assembled cat for you! Quiet and well behaved - doesn't need cat litter or cat food - the ideal pet!


Sorry you don't like the boingboing shoes - perhaps a nice pair of slippers instead?


Glad that legal matters have finally been resolved. Just in time for Christmas too - that's great! Not so great is the itching, and the pain in your lower legs - I hope it isn't too bad, and that it'll ease up a bit soon. But good that you are able to sleep well. I wake at the tiniest noise - desperately tired at the moment - just wish I could sleep for more than six hours - even just occasionally.

Eating is so important to help you heal and to stay fit and well. You should invest in some organic food - or do you do so already? Organic fruit and vegetables, grains, pulses, seeds, eggs - all so good for you. Do you prepare meals for yourself, or does your housekeeper prepare them for you?

We are getting awful weather here at the present time - getting worse every day - a lot of newspapers are forecasting snow at Christmas. Plus gales with winds of up to 70 and 80 mph - and countrywide flooding - so sorry for all the poor people here who have lost their homes already this year!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:47 pm
Must be the weather change over there Sturg, I mean that's the only explanation I have as to why the friggen cat changed to nearly all white, alright? Wink

PLEASED as over your legal matters.. Well done for hanging in there and fighting, 5 months where did I get that from? Is a long time...

AND good sleep more, it helps the shacking leg syndrome but as for eating. VONNNYYY WE NEED TO FATTEN HIM UP, WHAT SHALL WE GIVE HIM?

This is NOT good, change your pattern please Focus!!!!!!

Ok, I didn't yell honest I didn't xx
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2013 02:23 am

Our Dutchy is not back yet, but even in this time, he took the time, he's my hero Smile


Well better be careful he thought Boss was enough Wink

Please join me to wish Izzie the best birthday, with Danny x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2013 05:17 am

Foundy you brought me out of my slumber with that beautiful flower girl. I'm not game enough to pick the flowers as suggested as I have a feeling I will be exposing the girl in her birthday suit. Wink

Would like you guys to know I have had a bit of a health set-back, very short of breath over the last week or so when I walk around the place. Have seen the Dr, chest X-rays taken and will see my Cardiologist Monday morning for an extensive ultrasound of chest etc. I had to cancel my flight to my family in Port Lincoln for X-mas as I feel I'm not up to it, very disappointing. However my son and family will fly over here on the 27th and spend a week with us.

Will keep you posted what happens next. Our Christmas day will be fine Vonny, 34 degrees is forecast.

Waves from downunder.
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2013 01:24 pm

I've pinched Foundy's little Santa Claus - wonderful isn't he! Wish I'd had him with me when I went out shopping earlier today - wow, laden down with shopping when I arrived back home.


Great to see you back, Dutchy! We've all missed you.


Here's a picture of your favourite blonde - all dressed up for Christmas!


Such a shame that you won't make it to Port Lincoln as planned, but your health comes first, so best that you see your Cardiologist - have your ultrasound done - and get all that out of the way before you even think about travelling anywhere. Meantime, it will be great for you to have your son and his family with you for a week. I'm sure you will have lots of fun.


Christmas in the sun? I wish! Here in the UK we are being warned to stay at home tomorrow and to avoid travel by road or train! Yikes, MORE awful winds forecast for the next couple of days. Sigh! Hope the roof holds up okay!


Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 04:58 am

Thankyou for posting my favourite lady Vonny even though she fully covered up. Smile

Well guys I had my visit to my Cardiologist this morning and after an extensive Ultrasound of my chest the news is not what I liked to hear. Shortness of breath is caused because my heart is only working at 20% capacity and my second heart valve is also playing up. First heart valve replaced in January this year.

Was going to be admitted to Hospital immediately but Cardiologists decided to send me home until 4th January when they will decide on the next step. In the meantime I must not exert myself but taking it very easy. Hopefully I can see my time through until the New Year and Drs. can find a solution to my problems.

Waves from downunder.
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 05:35 am

I -called you that a long, long, long, time ago x

Danny, where do I start? "OK" .. You are an incredible person, you have introduced, people in your life , on here, A2K by "guiding them" and in so those also did the same, and it came back to you.

And, this place became pfttttttttt it's about just being,.

And, how many can you count that follow you Smile ? So many here have so much love to who they feel a connection, you are no exception.Smile..

You are loved
You are kinda cheeky
You are such a smart azz
You are quite amusing
You are OMG tall!
You are a fantastic friend including Ms Anna
You are an amazing friend to people here
Ya going to be OK...

Oh Pftttt, 1, just 1, one , day, 1, birthday boy xx Yeah that is what I said, then NYE... slowly does it, with loads of smiles, family yep soon, shall call ya, it's a great time the next few days, plus positive makes MORE positive, thank you sir , grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ok, BOSS xxx
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 05:47 am

I'll post pictures of Dolly for you anytime, Dutchy! Lovely lady - here's a good one for you -


Bad news about the ultrasound - rotten to have these problems at Christmas - but you beat it before and you'll beat it again. Just stay positive - you'll win! One thing you will always be in our books is a winner!


Good that you are able to stay at home until the New Year - let's hope that by then the Cardiologists have decided on a way to fix all your problems. Hope they've got their thinking caps on over the holiday!


0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2013 03:57 pm

Thanks for the update dear sir, sorry the news is not better and that it comes at this time of year when you should be out celebrating your birthday and Christmas.
You seem however to be handling it reasonably well (aware you may be trying to protect us from seeing the full level of your frustration.
Hopefully come January they can get your valve straightened out and back in the mix as it were.

Nothing more to add for now, other than get yourself some rest and stay positive about the future.

Back later...
Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2013 02:39 pm

Yep, that be the boy, but I swear and I will swear, no I won't but, not today.




Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2013 03:28 pm

Here - as well as your birthday thread! So - Happy Birthday, dear Dutchy, and Merry Christmas to you!

Happy Birthday -


Merry Christmas to you and Anna


Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2013 03:35 pm

Greetings to you, Foundy, and to Sturgis, cherrie, glitterbag, bill, Rockhead, Monica - and all the people who visit First Word.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2013 03:48 pm
Well it is actually OUR Christmas now here in little ol Aussie Land, so I should also be saying




http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/floortje1st/merry_christmas.jpg Smile

DUTCHY - Birthday Boy!


Glitter, Ms Che.... AND ALL THAT have been part of First Word this year!!


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