Completely unfair there I say! As I clicked on this thread my thought was to use the word TIME. Then I saw Vonny had already grabbed it.
Tired. Cold. Sleepy. Itchy. Bitchy. (like that's a newsflash

) Some darn fool put chia seeds in the blueberry yogurt.
Seeds! Can you imagine the idiocy of this? I am not supposed to eat all those seeds. This goes back to at least 2006 when I was warned against them.
Do I always listen? Sort of. If there are sesame seeds on a roll, I scrape most off. Occasionally a knife is used to slice off all of them at once.
Eggplant (aubergine) is infested with seeds, not too much a trouble though since they are all centered and easy to carve out. Same as is done with a cucumber. Tomatoes are a bit dicey. Actually dicing is the best way to handle the tomato. Seeds are about in nearly everything but in yogurt? And chia seeds? Those idiot things which create those absurd Chia-pet and chia-head gift things found in discount stores? What are they attempting to do, create a chia-stomach? Not mine thank you very much!
So I ate the walnuts which were with the blueberry yogurt.
Oh don't look alarmed, The seeds and walnuts were in a compartment apart from the alleged blueberry yogurt. Personally, I did not see a blueberry in there and had to mix it with another container which did have blueberries.
Blueberries are known for helping maintain a youthful appearance. (lord knows how bad I'd look if it weren't for them.
Pain became tolerable, itch somewhat tolerable. More wound caring tomorrow and a doctor on Wednesday. Should be interesting.
Snowed yesterday and stayed brutally cold most of the day. Wait, it remained brutally cold the entire day and into the evening. Then the familiar sound of ice pelting the windows and then the temperature crept up out of the low to mid 20's and into the 30s. Now up to a sweltering 39 degrees (Fahrenheit as always). Nice thing is most of that snow and ice get to vanish quicker.
Vonny, about your surgical date, keep in mind that the 13th is to me at least just about the best day of the month. Love 13s. My niece, my aunt, countless others I know, all born on the 13th. My niece was Friday the 13th and she grew up into a sweet, charming and beautiful young lady. The aunt was born on the 13th in the year 1913. Clearly 13 is very good to people. You will not be an exception to this, your procedure will go very well. (a positive frame of mind might be what really helps you, more than my gibberish about a number. Although, numbers are very important to us all.)
Have a few errands to tend to. (clean laundry might be interesting).
Hope all are well and minding our leader the Boss Mr.Dutchy.
Back later...