First Word -

Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2013 03:42 pm
R - Random .. How I feel today Wink

So true that is. Some speak, some don't but all have something they are fighting, what I like to do is "RANDOMLY" smile at people. It's amazing how they smile back and I think it makes peoples day.

Bah, it's me not you..... REALLY...It is Wink 33 degrees weather wise, I think 36 today.. ahhhh must go water garden. The other house, talking to myself, lols, I am selling my house that I own, I have just rented it out they move in this weekend. Hope to sell to an investor. So I am watering two gardens at the moment , well 5 if you want to talk about space Wink

I think my quote is true.... It even makes sense... REALLY.. What love they give, and teach us.

I am no expert either trust me... I planted yellow pansys yesterday, they are not meant to be out until Winter but there they were and I had to have them.... Will up-date with photo at some stage soon.

DANNNNNNNNNY Sending hugs across the sky over to you, nearby.

I have to admit, whilst Izzie has said, FS, up-date if I don't... Because she said she was ringing yesterday I didn't .... Alas, I am hopeful that the news was the same and that she is ringing this morning and will up-date, kind of puts me on tender hooks... But, I don't want Anna bombarded by both of us... If that makes sense.

I will check here later and if nothing, I will phone Anna.

Time to water and work, gardens that is, me working that is Wink
Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2013 04:13 pm
S - Snow - It's forecast to fall here next week, if not earlier. Already have it over much of the UK - yet again. Temperature is about 1 degree at the moment - gosh, how I'd like to be in Adelaide at the moment - all that heat!!!

Thanks for explaining the other house to me - gradually getting hold of loose ends. Every little helps! Been reading a little of the early posts on First Word and Yabber-Liner - people seemed to know each other even before they started up - where from, do you know? My curiosity is insatiable - can't helping asking the how, where and the why.

Love to see pictures of your garden(s) and animals - the more the better.

My gardening is random - everything I plant seems to grow far to big - terrifies me when shrubs reach epic proportions and threaten to take over the house and garden - very Day of the Triffids - quite scary at times. I must admit it was a bit of a relief when I emptied the whole garden - we had to rent two large skips/dumpsters to cope with the excess vegetation - never again. Next time I plant anything it will be a case of prune.....prune.....prune!

Hugs to Danny from the UK too......

Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2013 03:30 pm
T -

Tiz too cold for me, I could never do it. 1 degree... brrrrrrrr.... Yesterday was very warm, no point drying my hair, leave the curls Wink If we want to see snow in winter, we can travel 1hr by plane or drive over to Melbourne ... I definately love the sunshine~

A lot of people here came from another site, it's all in the thread below Wink


Oh, and in trying to find that, see I had the same questions you have Wink I remembered this thread but as I am the last to post on it, I can't describe myself lols, maybe you can give it a go Vonny, never know it may start up again as a result ...


The previous owner plants masses of trees and shrubs. A lot of work, when they lose their flowers, leaves... Yep, most of what she planted has flowers, suprises us at each season as we haven't been here a year yet. Purples, white, pinks mainly just beautiful... Shall post some pictures ...

T - Time.

We yacking away with each other, scared Sturgis away !!!

Saw a wicked Eagle today ....[url]http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab292/CHANDLERSWISH/542800_538149076205219_1279297799_n.jpg[url]

Keep FLYING Dutchy!
Reply Thu 7 Feb, 2013 03:05 pm
Perhaps Stugis has been swept away by his burst water main! We had one here many moons ago - what a mess! Lawn dug up, path dug up, wallet dug up ..... to pay for the necessary repairs. Ouch, it hurt!

I'm a sun lover too - but we haven't seen much of it here for the last eighteen months or so. Spent a lot of last summer working in the garden wearing a big macintosh, wellies and a rainhat - very fetching! And standing on boards so the mud wouldn't get too compacted. The rest of the summer seemed to be spent drying wet dogs before they shook muddy rainwater over everything!

Thanks for the links to two other sites. Lots to read there when I can find time to get round to it. All seems a bit of a jigsaw puzzle still - putting in missing pieces here, there and everywhere. One day it will all make perfect sense - I hope. I know some of the names - wonder where the rest have gone.

Can't wait to see your garden photographs - it sounds wonderful. I'm full of woe now because we so vigorously attacked our little bit of England and took down trees, dug up shrubs ........ but I guess it's a blank canvas now, so I can build a new garden around the five remaining trees. Roll on spring!

Thoughts of Danny still winging their way to him. No news is good news I guess.
Reply Thu 7 Feb, 2013 05:46 pm
First Word that comes out of my thoughts ................


Wallet dug up, lols....

I love Aussie land for that reason, that most of the time, the sun is shining.. The summer seems now to be a few days of hot weather, then settles to nice mild weather, then it rains? Very strange.

You are welcome. It may give you more of an idea and I understand time, gawd.. It's already 10.15am here, time to shower, dress and start.

I took a few photos Smile Will take some more... A blank canvass is perfect, a perfect way to start again... You'll love it when Spring hits you Smile

Post some soon.

First word originally was any word that came to mind, my how it changed, oh that was Dutchy's Fault, he kept ranting away so I made it also a chat room Wink

Reply Sat 9 Feb, 2013 01:51 pm
First Word ...

Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 04:17 am
Awakening Smile

Oh Vonny we can chat away, Dutchy always made me LOL, here, and I suspect it will be us two until then.. Though still, Sturgis and Spades may make an appearance here and there, until...........




A start, their gardens Smile
Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 01:43 pm

The solar lights put that word first into my thoughts! Bought some last year but never managed to put them in place. Will certainly do so this year - first we need some sun........

Sturgis and Spades - fallen off the radar - is it my fault? Hope not.

Love the photos of your garden. How to describe it? Natural is nearest to the word I can't find. A garden you'd immediately feel comfortable in - a garden with lots to look at and discover. Kept finding something new! Mine is far too tidy now - the borders anyway, the lawn's a mud patch from dogs' feet pounding around the sodden soil - will have to re-seed lots of it in spring. Even your containers are interesting, a variety of planters that fit into their surroundings effortlessly.

Dear Dutchy - always a kind voice ready to help. He seemed always to have instant answers to crossword clues that totally foxed me - he helped people on several sites that I know of - amazing how much he is missed by all. Get well soon Danny.
Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 02:25 pm
Flying Wink

Solar lights are great aren't they Smile I keep forgetting to get more lols.

Oh, no, no, no... This thread as you can see at the beginning was just one word, any word it got derailed alooooong time ago Wink Sometimes either will just breeze through and write something .... Mind you, it was Dutchy and my slinging match thread lols. He (will) always, always try to outsmart me, or corner me so that he could call himself the BOSS ........................

Goodness, did he make me laugh lots.

The herbs? That was the rabbits "poo pot" Wink Add dirt and instant herbs, the whole back is gravelled paths, I decided to try my hand at planting some into the it, experimenting... The rabbit cage area is where little Miss is, unfortunately some have stopped flowering so I will keep going, I so love colour, loads and loads of it. !!!

Should we teach you how to add photos? You can show me dirt, just kidding, lots of things, about England...and me, Aussie Land..... And, then a joke here and there, I mean it's just one of those threads


Danny, thank you for all you are, Ms Vonny is lovely....
Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 02:58 pm

First time I've bought solar lights - looking forward to using them!

I've seen a little of the repartee between you and Dutchy - very entertaining. He is rather keen on being the Boss man - but sweet too! Look forward to lots more wordplay when he gets back online.

Yes, I'd love to know how to add photos. No hurry though - I'll need some decent weather to start using my camera on both garden/dog. I don't have many photos on my laptop - only went digital a couple of years ago, and then transferred most to memory sticks and cd rom's, a bit haphazard I fear. As I've probably mentioned elsewhere, I'm new to computers and self-taught, so not the brightest pupil. What's the expression - the porch light's on but it's dim!!! I try though ............

My garden is occasional colour, but mainly shrubs in green, green, green and green - most shades of green in fact. Amazing just how many there are. All very orderly at the present time, in neat terracotta coloured containers - like a regiment of Chinese soldiers lost for centuries!!! Occasional relief from several Buddhas, a stone sun face with cupped hands, a stone bench resting on heraldic lions ........ Flowers make appearances, and glorious when they do, but as most of the shrubs are newly planted last year, it's hard to know if they'll flower again this year - and just when! Be amazed if many of them make it through this winter - the strongest will survive I guess.

Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 04:15 pm
You have some beautiful gardens Found...Wink

Prayers for Dutchy...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 04:21 pm
Not your fault at all Vonny...as a matter of fact, I am sorry I have not discussed more with you...I mostly hang out in religious or philosophical debates...

And I venture off into other threads at random points...

How have you been doing? That is for you also Found?

We got 2 feet of snow here and it just down right stinks...

People getting stuck everywhere...Even with 4 wheel drive...
Reply Mon 11 Feb, 2013 01:36 pm
I thought we'd had quite a lot of snow here - until I saw your post! Your 2 feet makes our 4 inches look a bit pathetic!

Only a few months ago I thought threads were pieces of cotton - or a slang word for clothes (in some countries I think), but then I found the crossword puzzling site and Dutchy guided me to First Word and the Yabber-Liner - haven't looked back since. It's quite exciting for a novice like me to explore the big bad (and good) world of computing - great to meet a variety of people like yourself, Dutchy, First Soul, Sturgis et al. Religious debates aren't my thing - but philosophical sounds interesting.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Feb, 2013 02:17 pm
You are a great story teller...madam.. I'm visualising soldiers now Wink Call me FS, other wise, you will be tempted again to call me First Soul lols.

I am "ok" with Computers.. Can type 90 words a minute, and had to ask how to load photos up on here myself.....

Dutchy held my hand as he has all, perhaps he is a saint of sorts... Which is ok by me... It's strange when you venture into communicating with words here, as it is with any Forum that communicates not just offers advice... He pointed me, just like you, to threads.

If you click on my name and see what I last posted on, you'll see well by tomorrow as I've been slack, I play alot of small threads, it can be quite entertaining... Threads such as http://able2know.org/topic/25287-1


Spades does venture on those too.....

A battle of the minds, is what occurs Wink

Hi Spades, I'm doing well.. Planned a trip to Phuket for our 50th birthday in June... Just sold 3 properties, yay... 5 to go... Loving my new shop, the sunshine just as usual not enough sleep..................

Vonny, google photobucket and play around, see if you can create a user name and password. You can then for instance, either google someting within there, such as Eagles, or up-load photos of your own from your computer.. To then copy and paste here.

Not to confuse you Smile Try that first....



Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2013 03:54 pm
G - gratitude
for supplying me with the links to the word games - had a few tries, great fun!

Also, for pointing me in the direction of photobucket. I haven't had time to do more than briefly scan it, but if I persevere I'm sure that eventually I'll work out just how to upload, download and .............

Sorry about the 'First Soul', Found Soul, FS. I am truly excellent at two things in life - being unable to remember names and being incapable of recognising faces (google 'face blindness' - it's a recognised condition). So I'll take your advice and stick to FS in future. Can't promise to remember that either, but I'll try! lol

Phuket - wow, some birthday gift! Some wonderful photo opportunities there I'd imagine. Who will look after your dogs and your garden whilst you are gone? Your sales seem to be going well. In a bit of a recession here still, property sales are sluggish.

Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2013 04:18 pm
H -


Well that's what I do for a living Smile

No worries, I just replied to one (break up letter) never know what direction that one goes in lols. (3 words only ) Wink

You will get it, if I can you can.

I was only stirring re my name, I am hopeless myself at names.. FS it is, lols... You might end up calling me DS who know Wink

I know of that condition.. that's a hard one to handle for sure but we all have something.

This is a hard one too. We were going to get married this year (50) both of us, in June... But, now we are doing this instead, wait for next year as we also want to go to America.

We more than likely will have our neice look after the cat. The two dogs will go to boarding though they will hate it, it's a tad small and perhaps she will attend daily to walk them...

I would trust her with needles for Kia and prefer for the dogs to be home, but if something went wrong IDK better in the care of vets. Though they are seeing if there is someone that could possibly come to the house to inject Kia, I hope so that would be better.

We had 3 months of no sales, so I am grateful things are moving forward here again Smile


Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 02:13 pm
I - Inspiration
Could do with some at the moment!

Chat room? I'll add that to 'threads', 'posts' and 'forums' - all new to me!

Face blindness can be both funny and annoying. Strangely enough I do recognise animals, especially dogs, and remember their names. With people it's harder. Such a relief when I found out it wasn't only me, and that there are many people who fail to recognise other people's faces.

Sounds as if your dogs will be in good hands whilst you are on holiday. Good that you have a niece to care for your cat. Didn't realise Kia needed insulin - must be hard injecting a dog, but I guess you get used to it. Was she diabetic when you rescued her?

You've made a lot of travel plans this year - then wedding plans next year? Going to be a busy time for you.

Glad house sales are picking up for you. Must have been disturbing when sales stalled for so long!
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 03:53 pm
Jennifer Juniper jumped joyfully, juggling Jerome's jelly jars.

Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 01:57 pm
And Gorgeous George Gaily Gave Gertrude Green Gumdrops!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 03:11 pm

That is what I feel I need Wink

Animals are the core of our being, that un-conditional love, and such cheekiness..... How can you not recognise them Smile

We obtained Kia when she was 14 months old. We suspect the male abused her as her legs were shorter and he couldn't breed her, the female, she loved. Took her a while to adjust to men, but she has nicely .... She became diabetic around 1.5 years ago... I have a fear of needles, haha... In me anyways... 6.30am and 6.30pm daily routine and she is worth it.

I've had a one day here and there holiday in 2 years... It's time Wink And, yep that is the plan, next year...before I get to old Wink

Gawd, frightful now I am on a mission, 4 this month.... 3 to go and then a new lot coming in.................

I tagged this "chat room " cause we also chat..... Smile

DANNY - "OK".......................Clever boy.

Sturgis, smile, saturday soon, seriously.... Smile

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