R - Random .. How I feel today
So true that is. Some speak, some don't but all have something they are fighting, what I like to do is "RANDOMLY" smile at people. It's amazing how they smile back and I think it makes peoples day.
Bah, it's me not you..... REALLY...It is

33 degrees weather wise, I think 36 today.. ahhhh must go water garden. The other house, talking to myself, lols, I am selling my house that I own, I have just rented it out they move in this weekend. Hope to sell to an investor. So I am watering two gardens at the moment , well 5 if you want to talk about space
I think my quote is true.... It even makes sense... REALLY.. What love they give, and teach us.
I am no expert either trust me... I planted yellow pansys yesterday, they are not meant to be out until Winter but there they were and I had to have them.... Will up-date with photo at some stage soon.
DANNNNNNNNNY Sending hugs across the sky over to you, nearby.
I have to admit, whilst Izzie has said, FS, up-date if I don't... Because she said she was ringing yesterday I didn't .... Alas, I am hopeful that the news was the same and that she is ringing this morning and will up-date, kind of puts me on tender hooks... But, I don't want Anna bombarded by both of us... If that makes sense.
I will check here later and if nothing, I will phone Anna.
Time to water and work, gardens that is, me working that is