First Word -

Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2013 12:43 pm
eah well Sturgis can't think of what to write either now can he

Maybe I can and Maybe I can....

Moreover Missy Maybe Munchkins Make Men Mad

Meanwhile, My Marigolds Must

Maintain Moisture

(none of the above made sense to me either, blame the damned water main break which has destroyed my chance of getting a glass of clean water.)
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2013 02:31 pm
N - Niggles - things like not having any fresh water! (What's wrong with bottled?)
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2013 02:42 pm
O - organic food - good but so expensive!

Megan's nearly 10, but looks much younger - yellow Labs often do. She has a genetic allergy and is on steroids to help stop her itching uncontrollably - not something we wanted to do, but nothing else worked. However she is monitored regularly and seems not to suffer any bad side effects.

Our first two Labs were 'new' from breeders, but since then we've adopted - Harvey and Megan were both under six months' old when we took them on.

Photos - ah, a problem there. I've tried, but don't seem to be able to transfer one from my gallery. Still new to computers, and was quite pleased with myself for being able to post a link to something on YouTube! I'm sure there is an easy method - will work it out when I feel more able to cope with looking at his photos.

Dutchy - how I wish he was out of the woods. Feel so sorry for his wife and family. The waiting must be so hard on them. Hope he realises the crumpets are cooling down!

Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2013 03:46 pm
Yes, it does actually..

There are loads of M E 'sssss Me,Me,Me,Me,Me..............


Reminds me of the Simpsons......"S t e a k!" Replaced by "W a t e r " .............

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2013 03:52 pm

Pertinent, Procrastinate, Power, Places, Puppet, Palin, Positives! Pee. Well had to do lots of P's... Wink

Next to my shop is an organic health shop, must go in, but definately expensive. So want more than herbs in my gardens but not sure where they would grow. Must make a plan.

Both our babies are on steroids at the moment too Wink Arthritis, same ages pretty much as yours and they are bouncing around, it's good to see them youthful... No side effects noted, we do what we can do, that is what we do. An A2K'r told me that once and I never forgot it.

I also couldn't work out the photos got it now, the guys here will direct you once you are ready.

Sending lub Mr and Mrs Dutchy. Flying around on my broomstick danny, as you know and expect, don't wave your arms I'll crash...........You promised not to...

Bah, open inspections today, 4, not looking forward to it, sometimes I just neeeeeed a break, oh, tomorrow..... Day OFF sort off Wink
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2013 01:29 pm
Q - Questions - of which I seem always to have a never ending stream - when does one finally know all the answers?

Not surprised you're tired and need a rest - do you ever sleep? (Yet another question!)

Had a herb garden once - in your climate I'd imagine you'd grow most herbs successfully. Lavender does well in our garden - several varieties - always attracts bees and butterflies, both of which there has been a shortage this year due to all the rain.

Have you posted photographs of your pets in the past? I still haven't had time to read back to the beginning of First Word, although I mean to eventually. Love to see them.

Keep thinking of Dutchy - your updates are such a wonderful link to him and to his dear wife. I so hope he's doing well.

Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2013 03:30 pm

Yes, Questions.. Without them we no "not" the answers and with out answers, we have limited knowledge and so, let the questions continue..

Sheez, that sounded somewhat profound?

R - Reality

Reality is I am a work a holic, but somewhat limited, as I have an injury that says, stop after around 4hrs, and start again, though alot of the times I do not listen, too young for nanna naps, but I do take them Wink After all it's not easy living ground hog day, after day, 6.30am, no choice, up you get!

Would not change it for the world.

R - Respect. Love that word.

Herbs are no problem. In fact, Mr Jetstar's (RIP) gave me a beautiful gift, in passing. His poo pot. Yep. A half barrel, I just added dirt to the top and planted away, will take photo, though David keeps cutting of the basil lols.. Not much grew around that side, his and Missy's side of the house, now, wow, for what ever reason most of what I plant takes offfff......

Have little tomotoes too, but I want sweet corn, snow peas, potatos, large tomatoes, lettuce. The lettuce I reckon will go well ... Better dirt I think...

R - Rambling.

So many R's today Wink

Rest ! (like that one)

I do believe I put Missy up here, and maybe Jet.. I shall have a gander in a minute in photobucket and re-post... What page they would be on, is anyone's guess.

Though also I think I started a thread about rabbbbbits... I'll link it if I am right. Jet would be in there.

Kia and Ruby, ok, I am sure I can up-load those too, Bigsy, bahahaha, eating a bone looking evil, he is around here too, lots of pets, I will be back !!

Oh wait, haven't finished..

Dutchy will tell you I am a Witch. Often I would say things, "enjoy your bolognaise tonight" He would write back later, "how did you know that? That is what we had". Or, " I have one visitor today, coming, suchin suchhh" But I would say, actually no, you have two, someone else is turning up... And, alas that is what happened. Countless , but you could call it intuition Wink

I do believe he believes, I am flying around on my broomstick watching over him, if you know what I mean... And, that Naomi is holding his hand, and the others are there too... We have good visualisation..... After all he loves Dolly Parton not that you have to visualise her Wink

I can see him laughing out loud just reading this lols.

Well later.


Rest... (best word of the day) Mr D.... Glad K is with Anna today...

Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2013 03:42 pm
Well little Missy is a blur, she moved Smile But that is Jet and her together in their garden.



July, 2011 in winter, had to keep her warm, little cutie.


Caught her in the gardens Smile


Missy and Ms Kia, the Husky though she is a tad smaller now, lost some weight and obviously they become a tad smaller as they get older.


Bigsy hiding from the birds, in the wooley bush lols.


What cat sleeps like this?


Jet sleeping in my arms whilst I'm patting him.


Mr Ruby, yet it's a boy, David's daughter named him Wink

Kia and Ruby together, they are good mates. Unless there is food around or too much attention then Ruby goes at her, at the cat at anything, trying to teach him not too fortunately it only happens once in a blue moon Wink


This is the only spot for my veggies.


Bad mum teaching him bad manners.

No doubt these photos are HUGE sorry !

Reply Sun 3 Feb, 2013 02:51 pm
Oh what beautiful photographs! Spent ages looking at them. No wonder you are so sad about losing Missy and Jet - darling little creatures - the one of little Missy with her big bear ripped at my heart - bless her, she was so beautiful! And Jet cuddled up to you and being petted - what a lovely rabbit he was. I feel your sorrow - so hard to say goodbye to them!

Kia, Ruby, Bigsy - all so lovely - sad to think one dog is diabetic and the other recovering from chemo - you must have a big heart to embrace so many animals with so much love - and they do look loved!

Your garden is great too - mine was natural like that until last year when maintaining it became too much for me - now it's much more formal with weed suppressing membrane over the beds, covered by chipped bark, and set out with plants in containers - lot of watering in summer (even with all of our rain) but far easier to cope with, if not as nice!

S - Sleep - what's that? I don't - well not much. Not for want of trying. I've been an insomniac for many years - try to sleep until 6am but usually awake by 4.30 to 5.00. Get so tired sometimes.

If you're a witch, I'm sure you're a white witch - nice sort of witch to be. Guess you're sending all your magic Dutchy's way at the moment - let's hope vibes and magic work for him and make him recover soon! So much love on its way to him, surely the power of love must be strong enough to help him get well.
Reply Sun 3 Feb, 2013 03:54 pm
Have to admit, I went straight past them, the photos.. Then went back up and had a look, it's never easy, but I still smiled. The look on Jet's face, I remember him jumping over her once, Missy. Couldn't stop laughing. He had the run of the side of gardens and used a kitty litter tray, bless. She "is" adorable. And, was spoilt Wink

I told David, I must have been born to have animals that are sick, not many would look after them with problems like that, they would be cold and say good-bye. You have a pet, they are your children and you look after them until they can't anymore. What is strange and I've accepted it. Is each pretty much has died with me, in my arms.. That's a blessing but very difficult. And, each time I have saved an animal from another animal, or picked it up from the road? It was not to be, same thing.. Just for a moment and then died in my arms.

Guess that makes me a white witch Wink

Gardens are my past time, my time out, de-stress time... If I couldn't do that anymore, I'd do what you are doing, in pots and water ........I intend to plant some more around where my babies are, today.. Must take some more photos Wink

Bah............Same. I don't know if it is because for the past year, I would only half sleep so I could listen out for Missy. She would wake up want to go to the loo, so to speak and cry out for me, so that she did it with dignity.. Not on the floor lols, bless. But, I tend to wake 4.30am - 5am every day as well, then toss and turn until the alarm goes off at 6.30am for Kia.

If I talked about all the strange things I've seen mainly as a kid/teenager to around late 20's , or the things I've said that have come true, people would call me nuts, but alas, I digress, I just wrote it here so pfttttttttttt not all think I am and those that do, pfttttttttttttt Wink For sure, I am putting it out there to the Universe, talking as well ................for Mr and Mrs D.

He expects it Wink
Reply Sun 3 Feb, 2013 05:28 pm
Those are some beautiful pics sweets...!!! Wink Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 12:23 am
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 02:46 am
How are you Vonny?


There is a gentleman I think would be a great friend to all, but particularly you and Dutchy...He is my friend...He said he has talked to Dutchy, but not you yet, as he probably soon will...His username is leball....I told him about how nice the 2 of you are...And I bet he would love to talk amongst us...
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 03:04 pm
Hi Spades, where DID you go to? Nice to see you back. Found Soul and I have done a lot of reminiscing about beloved pets we've lost - sad but good therapy to get it all out in the open. Grieving isn't always best done alone - isn't there a saying about a worry shared is a worry halved? I guess grief is much the same.

Worrying about dear Dutchy - be good to hear from him again - let's hope it won't be too long before he's back.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 03:06 pm
Meanwhile - back on the farm ......
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 03:26 pm
Funny you should say that about being only half asleep because you were listening out for Missy - I was the same with Harvey! He'd need reassurance in the night sometimes, and would lie on the floor on my side of the bed, tapping me with his paw if he needed me to comfort him. Even now he's gone, I still wake to every tiny noise, thinking it's him.

Do please post more photos of your beautiful pets - they are so lovely. Good to have lots of beautiful memories of animals we've loved - and still love. Good to be able to laugh at their antics.

I'm a bit of a softie when it comes to rescuing the animals other people don't want - our beloved Harvey was supposed to be a 'dirty' dog - bless him, he was only five months old! Not just that - he had colitis, poor lamb, and was in pain, but the fools who had him hadn't bothered to work out just WHY he was 'dirty'. Megan was unwanted because the owners marriage was in trouble and she had the temerity to want attention - she was under six months of age! What's wrong with people - why get pets at all if they can't be bothered to give them understanding and love?

Oops, excuse the rant - I do get on my soapbox at times when it concerns animals.

Gardens are my secret passion - I find peace there, no matter what the weather. Ours isn't large - town gardens aren't here - but it's pretty secluded and I find peace there. The containers are sensible, but I'm not really a sensible person, so I'll probably take out all the plants at some stage and put them back in the earth where they belong! I have good days and bad days - can get a lot done on the good days, so fingers crossed I'll have plenty in the coming summer and can rethink the container/earth dilemma!

Awaiting news of Dutchy - seems such a long wait!
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 03:38 pm
Dutchy is sick again?? Crying or Very sad
Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 04:03 pm
Hi Spades, good to see you again, so to speak, would be pleased to meet your friend.

Meanwhile Wink

Dutchy, decided to be brave and have another heart surgery for a better quality of life. Read Yabber Line, it will explain it all...

I'm still the all positive one, still believe that that little more rest and he will start to breathe alone, once his infection has passed... You know we believe in you Danny and you of yourself.

Hi Vonny Wink

There is an animal, not sure what the heck it is, across the ponds that makes this noise every morning that reminds me of Missy, yelping out for me.. I remember many a time racing down to her room only to find it's that creature Wink

I only have a couple of Mr Jetstar, quite a few more of Missy and the clan, sure will post more plus the gardens just because Wink

Animals, sigh, such darling things... And, they do know how to communicate for sure. I am still an avid believer that they only have short lives so that we can live them over again with another pet, so that we truly do understand unconditional love... And, in addition, we get to look after more than one pet in our lives, in-fact loads of them... So how can that be a bad thing..

33 today, sending positive thoughts out to DUTCHY ! Breathe.................in / out , in / out....................................... Must go to the other house and water those gardens now and then off to work, thank Goodness, it's rented as of the weekend, someone else can do it..............







Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2013 04:06 pm



Away Smile

Because we are the ones that rescue animals that are neglected.

I read something on facebook may have already said this, but it was gorgeous. It basically said, don't throw me away just because I'm old, I've come into your life, for life..... Stay with me until I can't be here anymore..

That be us Vonny.

I'm sure that you will create, when summer comes and change loads of things in your garden Wink



Lot's of P's going on this


0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2013 01:18 pm
Q - Quotes - found one attributed to Plato recently - it goes like this: -
"Be kind, for everybody you meet is fighting a hard battle"
How true that seems to be. I shall repeat it to everyone I know and meet - it helps me, perhaps it will help them!

33 today? The other house? Perhaps I should try to read all the previous posts - I get lost at times!

Love your ideas - Quote:
"they only have short lives so that we can love them over again with another pet, so that we truly do understand unconditional love"
That's a very beautiful and comforting thought - I shall hold it in my heart for the times I feel particularly low.

Gardens are another love of mine. I'm no expert gardener - to the contrary, I still have much to learn. But I find peace of mind there - a balm to the soul.

Danny - no news yet? There must be a lot of breath holding from all those who care for him and for his wife.

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