Will find some
I've always been a workaholic. But, also because I love to do different things, I can't sit still

If I am not working, I am watering, cleaning, shopping, anything, though I have now started a book

Yep, I will watch TV (I love raymond) current affairs, x factor, my kitchen rules.... sometimes during commercials I check my mail lols.
I don't know how to describe that man.. The Boss

Takes everyone new under his wing and lets them feel safe? Then chases them around the Forum, with his wit, every day and makes them laugh.
Because of the diabetic and the time Dutchy gets up, we've always PM'd daily, morning and night and sometimes during the day, sometimes funny jokes or pictures come my way whilst working.. He would forget I work the hours I do

But the bond most definately over what 18 months now? Sheez almost, time flys... We've had coffee once a month for a few months now, and I managed with a broken rib, to visit him and Anna on his birthday... A very special bond. It's hard for me to be here, in a laughing spirit if that makes sense, but I shall get myself there again
Mr Dutchy is doing really well... I suspect 7 or do days time, he's start doing the normal recovery...
I've updated Ms Izzie and with her talk today, I am betting there is a little more good news too....
Sometimes people come into your life for a "lifetime"...