Why are Jews hated by so many people?

Sat 17 Jul, 2004 06:45 pm
I don't see this thread listed in the Philosophy and Debate section. If it has been deleted by our monitors, good riddance.
Oh Embarrassed I just realized that it is in the Sprituality and Relilgion section.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 07:35 pm
THE Protestant chruch ? ! ? ! ? Walter, you didn't tell me, you guys all got back together and are now running vast international financial networks?

Come on buddy, we've always gotten along well, tell me if there's any conspiracies i should know about. Are you guys gonna get your own Pope?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 07:41 pm
Actually, Setanta, it's not the protestants that threaten us right-minded folks; its all those left-handed people who are jealous of our natural advantage. They have been conspiring to take over the banking system and control propaganda by buying the media and taking Hollywood away from the Jews and the Blacks. And coming up on the scale of threat and conspiracy are the myopics. Damn, is there no end to it?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 07:42 pm
Ah yes, again i am reminded of ten years after

Everywhere it's
Freaks and Hairies
Dykes and Fairies
Tell me where is sanity . . .

I'd love to rule the world
But i don't know what to do . . .
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 11:15 pm
Do you think bigotry will ever die a natural death?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 11:22 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Do you think bigotry will ever die a natural death?

0 Replies
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 11:26 pm
Far from it, c.i.--it is positively encouraged in many circles; certainly, the fundamentalist fanatic, christian or muslim, it exhorted to believe that they are uniquely superior, that they are persecuted for the purity of their faith, and that through their righteousness, they will sit at the Hand of God. Then there's Cleveland Brown's fans, and other assorted, deeply misguided individuals.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 18 Jul, 2004 11:42 am
Set, Your last sentence made everything clear; and the analogy is perfect. Wink
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cicerone imposter
Sun 18 Jul, 2004 11:54 am
And you thought the Jews were hated.
Jesus and Jihad
July 17, 2004

If the latest in the "Left Behind" series of evangelical
thrillers is to be believed, Jesus will return to Earth,
gather non-Christians to his left and toss them into
everlasting fire:

"Jesus merely raised one hand a few inches and a yawning
chasm opened in the earth, stretching far and wide enough
to swallow all of them. They tumbled in, howling and
screeching, but their wailing was soon quashed and all was
silent when the earth closed itself again."

These are the best-selling novels for adults in the United
States, and they have sold more than 60 million copies
worldwide. The latest is "Glorious Appearing," which has
Jesus returning to Earth to wipe all non-Christians from
the planet. It's disconcerting to find ethnic cleansing
celebrated as the height of piety.

If a Muslim were to write an Islamic version of "Glorious
Appearing" and publish it in Saudi Arabia, jubilantly
describing a massacre of millions of non-Muslims by God, we
would have a fit. We have quite properly linked the
fundamentalist religious tracts of Islam with the
intolerance they nurture, and it's time to remove the motes
from our own eyes.

In "Glorious Appearing," Jesus merely speaks and the bodies
of the enemy are ripped open. Christians have to drive
carefully to avoid "hitting splayed and filleted bodies of
men and women and horses."

"The riders not thrown," the novel continues, "leaped from
their horses and tried to control them with the reins, but
even as they struggled, their own flesh dissolved, their
eyes melted and their tongues disintegrated. . . . Seconds
later the same plague afflicted the horses, their flesh and
eyes and tongues melting away, leaving grotesque skeletons
standing, before they, too, rattled to the pavement."

One might have thought that Jesus would be more of an
animal lover.

These scenes also raise an eschatological problem: Could
devout fundamentalists really enjoy paradise as their
friends, relatives and neighbors were heaved into hell?

As my Times colleague David Kirkpatrick noted in an
article, this portrayal of a bloody Second Coming reflects
a shift in American portrayals of Jesus, from a gentle
Mister Rogers figure to a martial messiah presiding over a
sea of blood. Militant Christianity rises to confront
Militant Islam.

This matters in the real world, in the same way that
fundamentalist Islamic tracts in Saudi Arabia do. Each form
of fundamentalism creates a stark moral division between
decent, pious types like oneself - and infidels headed for

No, I don't think the readers of "Glorious Appearing" will
ram planes into buildings. But we did imprison thousands of
Muslims here and abroad after 9/11, and ordinary Americans
joined in the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in part
because of a lack of empathy for the prisoners. It's harder
to feel empathy for such people if we regard them as
infidels and expect Jesus to dissolve their tongues and
eyes any day now.

I had reservations about writing this column because I
don't want to mock anyone's religious beliefs, and millions
of Americans think "Glorious Appearing" describes God's
will. Yet ultimately I think it's a mistake to treat
religion as a taboo, either in this country or in Saudi

I often write about religion precisely because faith has a
vast impact on society. Since I've praised the work that
evangelicals do in the third world (Christian aid groups
are being particularly helpful in Sudan, at a time when
most of the world has done nothing about the genocide
there), I also feel a responsibility to protest intolerance
at home.

Should we really give intolerance a pass if it is rooted in
religious faith?

Many American Christians once read the Bible to mean that
African-Americans were cursed as descendants of Noah's son
Ham, and were intended by God to be enslaved. In the 19th
century, millions of Americans sincerely accepted this
Biblical justification for slavery as God's word - but
surely it would have been wrong to defer to such racist
nonsense simply because speaking out could have been
perceived as denigrating some people's religious faith.

People have the right to believe in a racist God, or a God
who throws millions of nonevangelicals into hell. I don't
think we should ban books that say that. But we should be
embarrassed when our best-selling books gleefully celebrate
religious intolerance and violence against infidels.

That's not what America stands for, and I doubt that it's
what God stands for.


Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company
0 Replies
Sun 18 Jul, 2004 12:51 pm
Setanta wrote:
Far from it, c.i.--it is positively encouraged in many circles; certainly, the fundamentalist fanatic, christian or muslim, it exhorted to believe that they are uniquely superior, that they are persecuted for the purity of their faith, and that through their righteousness, they will sit at the Hand of God. Then there's Cleveland Brown's fans, and other assorted, deeply misguided individuals.

There are also Democrats.... Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 04:28 pm
Well the reason jews are hated is because they are people who
are 2 faces

Yes they are hard workers and achievers so are the asians
Asians don't go around treating other nationalities as inferior, or go around using people and then dumping them

Plus they do not live what they preach. The call themselves bilble followers. Yes there is less divorce in their homes b/c they accepts adultery and permit it as apart of marriages. I know all the jews in my husbands law firm sleep with marry men and women. They enjoy destroying families.

Second they worship money and power not god. They use the Torah as a scapegoat to cover up their sin

As a christian I have learned to hate them in the last year after I have mingled and learned more and more about their culture and ways.

Like I said they do not live what they preach and call themselves the best.

Honestly they deserve what they are getting. Those who live by the sword should die by it.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 04:31 pm
*cough* nazi Laughing

Welcolm to Able 2 Know
0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 04:35 pm
Hanna16 wrote:
Well the reason jews are hated is because they are people who
are 2 faces

Yes they are hard workers and achievers so are the asians
Asians don't go around treating other nationalities as inferior, or go around using people and then dumping them

Plus they do not live what they preach. The call themselves bilble followers. Yes there is less divorce in their homes b/c they accepts adultery and permit it as apart of marriages. I know all the jews in my husbands law firm sleep with marry men and women. They enjoy destroying families.

Second they worship money and power not god. They use the Torah as a scapegoat to cover up their sin

As a christian I have learned to hate them in the last year after I have mingled and learned more and more about their culture and ways.

Like I said they do not live what they preach and call themselves the best.

Honestly they deserve what they are getting. Those who live by the sword should die by it.

You a mormom or a baptist?
0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 04:45 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Hanna16 wrote:
Well the reason jews are hated is because they are people who
are 2 faces

Yes they are hard workers and achievers so are the asians
Asians don't go around treating other nationalities as inferior, or go around using people and then dumping them

Plus they do not live what they preach. The call themselves bilble followers. Yes there is less divorce in their homes b/c they accepts adultery and permit it as apart of marriages. I know all the jews in my husbands law firm sleep with marry men and women. They enjoy destroying families.

Second they worship money and power not god. They use the Torah as a scapegoat to cover up their sin

As a christian I have learned to hate them in the last year after I have mingled and learned more and more about their culture and ways.

Like I said they do not live what they preach and call themselves the best.

Honestly they deserve what they are getting. Those who live by the sword should die by it.

You a mormom or a baptist?

0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 05:09 pm
Hanna16, I hope you are joking, that you have a point to make later about the nature of such grotesque bigotry. Either that or you are an unfortunate creature, deserving of our pity, not our hatred. Just in case the latter is the case, I'm going now to wash my eyes out for having read your post.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 05:17 pm
Hanna16 revived this thread after a two-year lull to post that nasty, little screed. Did it take that long to compose it?
0 Replies
Wed 16 Aug, 2006 05:36 pm
Welcome to the forum, Hanna.

Have a nice day.

Bye now. . .
0 Replies
Fri 22 Feb, 2008 01:05 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
the way Israel thinks that the world owes them a living

Oldandknew- Would you please clarify this for me? I really don't know to what you are referring.

jews have always , and i repeat trouble makers, they killed christ for god sakes,
they control the media, and their ideaolgy, is always buy from a jew, never a gentile, unless, if you have to.
every year they ram down our throats about, the holocaust/ ann frank, many many catholics, gipsies were killed by Hitler, but they choose to exlude that.
the 1917 balfour declaration, was suppose to give land back to the palestians[ who helped the brits , overthrow the turks], but back handers, by the jews , and they took over the now state of israel.

ask any black in america, if they like the jews????????? they have exploited them for years
look at lady porter[ tesco's original owners daughter]she sold council houses, for votes, and she ran to america, and returned when a jewish judge, let her back, paying pittance, compared what, she made in millions
0 Replies
Fri 22 Feb, 2008 01:07 pm
you are right, jews play on sympathy
rufio wrote:
The whole thing about how Jews are acheivers and everyone is jealous of them only helps fuel the elitism here. For whatever reason, anti-semitism exists, and then we claim that it's because we're better and play the poor abused stepchild and this makes everyone else resent us more. There have been great acheivers throughout history that were Jewish, catholic, prodestant, muslim, whatever, and though some of them were resented, their entire religion wasn't resented as a result as well.

Also, gypsies were killed during the holocaust just like Jews were, for what it's worth. I do think the Jewish community overplays the holocaust a bit (dare I say such a thing?) and leaves out the 6 million NON-Jewish victims, which I guess is only to be expected. I don't think it's a "pity us" sort of a thing there, it's more like a racial identity of sorts. You're supposed to take everything that happens to Jews in Europe, Israel, wherever sort of personally, so you end up hearing a lot about it.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Feb, 2008 01:09 pm
So Flyer dredges up a thread which died of natural causes a year and a half ago, so that he can vent his racist spleen. How charming.
0 Replies

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