Why are Jews hated by so many people?

Tue 23 Mar, 2004 03:55 pm
Um, what's wrong with the Supreme Bean? It comes together with the Big Cheese and the Totalitilla to form a Trinity that, to my mind, is the Whole Enchilada.

(Well, with some sauce and onions...)
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 03:56 pm
Fart and they shall listen...
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 03:58 pm
Hmmm. E. F. Mutton?
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 03:59 pm
All was formless, and there was darkness upon the void . . . and Dog said: "Let there be gas . . . "
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 04:00 pm
I'd just like to point out that I did not start this line of conversation (in case, you know, Lola comes sniffing around and decides to make a stink).
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 04:30 pm
It's actually potent discussion, pd. The real reason that most folks hate/distrust/envy the Jews all relates to Passover, which of course, was the last supper. Well, I don't know if you have eaten matzoh for 7 days straight (and let's not forget that the Passover dinner generally includes lamb and hard boiled-eggs as well) but the lowdown is, our Jew-turds become so hard and mean, they can be used as cannonballs. They could even bring down the pyramids if thrown hard enough. Now, with the matzoh, the lamb, and the hard-boiled eggs, our Jew-gas is absolutely lethal. So, the world hates Jews because we figured out how to make weapons of mass destruction not only first, but cheaply as well.
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 04:34 pm
So when "Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, an' de walls come tumblin' down" it wasn't actually the trumpets that did the trick, eh?
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 04:52 pm
A trumpet is a horn, and a horn does toot, so yes.
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cicerone imposter
Tue 23 Mar, 2004 05:30 pm
cav's quote, ".....they can be used as cannonballs. They could even bring down the pyramids if thrown hard enough." Please, please, preserve the pyramids for future generations. They are the last standing ancient seven wonders. We wouldn't want Jewish turd to be the eight wonder that brought down the seventh - do we?
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 05:32 pm
Well, now the secret is out, c.i. My masonic-Illuminati brethren will now have to kill me. Laughing
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Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:29 pm
They've got their eye on you.

And their eye isn't brown.
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Thu 25 Mar, 2004 12:35 pm
Ah, Jews. The brunt of God's favorite running joke.
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Sat 17 Jul, 2004 01:17 pm
Why are Jews hated?
First of all a Jew is not a religion, it is a race. The Jew is hated for good reason and there are more reasons being exposed every day.

Zionist are without a doubt the most racist people on earth. They see themselves above all others. (The chosen..)

The Jewish population of the US is 2% yet they make up 55% of the congress, most of Hollywood, control your money supply and pretty much everything else.

They have been the scourge of the Earth from the beginning of time.

My grandma was a German during WW2 and when I asked her how they could have done what they did she replied "They gained control of everything and then they became abusive. The people eventually got tired of it and did something about it."

If you want to know how the zionist are involved in 911, the theft of 2.3 TRILLION dollars from the pentagon and most of the false flag terrorist attacks across the globe visit the web site whatreallyhappened.com.
It is one of the few media sources NOT controlled by the Jews.

The more I learn about history, the smarter Hitler appears. For what it is worth, George bushes grandfather was cited under the Trading With the Enemy Act in 1942 for supplying Hitler with 50% of his pig iron and 33% of the explosives used by Hitler during WW2. He lost his steel business and chair at Union Bank for supplying IG Farben 200 million dollars to build death camps.

The protestant church recently bouycotted all investment in Israel. (6 BILLION WORTH)

On 911 two things were destroyed. The pentagon budget office that was run by Rabbi Dov Zakheim and the stock markets that the money was laundered into. The Jews ripped America off for 3 TRILLION DOLLARS!


And now we fight a war in the middle east for them. Losing over a thousand of our own and killing 20,000 innocent Iraqi civillians. Iraq has never killed a single American outside their borders yet we have killed 2 million of them (500,000 of them were children) since 1992.

The US is the great satin and it is the Jews that control us that make us so.
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Walter Hinteler
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 01:22 pm
.... normally, when I see the first post(s) of someone here on A2K, I wellcome him/her friendly.
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Rick d Israeli
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 01:55 pm
iam wrote:
The Jewish population of the US is 2% yet they make up 55% of the congress, most of Hollywood, control your money supply and pretty much everything else.

Oh please back this absurd claim.

iam wrote:
They have been the scourge of the Earth from the beginning of time.

Oh please back this absurd claim.

iam wrote:
My grandma was a German during WW2 and when I asked her how they could have done what they did she replied "They gained control of everything and then they became abusive. The people eventually got tired of it and did something about it."

Oh please back this absurd claim.

www.whatreallyhappened.com does not seem to be a very objective site (to use an understatement). You claim, you claim, you claim. I would suggest you read some more on the Jewish history. But when something doesn't match your ideology, it will probably mean it is some "Jewish/Zionist propaganda".

Oh why am I even arguing you? Rolling Eyes
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Sat 17 Jul, 2004 01:59 pm
iam I predict you will be a well loved and respected member of A2K for years. We love broad minded good hearted loving people like you.

Another thing I like is when someone inserts a glass tube in my urethra and then hits my penis with a rubber mallet.......
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Rick d Israeli
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 02:02 pm
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Rick d Israeli
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 02:03 pm
But some lovely sarcasm BPB!
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Sat 17 Jul, 2004 02:12 pm
Iam, I, too, don't know why I even respond to you. Monsters like you simply need to be corraled and contained. You are ideologically hopeless. Your racism is reflected in your blind hatred and your insistence that Jews are a race. Have you never known Chinese or African (and African American) Jews? If you look at the so-called semitic "race" you see both Arabs and Jews. Jews make up a RELIGIOUS population. And you might even consider them an ethnic group (explaining the existence of many non-religious Jews) if you understand that ethnicity has to do with social constructions and claimed identitiess, not essences like "race." Another reason you are wrong is that there is no such thing as a race. Genes do exist but, according to the American Anthropological Association, there are no races, no naturally existing biological entities in which genetic characteristics are distributed in a manner defining distinct biological populations, no sub-species, as it were. The AAA even petitioned the U.S. Census office a few years to delete any mention of "race" in the consensus. It turns out, ironically, that minority groups, including many Black Americans and Hispanic Americans prefer to keep race in the census for political reasons (we can to into their reasons later or elsewhere).
But most important of all is your institutionalized paranoia. I was hoping that it would have devolved out of existence by now.
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Rick d Israeli
Sat 17 Jul, 2004 02:18 pm
Very good post JLNobody. But don't be surprised when iam says you are telling lies. Some people just don't want to know the truth.
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