Does A Teacher's Past Sexual Activity Matter?

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 02:14 am
Somehow once more mortal outrage over porn is amusiing.........


Pornography is now the most popular Internet destination for American men aged eighteen to thirty four. It is 50 percent more popular than music sites or eBay and four times more popular than travel services such as hotel and airline reservations (Lehman, 2006).

In 2002, a convenience sample of students from Canada (average age of 20), 24% of female and 72% of male participants stated that they had used online pornography within the last 12 months (Boies, 2002).

In 2004, an Elle/MSNBC survey (15,000 people) found that 66% of women and more than 50% of men claimed that the ‘pornosphere’ had boosted their sex lives (Weaver, 2004).

In 2006, a representative study in Norway reported that 96% of men and 73% of women had viewed pornographic magazines in the last year, and that 96% of men and 76% of women had viewed pornographic films in the preceding 12 months (Traeen, Nilsen, & Stigum, 2006).

In 2008, a study of American Midwestern college students (50% women, 50% men), found that 67% of men and 49% of women; agree that the viewing of pornography is acceptable. From this sample, 87% of men and 31% of women reported using pornography (Carroll, Padilla-Walker, Nelson, Olson, Barry, & Madsen, 2008).

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 08:46 am
BillRM wrote:

Somehow once more mortal outrage over porn is amusiing

As opposed to immortal outrage? You need to do something about your ego.
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 09:20 am
Sorry my friend no need to do anything about my ego anymore then to do anything about my pride of my nation.

Footnote I been reading an interesting book by the name of the Warlord concerning your nation last leader of note Churchill.

How a nation who could produce such a man could had become the shadow of it former greatness is beyond me.

Oh I just found out that Churchill had the Battle Hymn of the Republic played at his funeral service.
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 10:05 am
Evertime time I read one of your posts, I understand why there's so much virulent anti-Americanism around the World.
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 10:17 am
You had a way with bringing out the worst in people my friend from the now senile mother country. Razz

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 11:25 am
Second I would bet large amounts of funds that a majority of those parents had porn films in their own homes so mortal outrage is somewhat amusing over the issue.

Because your computer is loaded with porn, I'm not sure that's true of everyone. And there are various types, and forms, of porn, and some may be considerably more acceptable to most people than other types. I really don't think you can lump all types of adult pornography together, or draw general conclusions about "pornography" that are at all accurate. Those who like softcore porn might be repulsed by bestiality porn. It depends what you mean when you refer to "pornography".

Just because adults view pornography doesn't mean they'd like their children to grow up to be porn stars, or want their children taught by one. Because adults view porn doesn't mean they have high regard for those who choose to make their living by appearing in it. In many states, including Florida, where you live, pornography production and pornography acting is considered legally akin to prostitution, and it can be prosecuted as prostitution. California is the only state which has made a clear legal distinction between pornography and prostitution.
It is this specific legal distinction between pornography and prostitution in California law that has allowed California to become the porn center of the United States.

At present, no other state in the United States has either implemented or accepted this legal distinction between commercial pornography performers versus prostitutes as shown in the Florida case where sex film maker Clinton Raymond McCowen, aka "Ray Guhn", was indicted on charges of "soliciting and engaging in prostitution" for his creation of pornography films which included "McCowen and his associates recruited up to 100 local men and women to participate in group sex scenes, the affidavit says." The distinction that California has in its legal determination in the Freeman decision is usually denied in most states' local prostitution laws, which do not specifically exclude performers from such inclusion.

So, for you to rather glibly say...
Somehow once more mortal outrage over porn is amusiing.........

shows your shallow understanding of the topic--there really is nothing "amusing" about it. There is a big difference between why people might consume and view porn and what they actually think of the morals and character of those who produce and star in it.

What's amusing is that you say "mortal" when you apparently meant "moral". Perhaps you should spend more time re-reading your posts for errors, and less time searching for and viewing pornography.

The "moral outrage" in the case of the teacher we are discussing has a lot to do with the issue of how a community, and a school board, views the kind of person who chooses to appear in pornographic productions, and how they see his participation in such productions as reflecting something about his own character, values, and morality, and how this "role model" might influence and affect their children in terms of what's acceptable and non-acceptable behavior. These are perfectly legitimate concerns and issues for discussions by parents and school boards.

And, in the case of this particular teacher, he wasn't upfront or honest in revealing his past participation in porn when he applied for his job, he was outed when a TV reporter ambushed him in a very public way. So, quite legitimately, parents and school boards can be concerned about this man's honesty and willingness to mislead, since omitting such controversial info concerning his recent past, can be seen as also reflecting on his character and his tendency to be deceptive.

And, if he didn't reveal his participation in those 3 porn videos, what else might he have participated in, pornography-wise, or in other areas, that he didn't bother to tell them about, that could suddenly surface in another sensational news report? Can they trust this man not to keep them involved in a continuing mess?

So I think the parents, and board of trustees, at that school have a lot to mull over and decide--and, unlike you, I would not facetiously dismiss any of it as being "amusing". These are serious moral issues for serious adults to discuss. And the decision they make will send a message to the children in that school about the values they consider important and the priorities they place on them--they are "role models" for those children too. It's not just about pornography, or how one feels about pornography, it's also about a host of more complicated issues connected with this case, and about the sorts of behavior and personal attributes that parents want reflected, or don't want reflected, in those who teach their children.

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 11:54 am
No, you're just an example of a sad nonentity who seeks comfort in the achievements of his own race/country when his race/nationality is his only 'achievement.' You see it all the time with white supremacists, you're no different.

Funny isn't it, that at a time when everybody is told they have to work longer and pay more taxes, you are forced to retire early? It's fairly obvious why that is; you're a thoroughly loathsome bully, who never misses an opportunity to slobberingly eulogise over child pornography, or cp as you like to call it. Only you would need to devise a shorthand term for something like that.

The only person who seems impressed by your inarticulate grunts and snorts, is another would-be rapist.
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 12:14 pm
Because your computer is loaded with porn, I'm not sure that's true of everyone. And there are various types, and forms, of porn, and some may be considerably more acceptable to most people than other types. I really don't think you can lump all types of adult pornography together, or draw general conclusions about "pornography" that are at all accurate. Those who like softcore porn might be repulsed by bestiality porn. It depends what you mean when you refer to "pornography".

OK Firefly let me check how loaded my computer happen to be with porn and by the way I am amazed with all my security that could in theory stop the government and yet you had been able to hack into my systems to made that statement that my computers are loaded with Porn.

Ok total porn videos collected over ten years or so on external drive is 280 files taking up 30 GB of space. It take up all of three percent of my one external drive and roughly one percent of all my total hard drives space.

My audio podcasts and audio books collection take a similar amount of storage room on my system. One old radio show collection <Neil Roger talk show> is 248 files and 10 GB of space by itself.

My music collection is 1,967 files and 6.24 GB.

My porn collection is not a small one however as I said that had been collected over ten years or so and I would bet it is about average in size.

Next type of porn break down some soft porn such as girls gone wild but most good old middle of the road straight porn with no animals or gay or S&M sex.

Now my question is so what Firefly?

A parent with straight porn is in a position to demand a teacher who had taken part is gay porn should be fired or a parent with only girl gone wild type porn is in the position to get on a moral high horse concerning main stream porn?

To sum up we should take a vote on the type of porn that is acceptable to parents to judge who can be a teacher is that your position Firefly?

There seems some holes in that logic somewhere my silly friend.

There is a big difference between why people might consume and view porn and what they actually think of the morals and character of those who produce and star in it.

The words the worst of hypocrites come to mind when taking a moral stand of moral superiority over someone for producing material you enjoy consuming.

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 12:41 pm
Funny isn't it, that at a time when everybody is told they have to work longer and pay more taxes, you are forced to retire early? It's fairly obvious why that is; you're a thoroughly loathsome bully, who never misses an opportunity to slobberingly eulogise over child pornography, or cp as you like to call it. Only you would need to devise a shorthand term for something like that.

Hello my friend always nice to read your posts.

Let me see I was given a choice of taking a year paid and moving to a damn desert in CA three hours drive from anywhere to keep working for my company or taking a year and a half paid for leaving the company and staying in South Florida.

Not a hard choice at all.................

Now CP is a common short name for child porn and the first time I ran across it was in a computer forensic podcast base in your country not mine.

Let me see the link to those podcasts is www.forensic4cast.com .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:18 pm
Only you, in your egoism and self-involvement, would think that anyone here is at all interested in what is downloaded on your computer in the way of porn.

And your thinking is so concrete, that you missed the point of my last post, where I clearly said this isn't just about pornography, there are a host of issues about that teacher, and his character, and morality, that the parents and school trustees can rightfully discuss and consider.

You also seem to have overlooked the facts I pointed out regarding the actual legality of appearing in pornography productions. Except for California, the other states draw no legal distinction between appearing in pornography and prostitution, and porn actors could be prosecuted for prostitution under such laws, and, in some cases, have been prosecuted under such laws. That tells you something about how we view the choice to appear in porn productions, and we are inclined to see that choice as unsavory and to view the actual acts of pornography performers as even reflective of criminal acts of prostitution in some instances. So we aren't just talking about isolated communities, that's how the actual behavior displayed in pornography productions tends to be viewed on a national level in terms of our laws.

Simply because people view pornography does not mean those same people hold the actors in such commercial porn vehicles in particularly high regard, or would want any association with such people in real life, or even morally approve of what they are doing. Because people enjoy smoking pot occasionally, doesn't mean they approve of the conduct of drug traffickers or drug dealers either. You seem unable to separate out one issue from another.

To have a porn star as a teacher at a school would be to implicitly approve of someone appearing in porn because the school and parents would have deemed it as "acceptable" by hiring and continuing to retain that teacher on staff. In this case, the school didn't know about the porn background when they hired this man, and, having now found out about it, they might, or might not, approve of such behavior, and choice of public activities in a teacher, since this was commercial porn, and they might also be concerned about his tendencies to deceive or be less than honest in their dealings with him.
There seems some holes in that logic somewhere my silly friend.

I really don't think there are holes in my logic because I'm addressing a range of issues you aren't even bothering to consider.

And your patronizing tone, in referring to me as, "my silly friend" is definitely not appreciated or even called for, particularly from someone who just, rather ridiculously, described his personal porn collection to us. Do me a favor and just ignore my posts if you feel they are "silly".

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:23 pm
You also seem to have overlooked the facts I pointed out regarding the actual legality of appearing in pornography productions. Except for California, the other states draw no legal distinction between appearing in pornography and prostitution

BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!

Can not wait for you to post links...............

Simply because people view pornography does not mean those same people hold the actors in such commercial porn vehicles in particularly high regard, or would want any association with such people in real life, or even morally approve of what they are doing. Because people enjoy smoking pot occasionally, doesn't mean they approve of the conduct of drug traffickers or drug dealers either. You seem unable to separate out one issue from another.

I could care less about the opinions of hypocrites

would be to implicitly approve of someone appearing in porn because the school and parents would have deemed it as "acceptable" by hiring and continuing to retain that teacher on staff

I never knew that an employer by employing a worker imply that the firm approve of all known parts of the worker life!!!!!!!!!

Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:26 pm
BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!

Can not wait for you to post links...............

I already posted the link. Go back to my previous posts and you'll find it.
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:31 pm
Sorry dear but I am not going back through all your postings looking for some claimed link of your.
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:34 pm
Have u any thawts about Y people care about competitive athletics or dancing??

I think that some want the money, and others just do it for their own enjoyment.

As for the demand for CP, I wouldn't have the slightest clue, other than some mental problem.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:49 pm
And your patronizing tone, in referring to me as, "my silly friend" is definitely not appreciated or even called for, particularly from someone who just, rather ridiculously, described his personal porn collection to us.

Strange as you had shown a remarkable interest in my porn collection and it size. Stating that my computers are full of porn.

Even claiming or at best implying that I had CP as part of it and ask me if my wife also had CP on her computer........and now you are crying that I cheerfully gave you a break down of my collect and it size!!!!!!!!!

Somehow anyone who is claiming I am a CP collector and then ask if my wife is also a CP collector. I strangely do not give a **** if that person care for my tone in addressing her or not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Dec, 2011 01:57 pm
Sorry dear but I am not going back through all your postings looking for some claimed link of your.

Then you are not interested in educating yourself on the matter of whether pornography actors can be prosecuted under prostitution laws. The link is there, it is not hard to find, and it will prove you wrong.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2011 09:11 pm
Thomas wrote:
Do job applicants in Massachusetts have a duty to disclose all previous employment? I'd be surprised if they did.

It occurred to me that I could google if there are ethics guidelines for Massachusetts teachers. As it turns out, there is (PDF).

In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator---

[1] Shall not in an application for a professional position deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications.

One could argue that the Department of Education would have considered a past in porn to be a material fact related to the teacher's competency, and that the teacher therefore had a duty to disclose it in his application.

Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2011 09:15 pm
I'd like to say that legal past sexual activity, not involving children or boundary breaches around children (I know, hard to define), should not be seen as relevant.

However, I think being involved in porn production while you are preparing to become a teacher is evidence of really poor judgment.
Lustig Andrei
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2011 09:19 pm
Agreed, but poor judgement in itself, absent anything more serious, isn't reason enough for dismissal, particularly where it seems to be agreed the person in question was performing his job well.
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2011 09:20 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Aye, there's the rub.
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